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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by FlutterForever

  1. What, hell no. Just take a look at what he can do and you would understand, or you can watch the abridged series for humour and understanding. Just to get back to topic and too ask, am I the only one who prefers her human form over her pony form?
  2. I don't know what you were going with that spelling, but anime is awesome and to top it of, that vampire happens to be the prince of darkness and someone you don't want to get on the bad side of; just saying.
  3. That episode was great!

  4. Just took a look and i have to agree; though I'm not sure about the head piece. Also, Treehugger, I'm not sure I am going to like this character too much.
  5. Quiz: what does Twilights cutie mark represent?

  6. Dark Shadow (was known as Fate thousands of years ago): "So I'm finally free of my curse, at last I can die; I just hope, I will get to see you again." Fades away. Currently unnamed OC: "Keep creative." Said with a smile while eyes close. Light (though name may change if I can think of something better): "This was a long time coming, we thought many battles and lost many friends, but at least we did what was right, together." Also smiling while Twilight is beside him crying. This would be when they are old and their time was coming anyway and yes, Twilight would age in my eyes. Check out my blog if you want to know some story on the characters, though it is mostly just story on one since there isn't much to the story yet.
  7. Anyone got any Nintendo club codes that they don't want that I can have?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FlutterForever
    3. Megas


      Ok that's why I was confused. I live in the US and they stopped accepting codes in April

    4. FlutterForever


      Strange, thought they would all stop at the same time.

  8. Isn't there an episode out this week?

    1. catnet


      There was no episode yesterday, but there will be one on the Saturday coming up. :3

    2. FlutterForever


      This is just as bad as not having any manga for the week. Well, thanks replying.

  9. I got logical, which is probably right, but some of the stuff it said was wrong. I am good at maths a lot of the time (unlike what it implied) and I have a very creative mind, not just an okay one.
  10. Spike is different from all the other dragons anyway; he was forcibly hatched from his egg by very strong magic and he is the only dragon we have seen that doesn't have wings; though I don't know about the comics since I don't have the money for them. Everyone should also take note that there was an episode about Spike being greedy and growing large because of it; whether that is normal for dragons in the show, I cannot say, but it is proof that they all have it.
  11. As much as dragons are awesome creatures, I would be a pony simply because dragons are lazy, greedy creatures that don't really do anything.
  12. The element of creativity! Though if we are only going by the six existing ones then it would be Kindness or loyalty, maybe a little bit of honesty as well. Also, anyone who says Magic is clearly lying.
  13. There's no way I come wipe my dirty feet on Flutter's face.
  14. Oh yeah and the doctor was a pegasus........again?

  15. Fluttershy was a boss yet again and RD cried like a baby, I love it.

    1. Steelstallion


      I almost cried when her and everypony else did. ;-;

  16. I'm waiting!

    1. Jeremiah


      for what??? is it the episode?

    2. FlutterForever


      Yup and BTW, I said that in my head like the old sonic in the cartoon used too.

    3. FlutterForever


      Yup and BTW, I said that in my head like the old sonic in the cartoon used too.

  17. I'll be honest, I really liked that episode.

    1. Jeremiah


      same. but it reminded me a lot on ground hogs day

    2. duidamasterXD


      All aboard the Bloom and Gloom love train

  18. Too many good lines in this anime to post them all, but I'll leave you with one more.
  19. My honest personal opinion; it wouldn't affect the story that much at all. He was only put in it to be a crush for Twilight, sure he helped by finding those pictures, but anyone could have noticed them and it should have been easy to notice that those pictures were fake. Also, I don't understand how it is that people think he had more of a role in RR, every scene they had him appear in would have worked just as well with him not being there.
  20. Sooo, apparently; Ouiji boards are being sold as a girls board game. What the buck!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. FlutterForever


      I don't know too much about them,but I did here that they can also be dangerous if you don't know how to use them right. A lot better than a ouiji board though.

    3. Jeremiah


      yeah a tarot card has significant figure to represnt a person e.g death or the hanged man etc..

    4. FlutterForever


      Keep in mind that those could mean someone close to you depending on the other cards drawn.

  21. Too....damn.....good....looking, hard.....to......take. Also, glad the banner is back to normal; frankly I find April fools to be completely pointless and stupid. Edit, why are the pictures not there?
  22. Why has Sunny disappeared for.........whatever the heck that is suppose to be. Also, that video is awesome and I believe I would be acting different to all the others and speak to her, because it is clear she has changed.
  23. I thought he might have done, but a few seconds isn't much proof really. Also, I have a hard time doing songs on Guitar hero on expert and as it is, playing a guitar is a lot more different and complicated. Personally my instrument of choice is the violin; I would love to be able to play one of those. Just to add something picture wise. She's a shredder and I love it. Saw this straight after and it's amazing!
  24. Glad someone is able to go Babscon, my fav reviewer will be there as well. Sidral: You make an example like 'Trade ya', but it also happens to have a very bad point to it and that is the fact that she traded Fluttershy without even thinking about it over a book. I know she notices pretty quickly, but you never trade a friend for anything, especially not your best friend. It could be that I just don't like the idea of my favourite character being best friends with one of my most hated characters, but that aside I still don't see it; since RD was seen hating on Fluttershy in the first Season in 'Dragonshy'. Regardless, there is no point sitting here and arguing about it since it isn't really something worth arguing over.
  25. Hm, so as it was I have never done a blog before, not even on other sites; so I didn't really know about them and what i used them for. Now I do though, so I am going to use it/them as an update to my Fanfiction to make it easier to find and see. I will give a brief explanation on the story and what will happen in it. In a time long before even Celestia was born, there was a king that was born to rule over the whole world and to unite those that lived on it to bring peace and reasoning. However, as what would always be expected, there were those that did not agree or accept this and therefore stood against the king and waged war. The war lasted a long time until it seemed it would end with the king standing as the winner, but at that very moment he was betrayed and the one he loved lost. With this the king became enraged with pure hate and changed into something coming different, something dark and more powerful than the world had ever seen. The war is quickly ended and the world is plunged into darkness for many years to come. After many years of darkness and despair, the king finally dies of old age and the world set free of their pain. Not long after the world council is created to unite the world and keep such things from happening again. The events of the past were to be never spoken of again and was labelled as the era of the dark king; however, the dark king was not gone forever, as he was reborn into the world time and time again, hoping to keep his rule and make the world pay. The first chapter is based more than 5,000 years into the future of the dark kings rule and now it falls onto Twilight Sparkle to be the overseer of the dark king's new hosts imprisonment; since the host is with the area in which she now rules.
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