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Everything posted by FlutterForever

  1. I watch the artist on Deviantart, they do some really good comics. Also, Luna must not lose to Rarity in votes, since she beat Fluttershy.
  2. If anyone or anything dares to harm Fluttershy, then I will physically enter the screen and kick buck out of it. (Is it ok to say buck?) As it was I am re-watching the whole program, ready for season 5 and I really wanted to kick Gilda's beck in for treating Fluttershy like that.
  3. Man, I completely forgot about Yoshi's island; that game was legendary.
  4. When is season 5 suppose to be coming out?

    1. Pastel


      "Spring 2015"

    2. FlutterForever


      So we haven't got a full date as of yet?

    3. Pastel
  5. So I started a Fan fic a little while ago and would like to know what people think. I plan for it to be one with many seasons while having new and old characters in it. It's a story with fighting in it as well as normal stuff like in the show and even stuff about what happened in the past. Please note that this story is based off of the show and not the comics; since I haven't had the pleasure of reading them. Here's the link: http://zandersoulwind.deviantart.com/art/MLP-FIM-The-element-of-balance-Chapter-one-503935787 All comments/feed are welcome, since I would like to improve so that writing can be my career.
  6. There are so many good ones but if I had to put some in order than it would have to be: 1. Super Castlevania 4 2. Super Mario world 3. Quantum Fighter (NES) The list goes on, but it's best if I don't sit there all day writing them because I would be here all day. There was one game I look back at and can't believe I completed as a kid and that is R-Type 3; that game was as hard as it gets. I must say that Addams family: Pugsley's scavenger hunt was really hard as well.
  7. Like I said, Deadpool still would have won, it just feels like they didn't do the fight right. Deadpool can regenerate from even one cell surviving and he comes back really quickly. Weather that shoot was cheap or not, Deathstroke should have still seen it coming because he would have seen Deadpool put an arm behind his back.
  8. The sword he was using was wrong, he wouldn't be easily shoot in the eye like that and once his eye was shoot out, he wouldn't just flail his sword around like they made him do. If he really is as good as Batman, (which he is) then he would have switch to using his other senses and stand his ground in honour. The way they killed him just seems so dishonourable and not right for his death.
  9. Xbox live: Zander Soulwind Yeah, I pretty much use that name for everything, but I'm not very good at coming up with names anyway. Just PM me before you add me please.
  10. I honestly can't see why people like these; they are so poorly done and I don't mean the fights, I mean the research they put into it. Even though Deadpool would win against Deathstroke because of his insane healing abilities; Deathstroke would not lose that easily and not act in the way he did, they even gave him the wrong kind of sword. Also, Kirby beats Buu from Dragonball Z, really! DBZ characters are made to be OP, that's the whole point of the show and yet one of the strongest villains gets beaten by Kirby; I'm a fan of all Nintendo characters but thinking realistic towards this, Kirby would never win. Though, I have never liked crossover stuff because that is not what the characters are about or made for.
  11. Fluttershy fits the part so well, or should I say flutterbat.
  12. Just because I felt like posting it, Just hope I got the video thing right.
  13. Twilight, second best pony. Reasons; I normally end up liking the main character in pretty much everything and this is no different. I have always liked characters that think things through before acting and Twilight is a good example of that, plus she is very smart and just has a good personality all around. I'll be honest, it didn't bother me that much that she became than Alicorn since she deserved to be one; I just think it was done a little too early.
  14. Fluttershy wins simply for being the cutest pony ever; that and I don't really like RD that much. I love how close the poll is though. XD
  15. Most people tend to get a dark side when they are picked on a lot (trust me, I know from experience), so yes, I think they should do more on it, but try not to go to far with it. With the way things are with her, I can only assume she doesn't have parents any more; who wouldn't go looking for their child after being missing for so long? She also never seemed to show any signs of leaving anypony behind either. The no parents might have also been why RD stood up for her when she was being picked on; it's a 'leave her alone, she already has enough problems' kind of things.
  16. Smile has to be my favourite one just because it is so damn catchy. I can agree that 'art of the dress' was also a very good and creative song. Edit: I must say though, 'you'll play your part' was an amazing song with all the princesses singing in it.
  17. That website is amazing, so going to use it from now on when it comes to MLP plushies.
  18. It's probably already been posted before but it's too cute not to post again.
  19. They did have timber wolfs in one of the episodes but I assume you mean proper ones, in which case I can agree with you.
  20. What you said has been proven by the show as well; since she made Rarity and Pinkie run away crying really easily and in that episode she showed the strength and influence she can have on everypony else if they ever annoyed her.
  21. No one can escape the pull of that know as 'My little pony: friendship is magic'.
  22. What you say is true but there have been a few cases of her breaking the forth wall, but most are minor and made for comedic reasons like you said. However, one does stand out a lot and that is when RD is trying to run away from her but somehow Pinkie always beats her and even seemed to know where RD was going. If we take things from a serious point of view then (and I hate that this is the case) RD would win because of the speed in which she can move at.
  23. Best: A good OC is one that has been thought up well with a good story and history to it while being a normal colour with normal hair (multi colours to the hair is fine). Drawing it would be good but I know not everyone can draw so that is a must. Worst: When someone makes their OC an alicorn just because they can. Other things are: not having any kind of story, making the skin different colours or just making them look plain horrible.
  24. 'These ponies are so cute and well drawn compared to the old one and it has a story with good lessons that people can learn from.........No one must know I like this.' Of course, people did end up finding out but only a hand fall.
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