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Everything posted by Roughshod

  1. I applaud your efforts. Trolling the trolls is usually a good way to kill some time.
  2. Yes, redemption is overrated. There's a lot of ways Chrysalis could exact her revenge and exploit the relationships of the main characters... My imagination is firing up...
  3. Then it would all come down to the plot. Just saying.
  4. The depth of the entire franchise and its fandom is what keeps me continually interested. There's so much there but also so much room for growth despite the seemingly shallow image it may present to those unfamiliar with it. If you asked me to name one thing in particular I don't think I could give you a fair answer. There's many great things about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
  5. With hair like his? I'd be surprised if the most fabulous unicorn around could even stay in the same room.
  6. Teleportation trumps flying. And unicorns can use their magic to create wings (maybe not the strongest ones) and enable non-pegasi to walk on clouds. Unicorns FTW bro!
  7. If I couldn't be an Alicorn then I'd find a way to become one. If that power rests in the hooves of Celestia(and possibly Luna) I'd find a way to convince them to give me that power.
  8. The whole militarism thing with the pegasi seems more like a part of their ancient heritage rather than their present culture. Sure there are pegasus royal guards but the other races are included in this as well. I personally tend to believe the pegasi abandoned their militarism over the ages as they became more absorbed into Equestria society and the other tribes. In any case one thing remains certain, Fluttershy is lacking some serious back story and I really wonder if she has a family at all.
  9. Same. It's simple but it doesn't come off as contrived or forced like the others might.
  10. Sure, I can accept that. In fact that's pretty much what Fluttershy does now on certain occasions although not with as much violence(Power Ponies notwithstanding). It's typically used as comic relief. But what TheMisterManGuy is suggesting was that Fluttershy would retain both her meek and compassionate character while still being a combat trained, warrior bred pegasus badflank. I can't see how those traits wouldn't contradict each other and cause confusion for others around her.
  11. Her face, main and wings are all very accurate. Especially considering it's a sketch. In particular the use of shading to closely resemble the colours on her main is well done. Her forelegs are good but her hind legs seem a bit off in their size ratio to her body. Other than that you captured her personality well with her carefree expression. Kudos.
  12. That sounds like a slap in the face to all her character development thus far, to just have her regain some memories and... Poof! She's a badflank now with none of her major flaws left. What makes Fluttershy brave is that she is normally just the opposite, so that when it really counts she sums up the courage and does what she has to for herself and her friends.
  13. Earth ponies never get very much love despite the immense fan base for Pinkie Pie and to a lesser extant Applejack. They're supposed to be physically stronger than the other ponies and more industrious as well. Not to mention they're the only ones who can grow food which is a pretty big deal. Actually, since Celestia and Luna raise the sun and the moon, unicorns don't really have any specific purpose in Equestria now. They're largely obsolete.
  14. Unicorns seem to have the most benefits in my opinion. The ability to use magic and alter reality would be invaluable.
  15. Even if this was made canon how would it be resolved? How would she regain her memories and would she turn back to her former self or stay meek and mild? A confrontation with her father seems likely but I would imagine that if she became a "badass war pegasus" again she probably wouldn't emulate the element of kindness anymore.
  16. That caster sounds like a jerk. We're they wearing an alicorn amulet? Deep social issues don't seem to be a major focus these days. Which is sad considering how much effort this show has made to counter stereotypes and stigmas in the past.
  17. Well I liked the part where she gets crushed by a huge boulder. The rest seems kinda cheesy to me.
  18. Yeah that sounds fun... If a legitimate Neo-nazi party or organization did arise it would most likely just alienate itself and make the opposing sides even more homogeneous. Either that or create so much tension and strife that we would be facing less of a "shake-up" and more of a breakdown.
  19. Agreed. Her character and abilities provide plenty of opportunities for a return, all the better if she was motivated by revenge.
  20. Well you should tell that to the moderator who took down some of my posts. And why are you posting this here then? Is there some great neo-nazi scare in the world? lol Those guys are by and large old news.Also, "insuperior" is not a word. I think you meant 'inferior'. As in: 'Neo-nazis are inferior to rational human beings.'
  21. So, is this some really dark FiMfiction or something? I don't see what this has to do with MLP or bronies at all.
  22. In the words of Garble the dragon: "Well, maybe." There was quite a variety of artwork that I haven't seen before, I liked that. I didn't recognize the music though.
  23. Maybe she could form some sort of alliance with another villain or villains. Her ability to take the form of others would make her a very Mystique-esque character.
  24. I don't know about the whole memory erasing thing but I do like the idea of her being disowned by her family to account for her shyness and lack of background. I think it makes more sense that she would be disowned BECAUSE she's weak and timid not it being a result of that. Besides, Equestria doesn't really seem to have 'wars' anymore. Just the occasional crisis.
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