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Cosmik Vek

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Everything posted by Cosmik Vek

  2. Among all the pop songs, rap songs and dupstep songs that absolutely annoyed me at first listen, there is one song that annoys me even more than all those songs, Call Me Maybe is the abonimation I'm talking about, the vocals are childish and annoying so does the cliché lyrics and with this songs comes the obvious J.B. and 1D annoying songs
  3. I definitely like the Pheonix more than the other, because it's most the most epic one
  4. The latest videos are just music with an image, so technically, the last vid I watch was this: I had to rewatch this, 'cos it was funny the first time (so does all of Francis vids)
  5. It would probably be a computer or something like that (technology related)
  6. I organize my mind with all the things that needs to be prioritised, such as getting an homework done, finishing a project, etc...
  7. Attractiveness: 5/10 Intelligence: 7/10 (I'm not that intelligent but I can be very smart at times) Kindness: 6/10
  8. I don't care really for Pewdiepie really as of now, The only popular Let's player I watch is Markiplier because he plays good kind of games with decent commentary
  9. I can be very clumsy at times. Sometimes I never look around me so I can end up hitting things very easily, even if they are clearly visible.
  10. Cosmik Vek

    music Metal.

    I'm a big metal fan. I don't have a specific favorite band, but I have a lot of favorite bands. My range of sub-genres goes to Thrash/Speed/Death/Black Metal in the extreme part of the music I like to more technical sub-genres like Progressive and Power Metal. I do like Extreme Metal more than any of the other parts in the music.
  11. Was recording a LP of I am bread and after 1 hour and 20 min of footage and a double click on my video file I dont hear my voice and realised that after all this time I had my mic closed... fuck my life

  12. Voivod's cover of the Batman theme song. Their version is way better than the original in my opinion.
  13. "We are no longer the knights who say Ni! We are now the knights who say ekki-ekki-ekki-pitang-zoom-boing!"

  14. "RAWR!" -Fraddy's 2015

  15. EDIT: THIS #3 NOT #2, DON'T TRUST THE TITLE So this is my drawing of Twilight Sparkle in colors in her alicorn form. I think that I messed up a bit on this one, because she looks too tall and her wings looks too small. But it's not that bad none the less. Here is it: An early version without the colors:
  16. Just finished a drawing, going to post it tomorrow, so yeah I gotta go, good night...

  17. I'm from Quebec, Canada home of poutine and many more!
  18. I like Metal/Extreme Metal and a bit of rock, I'm not that much into pony related music, I have no pony related products but drawings that I made.
  19. Welcome to the forums! I hope that you enjoy your experience on these friendly forums! Also, you're not the only french pony in there, j'en suis un moi aussi!
  20. As a male and a Metalhead (stereotypical hair incoming lel), I considered my hair to be at the limit of the long category. My hair reaches half my neck and the totality of my ear and I would like to have longer hair.
  21. For me Cupcakes, as for the fic, was a ok read, but not that good either, it didn't really shock me because usually, I'm not that offended with described gore. For the videos (Cupcakes HD, fan aminations, etc...) I felt the same because cartoon gore is something that I got over with myself because I watched Happy Tree Friends and Itchy and Scratchy in the Simpsons and It did gave me experience with cartoon gore
  22. Thanks guys, and I don't know if I'll do more, but if I think positive maybe I'll be doing more of these
  23. So, this is my second drawing of a pony with again Rainbow Dash, but this time in colour! This is the drawing that took me the most time. I started it at about 9pm and I finished it at about 4am, so I work for about 7 hours on this drawing. I am happy with my work in overall, but how about you guys? This is the final result of the drawing: This is an early version without the colours:
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