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Everything posted by Roughshod

  1. You're basically saying that no one else's opinion matters because yours is superior to them. That has to be reason you can justify such a dismissive attitude about viewpoints that don't agree with yours. That's pretty ironic for someone who feels so strongly about equality.
  2. Well to me debating is a form of fighting; it's a clash of beliefs and perspectives and the weapons are logic and conviction. That being said I also agree that the discussions have been civil overall. I happen to enjoy watching topics like this being discussed because there's always a wide array of differing opinions and views and strong reasons behind them.
  3. As I would expect this forum has developed into quite the debate furnace. I am pleased by this. I myself did not care for the film at all, I felt it did not do justice to either side of the argument but rather simplified them to fit into a convenient frame. Whoa, don't mess with THIS brony pal.
  4. I doubt that I'll be depressed during Christmas. My family celebrates it to some extent and it's one of the few times of the year we get together besides a wedding or a funeral, but for me it's barely existent. I'm not religious and I find the whole affair to be hypocritical and disingenuous, which sort of amuses me in a way. I have a bigger issue with the religious aspects of the holiday than the commercial ones. A bunch of mumbo jumbo about virgins and wise men and little boys with drums and talking donkeys... I put more 'faith' in capitalism than Christianity. Although not too much.
  5. What do you mean "must've"? You don't know? Do you have an explanation forwhy ice powers and immortality would be linked or come from the same source? And why that source would be a crystal? Or why it would have such an impact on a pony that's normally surrounded by crystals? And if he's immortal then what purpose does his life have? Yes, things like leukemia and brain tumors. More often than not radiation is not very conducive to good health. Granted this is a fictional character in a fictional world but some explanation would help me understand this.
  6. Could I say the same? It's possible that I could depending on my point of view and what I esteem of value. I do in fact believe that most people in our world strive or at least desire better of the world and themselves. I did in fact already state something along those lines and how it relates to human nature and our psychological evolution. How much it's "succeeding" has not and really can not be evaluated by any objective standard besides the limited context that is available. Obviously this is due in no small part to the fact that it isn't real, and even barring this truism, there is not a comparable level of evidence regarding the concrete facts of the world of Equestria. Facts like population, pollution, income distribution, health rates, life expectancy, records of crime, war, genocide and crimes against humanity(or equinity?) are not all accounted for and I wouldn't expect them to be. These things don't exist and likely never will given the format and intent of MLP. So instead we assume they don't exist because for all intents and purposes they don't. But that's not a rational basis of argument to argue for something from ignorance. If nothing else our world is far more complex than what has been shown of MLP:FIM. I'm not going to argue the vastly greater complexities our world possesses over a children's show because that's nonsense. Anyone with any intellectual honesty should be able to admit this. Calling our reality a bickering hunk of rock is somewhat self defeating though, after all, it produced the world of MLP:FIM didn't it? The world you evidently admire. This does not redeem it's faults, our world has many, many problems. But but how can you hold such contempt for it simply because it is not what it could never be? And by this I mean a magical world of colourful talking equines and other mythical creatures filled with childish idealism. I'll also note your basis of comparison is irrational because you're trying to reverse the relationship of the two. We (humanity) created MLP, thus we created it's nature from ourselves. You could state that it has influence on those who watch it or engage it various forms of media but that does not change the fact that it is a human construction and is limited by the human minds that are engaged with it. Either you accept that or you must actually conceive of MLP as it's own self determining reality. In which case any further discussion will likely prove poinless.
  7. Trying to post on this forum using a smartphone is truly arduous. Relatively speaking that is.

    1. Roughshod


      Wow, I didn't know that was even feasible. You've got me beat. Or do you? lol

    2. FlitterFlutter


      HAHA try using a PS Vita!

