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Everything posted by Omar

  1. Princess Bride (who hasn't seen this amazing movie) Lord of the Rings Trilogy Star Wars movies That Disney Robin Hood movie Everyone should see these movies.
  2. Longest conversation I've had on this forum was only about 8 messages. I don't talk to people a lot.
  3. Omar

    movies/tv Zootopia

    A disney movie? That I'm actually looking forward to? Well that's rare. I'm pretty hyped about this movie, though I'm definitely going to miss the style of animation (and art style) of the disney robin hood movie. (how did I not know about this movie till now...)
  4. Omar's mouth agape in disbelief. "It's.. wuh.. how... Land?!?" said Omar rubbing his eyes trying to see if it was just an illusion. "It really is land! After all these years on this dreaded boat, finally, land!" he exclaimed while tears of joy started to build up in his eyes.
  5. 8/10 love that style of music.
  6. "Ugh" Omar said as he woke up from his once peaceful sleep. The feeling of the ship rocking back and forth made his stomach feel off. "Two and a half years and I'm still not used to this..." Omar thought to himself. He got up and went towards the window curious to see what time of day it was. Looking out the window he could tell that it wasn't fully morning yet but it was harder to see since everywhere in sight was covered in fog. Taking a step outside his room he could feel that the air was cold and full of moisture. Still almost half asleep, Omar stumbled down the hall towards the mess hall to get his morning coffee (that's cannon right?). Suddenly, completely breaking the silence, there was a huge blast of what seemed to be a trumpet. Omar startled and now fully awake from the sound, started to run in the direction of the deck. He could now see why the alert had been sounded. Out off in the distance he could see a faint outline of land.
  7. "So the rumors are true... The new lands are more hostile than I thought." Ukkonen thought to himself,"But still, who would be stupid enough to declare war on Equestria?" "When will we be setting of for this new land?" Ukkonen asked Celestia. (wow, this post is almost an entire day late)
  8. Spamming copypastas all across the internet.
  9. Unbrohoofing? I don't normally do that unless I accidentally brohoofed it, and even that is extremely rare.
  10. Standing in front of an open fridge seems to help me think better... I don't know for sure though.

  11. I just started reading Eragon, which is the first book of The Inheritance Cycle. I'd say it's pretty good so far (only like a few chapters in).
  12. "I see... My apologies for acting in such a rude way, I guess it was I who was foolish for questioning royalty. I shall still be taking part in this... mission", Said Ukkonen bowing his head. "So why exactly have you called us here? For you have not stated the purpose of this mission yet.
  13. "We are to be joined by criminals? What is this madness?", exclaimed Ukkonen seeing that Celestia had brought criminals to help, "Bringing in slayers of the weak, and overall scum of equestria to take part in a royal mission? They aren't even worthy to be brought in the presence of royalty, yet you bring them to the royal chambers... I shouldn't be questioning royalty but this is just foolishness!".
  14. That was blessed by Cthuhlu himself.
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