Deep down I would have known it was all false anyway, I mean, it's a fictional world, not real. I would be pissed off for a while anyway, then probably forget I was ever in a coma. I would miss having Fluttershy as my wife though.
No one came to my house, no one ever does. Everyone is scared of my house, people just skip it and go next door. I have to admit, my house does look kinda creepy for some reason, I can't put my finger on it though.
Firstly I would somehow with science put a lot of giant pop tarts and pickles in orbit around the Earth so that if aliens come to invade they will be so busy staring confused at the pickles and pop tarts that they'd crash into the moon, invasion over. Secondly, I'd make sure smooth jazz is eradicated from this world never to be heard again. Then I'd be too busy laughing at the pile of destroyed space ships on the moon and enjoying the wonderful smooth jazz free air that I wouldn't notice an angry mob coming to my palace to take control.
Oh, and I'd rename the planet to Steve.
I hate it when people expect me to hold open doors for them. I am not your slave and I am not required by law to make sure you get to your destination two seconds quicker.
Vegetables are the supreme food. Fruits as well. Veggies are the best food ever, almost everyone I know dislikes them, I love them. Thinking vegetables are good is an unpopular opinion where I live. This saddens me.
Nutella isn't that great.
Sports suck.
Chrysalis was a terrible villain.
Disney sucks.
Applejack somehow manages to be overrated. I still love her though.
you try your best but it's TRAPPED IN PURGATORY you kick your hooves and A LIFELESS OBJECT, ALIVE a simple mare AWAITING REPRISAL your mane illuminates the DEATH WILL BE THEIR ACQUISITION.
Boobs are overrated. Come at me internet.
I detest Rarity.
Season 2's finale was awful.
Living Tombstone's music kind of sucks.
Anything chocolate flavoured is dull and should not exist. Chocolate itself is good, but chocolate ice cream or milkshake or whatever is just meh.
I hate Fluttershy getting shipped. Shipping Fluttershy makes me mad.
I think marriage is stupid.
I hate it when strangers start conversations with me. If I haven't come up to you and started talking, then it means I don't want to talk to you and you should lave me the hell alone. If I wanted to speak with you, I would have done that >:/. Online is different though, I don't mind it online.
I love Psychostick. They are very good at making music that is stupid as hell. Songs about cars breaking down are cool I guess.