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Everything posted by Roughshod
You did state that she could both fly and teleport distances which would obviously make travelling faster: And as Shimmer5000 stated, speed would clearly be an enormous factor when dealing with an entity like Superman.
general media Worst Official Releases in your Favorite Franchises?
Roughshod replied to The Coffee Pony's topic in Media Discussion
How about Superman Returns and Man of Steel? I thought both of them missed the mark. But both in their own uniquely bad ways. I could go into it more if anyone disagrees or wants to comment on my view but for now I'm just going to leave it at that. They sucked. -
I'm (not) sorry to tell you this, but you're mistaken. Even in the aspect of Mary Sue-ism she cannot defeat the Man of Steel. Superman is archetype incarnate. Heyo!
Wow, that has to be the most entertaining math problem I've ever seen. Even math is not safe from Rule 85.
You should have made a poll on this. It should be obvious that Superman could destroy Twilight along with any other being from Equestria. Celestia is like a watered down pony superman but that old mare wouldn't stand a chance against Kal-El.
If everypony and creature haves a human world counterpart......
Roughshod replied to Castle_Cross's topic in Sugarcube Corner
Well I guess the producers thought that making Cheerilee the same age as the mane 6, a teenager, as well as a teacher would look somewhat odd. So they went with the with the latter. I'm also going to assume that the often implied interest she has in Big Mac in FiM is not a reality in the human world. With her being a teacher and him being a student that would definitely raise some controversy. That fact does seem to border on being a plot hole except when you consider that almost nobody(except apparently Sombra) ever dies in this show, or if they are presumed dead like Star Swirl it's never brought up. The writers would probably say their magic helped them stay young for so long which might mean they're capable of aging and eventually dying now that their gems have been destroyed. The Sirens' origin was definitely half baked to say the least but I can forgive it since they were immensely better as villains than Sunset Shimmer was in EG. -
That raises an interesting question for me; are Luna's guards and Flutterbat both to be considered the same type of pony or are they subspecies of some sort? Or is Flutterbat just a mutation or hybrid of sorts? Obviously they're not completely identical, but I've also never seen a canon female night guard either. I would like to see the guards react to Fluttershy's alternate state.
If everypony and creature haves a human world counterpart......
Roughshod replied to Castle_Cross's topic in Sugarcube Corner
This question has been raised by many of the Bronies who have reviewed and/or criticize the films. For example: If Mayor Mare has a human equivalent in the human world, like she probably should, who is also a mayor then that would obviously give her higher status than a high school principal. I think it can be reasoned that the system of the human world and that of Equestria are much different. Celestia and Luna were made principal and vice principal in order to help familiarize the two universes to the audience and maintain some degree of continuity despite some confusion it may create in the process. Canonically there has never really been mentioned anyone who outranks Celestia in the world if FIM and Meghan McCarthy has stated that she has no parents with more power than her. Although the picture book 'My Little Pony: Under the Sparkling Sea' had a character called King Leo who rules over "Aquastria". This seapony is supposedly a cousin to Celestia as well as a member of the 'Cosmic Council'. How much this is actually canon and what the hierarchy of this council is has not to my knowledge been disclosed yet. I think it would most likely be an organization similar to the United Nations, where decisions are made by consensus. However... It is theoretically possible that if this council had a predominate leader who was not Celestia then they would have authority over her to some degree. Possibilities... -
Most useless video game boss you faced.
Roughshod replied to mindcrime beats's topic in General Discussion
I remember facing Bowser Jr. at the end of every world in NSMB for the DS and thinking it was getting really old, really fast. Granted there were other bosses and it's typical in Mario games to have a recurring main villain, but he didn't seem to get any stringer throughout the game at all. -
I've always had a penchant for lemon meringue pie. Banana splits are good as well. But there's many desserts out there I've never tried but would like to.
Favourite & Least Favourite Day of the Week & Why.
