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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by bambiki

  1. that moment when u realize you have 600 gigs of random crap on your compooper

  2. my favs are split depending on the direction your coming from from a pure show stand point rainbow dash because i love her free spirit. but including stuff from the fandom lyra pops in ahead of her
  3. rainbow is da best pony!!!!!
  4. i would say rainbow dash would be the worst mom. while i feel she would be more compatant in a teacher/menture role but as a car taker i feel like she wouldnt be the best for that role. i mean rainbow dash is best pony and all but shes more of that fun crazy uncle or in this case aunt.
  5. woot heating system is down so the cold is real

  6. bambiki

    request Art for a game

    shweet i will get started on the set after i catch a quick sleep.
  7. bambiki

    request Art for a game

    well i can do pixel and vector so i could make them like the show. really the only difference is the time it takes pixel will take a shorter amount of time for obvious reasons but vectoring them really wouldn't be hard per se just take longer to finish them all so in the end it doesn't make a difference on my end because you know im just that cool . i would say i'm more consistent with vectors but thats compared the the ability to make consistent pixel art so the to me the only factors are do you want a retro look or to look like the show. its your game after all :)some refence for time i have finished 8 vectors in the last 3 days and thats only working for 3ish hours a night
  8. this ship want even on my radar until recently after i read a great fan fic by calm wind http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Calm+Wind all his stuff is great but my favorite is his soarindash stuff it has a nice mix of action adventure and romance. and he updates VARY frequently usually every 3ish days although this chapter as of this post he is working of the part 2 finale of piercing the havens so it will be a bit longer then normal. hes also vary active with his readers. sorry for double post a bit of lag on the original post and the forums had not actually added it right away
  9. this ship wasnt even on my radar untill somewhat recently when i read an amazing fan fic by calm winds because of the way his stories are il just link to his page but i cant get enough of his work. http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Calm+Wind i recommend a read of his soarindash stuff in particular but all his stuff is great.
  10. bambiki

    request Art for a game

    @, what style of art are you looking for? like pixel vector etc. if its pixel i can do your characters if vector could do 1 group of them or both depending on your time frame and complexity of the characters i did some pixel art for a friend and i run a request shop the reference of time would be 2-3 a night depending on complexity.
  11. welp another day another night of creating art of multicolored talking ponies

  12. sure thing i would be happy too yup and i will even attempt the cat
  13. i use inkscape its quick and works well with my tablet. also its free! vectoring isnt to hard once you start getting the hang of it which it sounds like you will seeing you found all the tutorials. one bit of advice i can give is not to get hung up trying to get every single thing perfect otherwise you can start messing it up or cluttering the whole project depending on how you deal with things.
  14. more late night vectoring tho tonight i have a special project 0.o

  15. i recamend inkscape or paint.net depending on the kind of art your going for. both are free.
  16. i'm pumping them out rather quickly if i do say so my self
  17. @ your request is done if you have any minor changes to it let me know quick edit forgot the tail All done for real this time
  18. why thank you sure was a fun one the tail was a delightful challange
  19. lol alright i know what you mean btw if you didnt see your request is done unless you have any minor changes or something. .
  20. i would just like clarification on the meaning of those sentences.
  21. can do haven't done a 2fer yet so thats gunna be fun
  22. boy am l the non generic manes i keep getting. its been keeping everything cool and not monotonous tho it is more work. good thing my tablet gets here ttomorrow
  23. sure thing and i can definitely make her look happy!
  24. sure thing and meh either way i usually save the cutie marks of ocs i do kind of like a passport thing. each one i do comes together rather interesting. like the fan art in my examples somehow it took 12 hours to do rainbowdash while soarin took me 1 1/2 hours even after a started him from scratch twice.
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