Windclan camp, night
@@P-Jay @@Ruby Splash Featherfur nodded in agreement, almost disappointed to hear that Riverclan likely wouldn't object; he hadn't had a good fight in a while, he recalled. He went to the edge of the clearing, calling Lavenderpaw over to prepare for the gathering. "You have to try and remain quite calm," he told her. Then he growled, "And don't get into any fights. I know what you're like."
Lavenderpaw rolled her bright eyes, in which excitement was evident, then hopped a little from paw to paw awaiting Silverstar's order to leave the camp and attend the gathering.
Thunderclan camp, night
@@The Cerberus @@Summer Breeze @@Sunset light @@EquestrianScholar @@Kankuro "Kitestar...?" one elder cat poked his head carefully into the medicine cat's den. Kitestar turned to face him. "It's very nearly time for the gathering."
"Of course!" Kitestar exclaimed. "I had very nearly forgotten. How idiotic of me." She glanced nervously at the ground, hoping she wasn't especially late to head out. Watching as the poor bird squirmed under the medicine cat's paw, she glanced over at the vial containing the cure. "Moonshine..." she began, "I shall have to leave you here with this bird, I am afraid. I'll tell the other warriors to keep an eye on that rogue... I'm sorry, I must go." Nodding solemnly, Kitestar then turned to Darkfur and looked him up and and down. "Is he fit to go to the gathering, Moonshine?" she quizzed.
Riverclan camp, night
@@Unicorncob Moontail roamed the camp, waiting for the leader's summoning to attend the gathering. When she heard the order, she padded out of camp after her clanmates and paced towards the island.
Shadowclan camp, night
@@Pripyat Pony Twigblaze raised her head to gaze at the bright, shining, full moon above. The sky was blanketed with twinkling stars; silverpelt. Turning to her fellow warriors, she awaited the appearance of Midnightstar to head out to the gathering.