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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by redaxted

  1. The new banner is cute! :3 Love it.

  2. Helloooo! How is everyone today? :)

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      Hi! Good thanks. (: You?

    2. redaxted


      Good to hear, I'm doing alright too, thanks. :)

    3. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      Good to hear. (:

  3. Gathering @@Ruby Splash @ "Hello, Silverstar," Moontail greeted the Windclan leader politely. She then nodded, and said, "yes, we have hunting quite well as of late. I suppose Thunderclan and Shadowclan are just a little late. Shouldn't be long now, surely?" She wondered where the other two clans could be, though at the last trip to Mothermouth she had heard that Shadowclan were having trouble with a mysterious illness from her good friend. They were close, and trusted each other even with information such as that. Moontail hadn't told another soul, but now wondered if this sickness had potentially spread to Thunderclan, too; the Shadowclan medicine cat has also informed that it was highly contagious. Thunderclan territory @@The Cerberus @@Kankuro @@Unicorncob @@EquestrianScholar @@Pripyat Pony @@Summer Breeze Kitestar watched as the cats she had selected to accompany her to the gathering surrounded her, then hurriedly made her way out of the camp. She raised her head and scented Poppyfur and Willowpaw nearby, assuming that she would find them hunting. Following the smell, she spotted Willowpaw clutching an unfortunate prey item, along with her mentor, Poppyfur. "The gathering has begun!" she told them, padding over to meet the two. "Amidst all of this chaos in the camp, I let it slip my mind... Will you be coming?"
  4. Concept: a remake of Undertale where Papyrus is Waluigi

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fixedys


      I guess so, TBH.

    3. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      Bowser would be Asgore, i believe?

    4. Vulcan


      Frisk/Chara = Mario/Luigi?

  5. 6/10 Interesting and kinda good. Alright. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEWOTdVnnZ8
  6. I think Rarity's designs are absolutely beautiful. If I were a pony (or if Rarity made clothing suited for humans...?) I'd sure wear them, despite tending to dislike more extravagant clothing. I would certainly trust her with designing an outfit perfectly to my taste, too, so then I'd likely ask her to make something a little less... dress-y.
  7. I was more on Applejack's side. I understood her point very well, and didn't want all her hard work to go to waste. I sort of agreed with Fluttershy about trying to convince them in a nice manner, though, and allowing them to have apples from elsewhere.
  8. Gathering @@Ruby Splash @@P-Jay Featherfur bounded after Silverstar, running through Windclan territory and along the side of the lake through Riverclan's to get to the island. He balanced carefully across the fallen tree which lay across the water separating the gathering place from the mainland and then followed the rest of the Windclan cats who had come with their leader into the clearing. Gathering Moontail had sighted the last of the Windclan cats as they made their way to the gathering before them, and crossed the tree with ease after her leader. She twitched her nose curiously as she suddenly thought she had picked up a trace of a scene she recognised, but the faint smell was soon gone. Shaking her head, the Riverclan medicine cat carried on forward. The cats behind her followed suit as those in front padded over to Windclan. Thunderclan camp @@Sunset light @@Summer Breeze @@Kankuro @@Unicorncob @@The Cerberus @@Pripyat Pony @@EquestrianScholar Kitestar watched as every cat old enough to catch their own prey gathered around the highrock. She cleared her throat and then spoke: "Thunderclan... we must head to the gathering at once. I apologise for the delay," she then continued, "I'll be taking Darkfur, Slumberfur, Austere Moon, Owlheart, Darkpaw, the elders, of course, and Poppyfur and Willowpaw. Whilst they are out of camp presently, we will likely come across the two as we make our way to the gathering. They're just hunting." She ended her words with a curt dip of her head, then leaked down gracefully from the highrock and bounded toward the camp entrance, followed by the elders. "I'm sorry we're in such a hurry - we haven't any time to lose."
  9. I just finished Undertale... and probably the only reason I didn't just burst into tears on the spot is because my friend was sitting next to me. I knew it was going to be emotional, but that was some experience! *clears throat and dabs eyes with a tissue* Anyway; helloooo! How are we all today? :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. redaxted


      Hi! Good to hear. And it's amazing. Very powerful... :') haha

    3. HighLunarStudios
    4. redaxted


      Nice to hear. :)