  8. Perhaps we just interpreted it differently then. Alicorns are a race of pony so it still seems fair to me. If you're saying it's unfair to call them the best because they are more powerful than the others that doesn't hold water for me. It's like saying that calling Earth ponies the best is unfair because the other races can't grow food. Their differences are the very basis by which we çan discriminate and make any comparisons and judgements. In most ways Alicorns do seem to be better than the others. One flaw they have is their numbers; they are extremely low in numbers compared to the other races, not to mention I've never even seen a male of their type.
  9. The name of the forum is 'Which pony race is best?'. If you're saying Pegasi are the best because they're your favourite then that's your opinion. I was curious if you might have a more substantial reason for it though.
  10. No we don't all agree on this matter. I certainly don't. There are things we know about Equestria that some may find preferable to realities about our world but that doesn't make them categorically better. Perfection is only a concept because it is completely subjective and neither attainable or tenable. Human beings aren't engineered to be perfectly satisfied, it's what's drives us to progress and improve our condition. That's one of the reasons I find ideas like heaven and utopian societies absurd. In fact the idealistic aspects of MLP in part prove this. We think it's better because a part of ourselves wants something better. If there is a perfection, then I would say it must be the striving for perfection.
  11. But does that make them the best? They may have qualities the others lack but that is true for all the races. By what measure are Pegasi superior to the others?
  12. The curse was inflicted over a housing years ago. How do you explain your OC's long lifespan? Can you explain why this occurred? How did radiation affect his Crystallized appearance?
  13. It seems to me that you're implicitly stating that all measurements of differences are themselves equal. That because we are all different and superior/inferior to others and that no one is completely better than anyone else that we should consider ourselves equal. Is being richer or poorer than someone or having a higher intelligence or better education of equal importance to whether you can run faster, dress nicer or sing better? I would say no, probably not. It is possible for someone to achieve success by being able to run fast or sing well, but realistically speaking a larger amount of wealth or greater degree of education will serve most people better. Just because these values may be subjective it does not mean their implications are of equal merit. Why can't it be justified? If someone really is richer/stronger/smarter and has a higher social status than someone else why should it be petty for them to assert that? What qualifies as petty? And sharing humanly existential truisms like birth and death don't facilitate a grounds for equal value beyond the biological. Both Josef Stalin and Winston Churchill were born and died but I don't see why I should accept them or their lives as equals because of that mere fact.
  14. Yes, Nietzsche claimed that. Sigmund Freud said that 'God is Dad'. The psychological implication of that should be pretty obvious.
  15. But the Empire was nonexistent until that point because of King Sombra's curse. It's also important to note that the residents of the Empire, the Crystal Ponies(which I'm assuming your OC is), had no real memory of their state or themselves until after the events of 'The Crystal Empire'. So unless your OC is a time traveler his back story does not make any coherent sense. But actually that would still not make any sense because he would have to travel and simultaneously exist within his own time line.
  16. But... Mare Do Well happened in season 2 and Cadance didn't take over the Crystal Empire until season 3...
  17. That is some interesting stuff indeed. An ice powered pony. A cold colt. A chillin stallion. So how did this pony grow up in the Crystal Empire and move to Ponyville to witness the events of The Mysterious Mare Do Well when the Empire had not returned yet? The Empire vanished a thousand years ago and Ponyville is not nearly that old. Is he just really ancient?
  18. It was too short (approx 73 mins) and the plot was far too transparent, especially with the the Dazzlings. Villains who want to take over the world just for the sake of it? Never seen that before.
  19. Diamond Tiara is a stereotypical spoiled brat who thinks she can do whatever she wants and has no respect for anyone else. Silver Spoon iis the typical lackey who tags along and feeds into her ego. That's what they seem to be on the surface anyway. More background on them may be revealed in the upcoming season, in particular the 100th episode that's been rumored to focus on non main characters.
  20. I like Flash Sentry because he gets some of the Bronies really annoyed and riled up. It's amusing seeing some of their reactions when he appears, like they're Superman being exposed to kryptonite.
  21. Q3: Why did you choose a stallion earth pony as your avatar? Is it your original OC?
  22. I remember Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine. That could be a tough game.
  23. The overall improvement in quality. The writing, animation, development... It was all better than its predecessor.
  24. Second question: Did you start this thread just so you could rack up posts and shed your blank flank?
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