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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Strife

  1. What I wouldn't give for Hearthstone beta access D:

    1. Skullbuster


      seems like an interesting concept, but i think its too big

    2. Strife


      Aye. They wouldn't be the first team with aspirations like this.

    3. Skullbuster


      the game world its self is too big,

  2. I wouldn't be so quick to judge. Hasbro kills their franchises very early, often trying to reincarnate them again and again and again, even if one form was successful. Their execution of product branding is also fairly poor. Disney, on the other hand, has done well to protect many of their franchises over decades, with some great product branding. Assuming Disney gains the rights to MLP, but preserves the staffing (which they usually do), it could be a very good thing. MLP:FiM won't stay alive forever, and it hitting it's third season is a miracle in itself (since Hasbro kills shows early), so a Disney takeover could potentially be what keeps it alive, depending what Hasbro's plans are.
  3. Disney has recently acquired LucasFilms, and this has gained a lot of media attention ... but what is Disney aiming for next? I've always thought it might be a company that is right up their alley, already focusing on their original target audience ... it only makes sense, right? Well, my prediction may come to fruition. Disney may be looking at Hasbro for their next buyout. Still, it's only a rumor at this point, but the acquisition of LuscanFilms was also simply a rumor ... up to the point it was announced. If the deal does go through, Disney will be in control of a lot of big franchises, including: My Little Pony G.I. Joe Transformers Dungeons and Dragons Magic: The Gathering Nerf (these being only some) Hasbro does have a record with making poor business choices in terms of their franchises, with Disney having a far better reputation ... but would it be a good or bad thing? Hard to say!
  4. That isn't the section I was referring to. Try looking at what I actually quoted ... that quote function is there for a reason. Regardless, we're deviating slightly off-topic. It would be best to discontinue this pointless discourse so that the main topic can be focused upon.
  5. And that isn't even remotely close to what I said. I said it normally encourages people to check their post before submitting it due to trying to prevent a public display of failure in the case it was removed and left a red mark. NOT that people would learn from a removed post.
  6. I would have to respectfully disagree with this decision. While yes, it may make the forums look 'pretty', a large deterrent factor for a bunch of people was indeed that public display of failure (for lack of a better term). Some people would actually consider their post before clicking "Post" to make sure it would not get removed and be a monument to their failure. Furthermore, it helped members keep track of their posts and the posts of others. If a message got removed or moved, it was far easier to see where, why, and who-dun-it. Removing that system leaves us pretty close back to square one in terms of keeping track of what Moderators do when they get whimsical. Sure, we get those notifications still, but they are missing a plethora of benefits we had with this 'red tag' feature. Either way, whatever. Yet another step in the direction of favoring aesthetics over staff accountability and user track-ability. Not like I can do anything about it.
  7. Personally, I found it boring. Needs more Spitfire, obviously.
  8. Commission section makes perfect sense, but having it reduced elsewhere is silly (IMO). The limit was already extremely short. Whatever ... not like it's important.
  9. Well Zoop, you may not have the most eloquent of lexicons to rival that of Swoop, but you're hilarious when you want to be. Good thing we've got some dedicated staff to watch the forums. I'm sure it'l all get sorted out in due time. The community likes the site, as do I (even though I do a LOT of reading/lurking and not so much posting).
  10. Yes, it's obviously a fake. With the HUGE, GIANT, GLARING flaw calling Applejack a background character (among a few other, smaller flaws). If it was worded differently, then it would be far more believable.
  11. "background character" ... "Applejack" ... What? How can anyone from the Mane 6 be considered a background character? Sure, she doesn't get nearly as much face time as the other Mane 6, but she is present enough and has enough lines to certainly not be anywhere near a "background character". Hell, she has enough personality as it is, with her own group dynamic within Ponyville that we see a lot.
  12. Borderlands 2, I couldn't help myself: http://i.imgur.com/1cKbK.png

    1. Fluffykins the Cat

      Fluffykins the Cat

      Oh googy good goods. you finished a game 100%. Good job!

  13. Well you've got opportunity, in this very community!

  14. I'm quite curious to see how this turns out. I've got quite the weakness against rhythm games, since I absolutely love them ... only problem is finding a good one. But a rhythm game with ponies? Has to be awesome. See if you can do the official MLP songs in the episodes plus maybe a few of the more popular fan-created songs (with permission, of course).
  15. Borderlands 2 -> September 18th --- Torchlight 2 -> September 20th ...

    1. Fluffykins the Cat

      Fluffykins the Cat

      I never herd of those games, but it's just pure creepy to see two unrelated games have a sequel that comes out 2 days after another one.

  16. Happy almost three months of waiting ,everybody! I simply could not wait the whole four more days for posting this message.
  17. Equestria is a country. This is actually addressed several times in the show. I'll have to see if I can dig out a few examples before work.
  18. It would certainly make sense for the Ignore function to ... well, ignore the person. IP.Board has a load of loopholes, most of which due to the coding. Would definitely be a nice thing if the Ignore feature essentially blocked ALL forms of contact with that user ... as is what the feature is supposed to do. That said, I haven't needed a use for the Ignore feature on any forums yet. I rarely even use it in games.
  19. Just opened my Collector's Edition GW2 ... and wow ... I am more than a little impressed. A hell of a lot better than I expected.

  20. The name goes back to the archaic days when people used paper for the majority of their note keeping instead of digital files. Tech requests were literally tickets, filled out and filed specifically. A lot of businesses still use a physical ticket system, actually.
  21. Interesting event. Really unfortunate I wasn't aware of it until now ... I would have participated.
  22. School systems in general, specifically the United States' system, are awful. Some are better than others, with a rare few being rather good, but seeing as how I really only the US system, I'll be talking about that. Public school is little more than a government run daycare system where children go while parents are at their job or busy with house work. The system of learning is using possibly the worst possibly method known to educators, but it's become standard. These days, it's all about testing. Pass this test, pass that test, do this exam and this quiz. And in all honesty, that equates to "cram for this test, hastily study for this exam". While the person can pass the test within the next two days, the knowledge retained is extremely low ... test them for the same exact material in a few weeks. Then, in most cases, the next subject is broached and the one previous hardly touched upon again. In short, our society values tests over knowledge. How about yet another amazing shortfall? Our school system grants the students a break that lasts several months. That means any information that the student may have actually retained degrades over that time until it disappears from not being used (this is a scientifically proven fact that our brain will cannibalize parts of the brain's memory to make room for more recent information). When finally returning to school, the student then spends the first couple of months refreshing their memory about what they covered in the year previous ... an extremely ineffective use of time. Not to mention how teachers are severely limited in how they can teach their students. A sort of 'blanket' method is used, which may work for teaching some people, but normally doesn't work very well with many. Each person has their own way of learning, so it only makes sense to figure out what a person's effective way of learning is at an early age (this is what the first few years of elementary should be geared towards). And then of course our educators. Some are just terrible, others are brilliant. There really isn't a dependable and established system to detect when a teacher is no longer a positive source of learning ... some just give up and the students suffer. Either way, teachers are an integral and important part of our nation; the future of the next generation is literally dependent upon them. Yet, they have some of the worst pay and benefits. Oftentimes, they must buy the proper teaching materials with their own money. I really could go on about all the crimes our nation imposes upon the education system ...
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