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Wicked Funky

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Everything posted by Wicked Funky

  1. May I request now and be featured in a future batch? If so, can you do this one?
  2. So yeah, like the title explains, I made a ponysone. Been wanting to this for some time now and finally got around to doing it (I know the cutie mark is super overused and generic but whatever )
  3. Hey, may I join? Tell me if you need samples or anything like that.
  4. If it's sudden pain (stepping on something etc) and i'm at home, I'll swear, the worse the pain is the louder I swear. If i'm in school I'll try avoiding swearing (Alot of people at my school take offense to it) and it usually becomes something in the style of seagull....
  5. Started playing Osu today, It's fun but rage inducing :P

    1. Comic Sans

      Comic Sans

      I love osu! But my new chair and desk mean I have nowhere to rest my tablet to play it properly. :c

  6. "Your lie in april" is really tugging at my heartstrings...

  7. @@Nit Pick, Feel free to jump in on this weeks theme. Please read Seamore's post regarding it a bit further up.
  8. Well, as you can see by the post above, there's a theme. Feel free to jump in now, but don't do it until next week if you won't join now.
  9. Absolutely. Why wouldn't guys and girls be able to be just friends? Like, what? How is this even up for discussion?.... I've always had more female friends then male, I find it hard to talk to other males at times.
  10. Wicked Funky

    movies/tv Soul Eater

    I love this anime even though i'm only about 25 episodes in.
  11. So, Does this class as pony art? anyway, here's a discord. Sat up till 8 am drawing on this... I had to end it of a bit sloppy since my hand started to hurt and one of my fingers started to blister. Anyway, yeah, I like it myself.
  12. That's quite the developed "World" you seem to have there. I Think you should work on shapes mainly, the left arm for example is very plain. You can also further develop the armor, so it matches the shape of a body, it's important to keep the bodies shape in mind when drawing armor. When drawing chaartcers it's Always usefull to draw him/her/it from diffrent angles, as well as a headshot and other details. A tip, don't get a drawing tablet until you're trained in traditional art. You're gonna have one hell of a struggle using a tablet without technique and knowledge. If you need any further help you know where to find me
  13. So i've been struggling alot with drawing faces digitally. I've never had problems with it when it comes to traditional art, it's just harder somehow when doing it digitally. Today I took on a challange, I drew a face in grayscale, on only 1 layer. I chose to draw Sp4zie, my favorite YouTuber It's also done without any refrence picture. Hope you like it! (I'm well aware of my many mistakes by the way, the ear/ Eyes for example)
  14. Alex carefully inspected her newly summoned hero's armor, weapon and face, "Now, let's see what you can do!". Arnorna looked up at Alex who was now scouting the area, soon she laid her eyes on a large tree at the other side of the meadow. "Destroy it." Alex assertively said and pointed towards the peacefully resting oak. "A-are you sure? We wouldn't want to give away our loc..." Alex cut her warning short, "Just do it". Leaving Arnorna with no choice, she with a troubled face tore the sword out of the ground and turned towards the tree. Jabbing one of her feet into the soil she took a few seconds to gather power before flying towards the tree with immense speed blowing up dirt and wads of sprawling grass. She within a second was in the near vicinity of the tree, preforming a quick spin with her sword pointing outwards she was able to blow a portion of it to shreds. The large crown of leaves crashed towards the ground creating a storm of leaves and blown up dust. Emerging through the haze Alex ran towards the now worried Arnorna who was scouting the forrest for any unwanted spectators. "That was..." Arnorna raised her hand signaling her to be quiet, Alex's facial expression quickly changed from excited and happy to a blank one. After Arnorna felt confident that there wasn't anything lurking in the shadows she turned to Alex, "We should move...", "Then lead the way. You've been here before, right?". Arnorna looked surprised before letting out a heavy sigh, "It's different every time..." she then proceeded to holster her sword. "Names Alex by the way." "Very well, I presume you already know who I am..." Arnorna said before starting to walk into the woods with Alex a few steps behind her, Alex simply nodded in response.
  15. @@Emerald<3, Send it whenever, no hurry @@Seamore Sandwich, Sounds good, I agree. As for a YouTube channel, if someone wants to it's up to them.
  16. @@Emerald<3, Well, the one hour thing is just a random challange we might do some time for fun. And I draw as well, I know it takes alot of time, But you can always try to be loose and try to pull out a sketch as fast as possible. We'll simply have to make this work with Skype since it's the absolutely most conveniant way to do it. We could have a Kik group for planning, but not for creating. @@P-Jay, Sure then, add me on Skype, "Ponyshiro" @@Seamore Sandwich, I feel like it's missing design elements, but other the that I think it looks fine. But we can Always change it for special challanges and such. But for starters I liked the idea of requests.
  17. And that marks 200 hours of Fallout 4...

  18. @@Emerald<3, Just tell me what you want to know You see, this is not only about creating the design, but rather an actual original charatcer But yes, you can use bases.
    1. Seamore Sandwich

      Seamore Sandwich

      It's an interesting idea. I tend to take my time with OCs, but I think I have an idea of how I might be able to set up a challenge or two. I think it might help to have a neutral group in charge of planning and judging the challenges.

    2. Wicked Funky

      Wicked Funky

      Well, You know where to find me if you want to join. Also, Add me on skype if you're gonna join, "ponyshiro".

  19. So, the basic idea is that we have a team of people and make OC's. We'll do challanges as trying to create a good OC in an hour, and sometimes split in to teams and have competitions. This is prely for fun and i'm hoping to at least gather a small Group We'll be doing most of this over Skype by the way
  20. You're getting better, I love it ^^ Very nice way to do reflections by the way
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