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Everything posted by Shady23

  1. So hard to choose one and also depends on the person your showing as well. On one hand I want to say the season 4 finale but it doesn't have enough of the mane 6 personality in it plus it could be a little overwhelming. For me I would say Bridle Gossip from season 1. I watched the show from episode 1 but Bridle Gossip is the one that took me from liking the show to loving the show. The "curses" each one them got has me laughing so hard and I believe it could be a great intro to the show.
  2. I'm not a huge fan of it, but if people are passionate enough to do the art or video then more power to them.
  3. What guns are you using against him? I had a little trouble against him but I just had to stick with it. There really isn't too much t it for a tutorial the dude is just fast and annoying. Also do have any med to revive your comrades when they fall?
  4. Shady23


    i love it great job!!! I'd like to see what you could with a Rarity drawing
  5. Welcome to the great MLP community here!! I'm positive you will find it very enjoyable here, everypony is very friendly so enjoy your stay!! You are sure to make some new friends here for sure
  6. I really missed being in a great community. I've been a couple a long time ago and normally the place would just fall apart or become inactive. After getting into MLP I recently I kept hearing about the community and felt that need to get back into one. Turns out I made the right choice because these are my kind of people here. So I use these forums to be a part of something that discusses MLP and much much more, not to mention the friendly atmosphere helps. So yea in short I use these forums for the social aspect.
  7. I love Twilight but I'm definitely in the corner of Solar Eclipse for this match!! Better not be any steel chairs or crooked refs!!
  8. I've eaten way too much the past three days...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Obstinance


      Have you tried uneating it?

    3. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      I would do you the favor. Not gay though. :P

    4. Shady23


      Haha yea no homo on that one Hypno. Gotta say the food has been worth it though, this is what happens when I'm work I just eat a lot...

  9. Welcome it's great to have you here!! I'm only a few days in myself and I'm already sure I've found my new online home, hopefully you will feel the same. Everypony here is really friendly like Pinkie her self so if you have any questions feel free to ask anyone :grin2:
  10. Welcome to the family friend!! I'm positive you will find a home here and enjoy yourself
  11. I've played since late BC. I'm always on and off so I never say never to coming back. I played at the beginning of this expansion for a couple of months but quickly got burnt out without fun people to play with. I have two 100's and two more at 90 I would like to level eventually. I did a few raids but mainly was doing pvp. I'm open to come back to WoW but I would want to play with some of you guys if I did. This game is always so much more fun when you play with friends.
  12. I recently watched the MLP episode where Pinkie is convinced she is related to AJ. The Apple family song they sing on the trip has been stuck in my head for two days.
  13. Yea i know some would rage but I would love it as well if she joined the mane 6 as a seventh element. I'm not super crazy about the EQ girls in general but I love sunny as a character.
  14. I use just a normal logitech headset that has a pretty decent mic on it. Only paid $25, the sound is great and very comfortable.
  15. Back from dinner, I must say I have a good buzz. Luckily I had my mom to drive me home :)

  16. I really hope she does return to Equestria, it could make for some great story telling. I really like her as a character and it would be cool to see back in her original form and how her friendship with the mane 6 would go.
  17. The last I watched was from roosterteeth, the latest Ragequit in Hotline Miami.
  18. Going out to eat some Mexican with a cold Margarita :)

    1. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      "Wasting away again in Magaritaville" :P

    2. Shady23


      Haha now that song will be stuck in my head

    3. Mesme Rize
  19. I would love for it be a fun little adventure game with puzzles and a mild rpg element to it. No need to go overboard and potentially ruin the game. I've never played a game made after a show that I enjoyed so I would be a bit hesitant to try it out.
  20. I really hope it's not dying I just got here
  21. I love the advice from Pinky it's truly one of the best ways to deal with a fear. I don't think it's weird as all whatever helps you get through cause storms can be frightening no doubt.
  22. I never was a fan of group projects. It always seemed the most hard-headed loud person would do most of project themselves and it rarely reflects the entire group.
  23. I don't think that I would watch it. I'm not a big sitcom fan myself, plus I love MLP for what it is now with the animation being a huge reason. If you were to take out the animation that makes it fun a sitcom just couldn't do it justice.
  24. I enjoy the huge variety of things people discuss on here. In a place where everyone is so accepting and kind it's nice to see others opinions on things and finding people with similar interests.
  25. In Discord's eyes it may be more than just friends, but to sweet little Fluttershy it's nothing. Even the thought of innocent Fluttershy in a relationship troubles me
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