  10. @@Yoshi89 Cyan nodded slightly. "It is cool... I like flying," she replied quietly. "Really? There weren't that many in Canterlot either, if I remember rightly. My family are earth ponies, but they said the reason my brother and I are different to them is a little complicated." She began rambling on a bit, then stopped with a shy smile. "Whoops, changing the subject a little..." she remarked, almost speaking to herself. She trotted excitedly up to the door of Fudge and Sundae's house.
  11. redaxted

    request shop Kirbs' Sig Shop

    Thank you, these are both so awesome! I love the Snowdin inspiration. So sweet. I'll be alternating between these signatures a lot!
  12. redaxted

    request shop Kirbs' Sig Shop

    Name: Wolves Text wanted (and font style/specific font): Wolves Colours/general design direction: White Images to be used: Could I have Sans and Papyrus from Undertale? Any style will do, as long as both are very similar. Size: I can do 600x100, 500x100, donor size which i've currently forgotten someone help, or anything in between.): 600x100 Shape: If you want a non-linear/non rectangular box signature like the Pearl one in the examples above, state what shape you would like it to be here.): Anything which works Any extra details:
  13. Nope; it hurts my eyes, really. It's a great 3D effect, I don't know about everyone else, but I find the graphics do only appear clear when I hold the system at a very specific angle. If ever I do switch it on though, I set it rather low, as it does work well on certain games.
  14. Hi! If you aren't overrun with other requests, I'd like to ask if you could maybe draw Cyan Flare, my OC for me. There are quite a few reference pictures on my profile.
  15. Hello everybody; how are we all? :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Flutterstep
    3. redaxted


      Thanks :)


    4. SolarFlare13


      Heey! :D

      I'm doing good! :3 Watcha been up to?

  16. I can't bear to listen to my music too loud, because it hurts my ears and gives me quite the headache. Also, I'm quite cautious about my ears... I want to be able to hear well in the future. As long at it's loud enough that I can hear it clearly, I'm good. So I suppose it's based on where I am whilst listening.
  17. Chopped vegetables...? Yum! Crab ravioli
  18. @@Yoshi89 "My family thought pretty much the same thing," Cyan said with a nod. She trotted after Fudge and Sundae, watching as they tapped on the window and waved to their father. She smiled shyly in reply, then approached the door. "Nice. This place is cool." She grinned and flapped her wings excited, fluttering up to get a bird's-eye view of the house. "Nice," she remarked, soaring back down to land back by their side. "Sorry... was that rude of me?"
  19. Hoi everyone, how are we all? :)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Stardust Balance
    3. redaxted
    4. Jeremiah


      I'm feeling like a Silicon Valley (that's a good thing)

  20. Windclan camp @@P-Jay @@Ruby Splash Featherfur sat under the leader's rock and looked at Silverstar as she awaited the gathering of the other cats accompanying her. Lavenderpaw still bounced excitedly, chattering incomprehensible nonsense. Featherfur spotted his friend, Berrypelt, approaching, and smiled as she sat down next to him and waited for their leader to take the party to the clan gathering. Thunderclan camp @@Kankuro @@Summer Breeze @@Unicorncob @@The Cerberus @@EquestrianScholar @@Sunset light "Brilliant," Kitestar remarked as she heard that Darkfur could attend the gathering. "I apologise for leaving you here, Moonshine. I hope all goes well with the cure. If it turns out not to work, then order the remaining Warriors to chase that rogue off of our territory, and show little mercy." Her voice was tainted with a slight growl as she finished, then she dipped her head and exited the medicine cat's den. Calling a clan meeting before the gathering, she leaped atop the highrock and prepared to announce the name of each cat who would be attending.
  21. I've finally started playing Undertale... and WHY was I never bothered to play it before? :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      That was pretty much me after finally playing Dust and Shovel Knight. I need to get to Undertale soon. D:

    3. Stardust Balance

      Stardust Balance

      Neutral run is an option too, Drago, but let's not spoil anything.

    4. redaxted


      I'm doing pacifist route :)

      It's really awesome! :3

  22. That's alright, Kitestar and all of the cats she selected to go with her should soon be heading out to attend the gathering. I apologize for it taking a while. Edit: @@Pripyat Pony I'm ever so sorry to bother you, I really am, but are you still taking part in this RP? It's completely fine if you possibly forgot, it's just that we require a post from you to progress. If you wish to quit the RP instead, that's okay; any option is fine by me. Edit #2: @@Pripyat Pony I apologize deeply for having to continue without you, but you could still join in again if possible, and if you want to. I understand that you have likely been busy, or have been facing other issues.
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