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Everything posted by Shady23

  1. One of those lazy days, it feels so good :)

    1. Poetic Stone

      Poetic Stone

      I must agree with you there my friend it is awesome!! :)

    2. Shady23


      It is for people like us that have to work all the time for sure.

    3. Poetic Stone
  2. I just find it funny seeing discord in pony form. I'm sure it will change many times I'm really bad about that sometimes....
  3. I've never really sat down and played a Civ game. However I have been very tempted to buy this game for the last month. I've been searching for a good strategy game to play.
  4. Being a somewhat new Brony I haven't converted anyone but I wont try to convince any haters. If they're going to hate and be close minded that's their problem. I don't hide the fact that I'm a brony but at the same time I don't advertise it.
  5. Vacations rock, no work til Sunday!!

    1. Poetic Stone

      Poetic Stone

      That is awesome, and yes I'm still up...lol goodnight

  6. It's been a long time since I played a fighting game they were never my strong point in gaming. My favorite I ever played though was Killer Instict that game is soo much fun and now I really wanna play it again..
  7. Achievement Hunter is my favorite channel in general (I'm a Roosterteeth fan boy). Others I like is Kinda Funny, WoWCrendor, Tradechat, Rhett and Link, Alphaomega, HCbaily to name a few.
  8. I love having either around. I have women friends who can be the funnest and easiest to talk to but at the same time it's easier to relate to a guy of similar interest. I may not be the best at picking up women but they can be great friends to have. I guess it just depends on the day with me.
  9. I've been playing a good bit of Advanced Warfare. I told myself I was done with Call of Duty but this one turned out to a lot of fun. Also been playing the PC version of Final Fantasy IV because it's one of the few FF titles I have not played and it is freaking awesome!!
  10. The ending of Metal Gear Solid 3. I've played it through a million times and that ending brings a tear every time. I have to give a shout out to the Aeris death in Final Fantasy 7. There are many FF moments but I wont get started down that road...
  11. I was a way more out going person five years ago. I was 23 so all of my close childhood friends were still around which led to alot of road trips to football games and rock concerts. I was engaged at the time so I was in a completely different mindset than I am now. I wasn't ready at the time but I really thought I was. Also I was really bad on pills even though I was a happy person it affected my life in many ways. Luckily I've been able to kick the habit even though its been tough but I was taking a lot of stuff I shouldn't have been. It's insane thinking about how much life has changed in five years. By no means am I perfect now but being sober I've been able to discover who I truly am and still am discovering myself.
  12. This is hard for to decide. I honestly don't have that one stand out moment, not saying I'm never happy I just haven't experienced a moment like this yet. I would have to say when I graduated High School though. I remember being so excited yet shocked that the school period of my life was over because I knew college wasn't in my near future. I enjoyed High School but moving on to this next period in life really excited me. Getting engaged was a great moment at the time but it kinda fell through so maybe not so much... You set the bar high with the having a kid thing. Congrats on that and way to go on making him a pony fan!!
  13. I want to say no but if I actually had that power I could see myself giving in and abusing it.
  14. I got ISFP Introvert (33%) Sensing (50%) Feeling (12%) Perceiving (39%)
  15. I normally turn to either video games, youtube or netflix. If it's football season a good football game will get my mind off of things. My closest friends have their own families and busy lives now so I can't reach out to them as much as I use to. So normally it would be something from Roosterteeth like Red vs Blue, a podcast or one their shorts. A good video game can also immerse me into its world and clear my mind. That pony show can also do the trick as well as some Avatar: TLA.
  16. 1. Applejack 2. Twilight 3. Apple Bloom 4. Rainbow Dash 5. Discord 6. Pinkie Pie (took me a while to like her but now I love her!!) 7. Rarity 8. Luna 9. Celestia 10. Fluttershy This was much harder than I expected. There are so many characters I love just didn't realizee how many until I did this. I actually feel bad for leaving some off the list....
  17. Normally in the morning unless I have to get up super early. If I have a long days work and covered in grease and sweat I'll take a night shower in that case.
  18. Thank you!! As far as games my favorites are the Metal Gear and Final Fantasy series. Others I like to play are League of legends, call of duty, madden, hearthstone, minecraft to name a few. I'm pretty open minded so there are many games I really enjoy. Also I may have some questions no doubt, still just clicking and looking around at the moment so much to see!! Questions will be asked before long I'm sure
  19. I really love the OPs first two ideas really well. I love the crusaders story line and seeing DT get a bit of a wake up call would be wonderful. Also a episode about Celestia and Luna?? YES PLEASE!!
  20. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Applejack How did you find MLP Forums?: Through google How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I was listening to a podcast called the Internet Box (explicit podcast btw) and heard them discussing it in just about every episode for awhile. My curiosity set in so I decided to give it a shot and the rest is history!! I watched all four seasons and both movies in about 2 weeks. My name is Shaun and I live in South Carolina. I'm 28 years young working in food management at a local university, though I'm looking to find a new career path. I'm a pretty big sports fan, an avid gamer, and I love music of just about all types. All in all I'm a laid back guy that get along with just about everyone. I don't know what else to say at this point but just ask if you wish to know anything!! On a side note I just have to say finding this show at this point in life is a blessing. I'm at a dark point in life with so much personal and family stuff happening at once. I've felt lost at points but every time I sit down and watch MLP I smile as my worries wash away. It keeps me in check and reminds me to smile and be positive no matter how bad thing may seem. I won't get too much into too much detail right now but I had to share a little bit. I can't wait to meet some awesome friends here!!!!
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