Roughshod replied to Movealge's topic in General Discussion
Favourite day would be Friday, I've always liked the relief of leaving school or work on Fridays and the feeling of knowing I have the entire weekend ahead of me. Least favourite would actually be Wednesday. It's not that I particularly like Mondays more, they suck as well, but almost every bad day I've ever had fell on a Wednesday. I guess I hold a grudge against it. -
Why all the spider hate? Considering all the insects they eat and help control I'd say spiders get a really bad rap for nothing more than their appearance. Sure they bite, but so do most fanged animals when hunting or feeling threatened. And if you consider the technical and engineering possibilities with spider silk, you should see why they are such incredible creatures. Well that could have been interesting.
dreamworks Hasbro in talks to buy DreamWorks Animation
Roughshod replied to Wind Chaser's topic in Sugarcube Corner
Hasbro and DreamWorks together... It could work. I'm not familiar enough with either company to accurately speculate as to what the consequences might be if such a merger occurred. I doubt it would be either tremendously successful or disastrous but more likely somewhere in between. Such events should have no real influence on the show in the near future so for now I'm not altogether concerned over corporate business dealings. -
When I said that I think there is more to this than happenstance I was implying that the world of MLP:FIM, both in the context of its own universe as well as the reality of it being a fictional world, shows disregard towards the male gender through its portrayal of characters identified as belonging to that gender. Whether this is because of the producers intentions or in spite of them, it doesn't change the reality that there is a subtext of mockery and blanketing of male characters. Perhaps it's because the show's primary demographic is young girls that this problem had gone largely unnoticed and unattended. Or it might be due to hypersensitive fans who become intensely defensive towards any criticism of the show as a result of the treatment they may have had from others who dislike MLP and the Brony fandom. Fans like yourself. Either way it's not excusable to me. Attempting to espouse what a fictional character's values are is pretty absurd. All we can really judge is their actions. Any sentiment about their reasoning or righteousness attached to that is just apologetic conjecture. Obviously you are not Celestia nor is it likely have made any contribution in her creation or portrayal in the series. If you have proof that you have I'd like to see it. In fact I think everyone here would. Anyway, to say that she only gives others what they deserve is also just shallow justification, not really a logical argument. And this still doesn't resolve the issue I raised regarding the fact that only Celestia seems to possess this power and responsibility. Why is it that no one else has any say in the matter? Celestia's autocratic methods, whether taken in the context of the show or from beyond the fourth wall, are just that. An undemocratic matriarchial society maybe be your idea of a better world but it's not mine. You did not really address my assertion that this show still pushes stereotypes, both through the use of shallow archetypes and the simplistic use of its male characters. You mostly just stated what most fans already know, which is that the main cast are not just one dimensional tropes but characters who have wide appeal due to their fairly complex personalities. Well, complex for the medium anyway they're presented in anyway. You mentioned some of the male cast as examples to support your argument. I'd like to address some of these: Shining Armor is hardly any more than a shallow pretense for plugging Hasbro's toy lines. Perhaps tge same could be said about all the characters but with him as well as Cadance it's much more obvious. Even if he is capable of showing different emotions that doesn't automatically make him more developed or deep. It just gives his two-dimensional state an extra hue. Spike, who as you stated has helped save the lives of the main characters, has reaped almost nothing for his efforts. He is still largely disrespected and looked down upon by the mane six and is commonly used as a punching bag of comic relief. There's nothing inherently wrong with a character having a humorous aspect to them, but despite the many lessons Spike is supposed to have learned he is still made to appear as a generally foolish, obnoxious and insensitive young male who apparently never learns from his mistakes or the challenges he faces. As for Discord, he's received much better treatment than the other male characters in the show which is no doubt a reason he's so well liked by the fandom. Although he may feel remorse for his actions it evidently has not changed his overall personality which I think is more realistic for a complex and intelligent being. But even with multiple appearances on the show he is still largely used as a visual gag and jester like trope without much more depth to him than that. Now because this is primarily a children's show I don't really expect a Shakespearean type of development, but I will say that Discord's transition in the season four finale came off as somewhat forced and unconvincing to myself and also others I know. I think you meant the Duke and Duchess of Maretonia who aren't even Equestrian. And the fact that the Duke attended the very meetings he came for and Twilight didn't says more about her rank amongst the princesses than about his status in relation to hers. He even explained that the reason for her exclusion was to keep the number of ponies aware of the discussion to a minimum. When there are no males with any prominent or effectual positions of leadership or genuine importance, when they are given hackneyed portrayals for the convenience of the writers that helps feed into their main audience's preconceived notions of males in our society, and when the so called mission statement of that show is to help girls achieve their full potential but does it in such a one sided manner I find it to have some serious flaws. You can't say gender isn't an issue when it's clearly a focus of the show because that idea contradicts itself. Something is rotten in the state of Equestria. There, I've said my piece. So are you suggesting that cutie marks are a metaphor for children's hope of personal fulfillment? That's a charming concept despite its somewhat saccharine message. I don't entirely like the concepts of cutie marks myself because I hold the view that human beings don't have destinies but rather choices determined by realities in the world. And since it's been shown that ponies are basically equivalent to humans in another dimension I think I can still make that complaint in this context. It seems to me like CM's would limit to some extent a pony's freedom to change. What if a pony lost interest in their talent or wanted to acquire a new one? Would this be possible? If they did could their CM possibly change? If not then how could a pony ever call themselves free? A society where everyone is expected to find their place and never depart from it doesn't sound all that perfect. The citizens of Equestria all seem to value harmony but... I don't know, it seems like they're afraid of change and just prefer a boring life of mundane repetition. But that's not really substantially different from this world I suppose.
