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Everything posted by Shady23

  1. I played an atari for like ten minutes once. I grew up playing the NES and put a lot of time into that and even tons more time with my SNES. I still have my NES somewhere, I don't know how I've kept track of it for so long.
  2. They better get their cutie marks this season. I really loved that angle but it's time to take their story in another direction now that their characters are pretty well flushed out now.
  3. Snakes... omg (insert F word here) snakes :okiedokielokie: Also spiders are a very close second, just straight creepy.
  4. This seems like it will be a great episode. Outside of RD holding the competition for his pet, there hasn't been much on their relationship with each other at all.
  5. A couple come to mind even though there are plenty I'm not thinking of at the moment. Burn Notice- When Micheal's brothers is shot by a sniper, and it last words was "I'm scared" that hit me, also in the finale when Michael's mother sacrifices her self for the gang by setting of a bomb by hand. Red vs Blue- This is no doubt my favorite series and a master piece for an online show thats lasted 13 years. The end of season 10 when the guys and Carolina finally track down the director. The sadness in the Directors face as he looks up at his daughter and he is filled with regret as he ruined lives trying to recreate his loved one that he lost at a young age. He asks his daughter Carolina to leave him her pistol as you can only imagine what he did with that bullet after he sealed himself in... such a sad moment. I'm sure there a some I'm forgetting but those jump to mind.
  6. That new Red vs Blue trailer has me sad, Church can't die!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shady23


      Wash is awesome, and Caboose is one of a kind for sure lol. Church has always been my favorite along with Tucker and Grif. As far as freelancers York was my favorite but now it's Wash since York kinda got killed :(

    3. Monsoon


      Yeah the meta was pretty badass as well tucker is funny at times with the weird/funny catch phrase grog is also funny because he's lazy and York was awesome as well I thought the fight between the meta, the sniper guy forgot his name, and York and I'm excited for the new season

    4. Shady23


      Yeah I'm super excited about it, cant wait!!

  7. Not very happy right now

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      Dude, that sucks badly. I hope you find somekind of way to still live your life without any problems. :(



      Oh, this's horrible, hope you get a way to make it through this situation. :/

    4. Shady23


      Yea I'm hoping so thanks guys. Right now my best option is to find somewhere else to work I think.

  8. To me it's mostly a show I just really enjoy watching and discussing with the fandom. It does put a smile on my face in rough times and reminds me of simple life lessons that I tend to forget or ignore at time. That being said there are many other things I enjoy so I would be okay if MLP didn't exist.
  9. I personally enjoyed the ps3 remake of the game. I spent around 120 hours in it and had a blast fighting dark aeons that we couldn't do before. FFX is the only FF game I've ever played with voice acting and facial emotions so I never really paid attention to that aspect. Except that laughing scene really bugged the hell out of me, thank god for mute...
  10. How is everypony doing today?

    1. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      Very good. Thanks for asking. :)

    2. 1Bit


      Doing very well indeed! Hope you're having a good day too :D

    3. Shady23


      Good to hear :)So far so good for me, just relaxing before my shift starts at 5pm.

  11. Very nice!! This is one of the catchiest songs in the series
  12. Goodnight everypony!!

    1. catnet


      Goodnight, and sweet dreams! :3 *hugs*

    2. 碇 シンジン
  13. Every time the theme song to the show plays. Also most of the episode where Spike gets greedy and grows big it all just felt out of place to me,
  14. I'm to the point to where I just refuse to read youtube comments regardless of what I'm watching.
  15. Yea I really want to contribute myself but I really don't have any special talents that I know of that could be of any use here.
  16. Only reason I ever avoided flu shots was because I would get the flu when I got the shot. I dont really mind shots as long as im not looking at the needle, I have to turn my head and think of something random.
  17. I got a lot of crap for playing Warcraft and COD because of the fandom it has. It really is annoying I'm going to play a game if it's fun to me, Why do people have to stereotype everything freaking thing!! :okiedokielokie:
  18. Off work!! :) Get to do it again tomorrow yay...

  19. Working on a Sunday night, just so wonderful :(

  20. Goodnight all!! Gonna try to catch some zz's while I can.

    1. catnet


      Goodnight, and sweet dreams! :) *hugs*

  21. Spring is my favorite mainly because I love the temperature that time of year it's perfect. Summer would be a close second followed by fall and lastly winter. I don't do cold weather it's just down right miserable to me.
  22. Shady23


    Nice job once again I like it a lot!!
  23. Welcome to the best community around!! I'm sure you will enjoy your stay here and make plenty of friends
  24. So it's 2:30am and I'm wide awake still!!

    1. J.T.


      Me too :D that's what I get for drinking moonshine at 12:00 :P

    2. Shady23


      Haha nice it's been a long time since I've had mooshine.

    3. 10InTheTardis


      It's 4:00 am here and I haven't gotten any sleep all day.

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