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Crypty Scribbles

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Everything posted by Crypty Scribbles

  1. Welcome to the Herd, @@Rainbow Dash Fan! I charge my raindow lazer... *ZAP!* I shoot with friendship ray!
  2. You're workng very productive. I think you will improve your drawing skill for professional level very fast.
  3. She's shuper cute, sis. Nice job.
  4. Awsum, sis! Every new art has higher level than previous.
  5. Oh, hi Choco! Welcome to the Herd. I would see your artworks gladly.
  6. Awsum artworks, Quartz! What tools are you using for drawing?
  7. Hullo, @@bluebell. Welcome to the Herd. Well, are you publishing your artworks anywhere? You can check here. Dis thread is specially for you. Or you can lurk profiles.
  8. Well well welcome to the Herd, fellow gamer-pony. I believe you will find a buch of new interesting friends here. Just lurk look around.
  9. 700 brohoofs on da wall... 700 brohoofs on da wall...

  10. Hello, Quartz. Welcome to the Herd. I believe you will find a bunch of new cool friends here. Just lurk profiles look around and you will find somepony interesting. Most of us love to find new friends. You mentioned that you're drawing. Are you publishing your artworks anywhere (maybe deviantart.com)?
  11. Grab advice, dude: I guess, you drew sleeping earthpony laying on the ground. But it looks like pony flies or falls somewhere just because you didn't draw ground (or floor). You can do it with different ways, shadow is one of them. Also you can use shading to make your poneh more volume. I hope this will help you. You can ask me any time.
  12. Fluttershy approves this thread.
  13. Welcome to the forums, @@Aeleth! Indeed. Squeaky Belle is adorable!
  14. Hello, @! Nice to meet you. Where's "Somewhere cold"?
  15. Oh, I see. Poor Crystal Vision. I'm using Inkscape, dunno why, maybe cus it's free.
  16. Hello @@FrostedHeart. Welcome to the Herd. Owkay, let's do it.
  17. Oh, hello @@Raeligath. Welcome to the Herd. I believe, you will find bunch of new interesting friends here. Also, I like your drawing style. It's so simple and expressive.
  18. Your hands are growing from right place, definitely. I like your works wery much. I like to draw in vector too. What tool are you using? And say please, what did happen with your tail?
  19. Hello, @@ThePrincessLuna, welcome to the Herd. Привет питерским броняшам.
  20. Hi, @@Mango Trip. Awesome hat! Welcome to the Herd.
  21. Welcome to the forum, @@Sochy. I hope you will find a bunch of new interesting friends here. Just look around, most of us would love to make new friend.
  22. Hi, @@MallyTheAwesome. Welcome to the Herd! I hope, you will find bunch of new interesting ponies here. Most of us don't mind to make new friend, just check profiles and choose who's more close to your interests.
  23. Haha! Who's not weird here? Hello and welcome, Amber.
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