Their slogan:"Weedos will put you in HIGH Spirits!" Coming soon: "Weedos: Buzztacular Brownies!!!" I personally like Corn Pops myself. Except when they get all soggy from sitting in milk too long.
Favourite tree: Weeping Willow Favourite flower: Lotus
What are your thoughts on McDonald's?
Roughshod replied to TheJLeeTeam's topic in General Discussion
Bronies don't cook we just forage our food. From the cold refrigerator tundra to the sprawling ecosystems of McDonald's, we noble creatures can endure any climate. But beware! Many a poor soul have ventured into a Micky D's and payed a terrible price... I won't say anymore, it's too horrible. Just be wary of the Filet-O-Fish. It can poison your very spirit. -
What are your thoughts on McDonald's?
Roughshod replied to TheJLeeTeam's topic in General Discussion
I think they should be stopped at all costs. All hail the Burger King! Seriously though, the food is practically garbage. Don't eat it... unless you want to. It's your life I guess. -
@Shimmer5000 First and foremost I'd just like to point out that this discussion would be a lot more informed were there more content for us to use as a resource. The use of the term happenstance is not, in my view, a valid argument. Its the equivalent of saying "It is what it is." That doesnt mean its theoretically justified. So you can keep stating that but I'm not going to agree with it because I think there's much more to it than that. I also find it really hard to believe that in over a thousand years Princess Celestia could not find a single stallion that was deserving of the position of alicorn and yet in the span of a few years she rewards both Cadance and Twilight with it. Both of whom are mares of course. Well, wouldn't reversing a stereotype still leave you with just a backwards stereotype? If you reversed the stereotype that all female characters are weak then you would create the stereotype that they're all strong and powerful. Obviously that's ridiculous. I think trying to help young girls realize thier potential is a noble effort, I don't however think it should come at the expense of male characters and thier portrayal. Especially for a show with such a divers fanbase as this one. Also, I am not suggesting that the male royalty should be the focus of the show at all nor am I suggesting that a male alicorn would or should have more importance were there to be one introduced. Just that it raises a question about how much equality really exists in Equestria. The bold was likely just a formatting glitch on my smart phone, I didn't really mean for that sentence to have any extra intent. But since we're on the subject, you're right that princesses are commonly portrayed as weak and helpless. It's because they usually are. In real life princesses are simply female members of royalty, they generally don't have any particular traits or abilities that make them better than anyone else and they lead a sheltered, pampered lifestyle. They rely on others for their livelihood and protection. I would agree with most of what you said about the princesses of Equestria though. I want to make it clear that I don't hate any of them, and that i agree they all have pstive qualities. But when you call them "benevolent queens" I don't particularly like that notion nor do I agree that it is needed in the media. Maybe it's my democratic sensibilities talking, but I do not consider the idea of any type of queen to be benevolent or ideal.
Maybe a cutie mark of a shield with rocks levitating around it or projecting away from it? Sort of like a mix of Twilight's and Shining Armor's cutie marks but with his own twist.
visual art Something different from Wind Chaser...
Roughshod replied to Wind Chaser's topic in Non-Pony Art & Creations
Well it's better than anything I could have done. I especially like the expression on her face. It's like "Yeah, I'm gonna read the hell out of this book."- 1 reply
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I have something of a taste for Classical music. I particularly like the works of Haydn, Bach and Tchaikovsky. So primarily Classical and Romantic for me. It's nice to see someone else has an interest in this often undervalued genre. The majority of Brony music tends to fall in the electronic and pop categories, not very many instrumental pieces.
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- classical
- instrumental
(and 2 more)
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Let's pretend that Equestria Girls hasn't existed yet
Roughshod replied to Plonkett's topic in Equestria Girls