Admittedly my MLP collection is a bit on the smaller side, but when you have other interests to spread about (WWE, Lego, Marvel/DC) it's understandable. However, what I do have are:
- A couple of T-shirts (My favorite being the Led Zep/Rainbow Dash mashup)
- A small herd of plushies (Funrise Rarity, Pinkie, Derpy, and Rainbow Dash, Build-a-Bear Rarity, fanmade Fluttershy and Applejack, and another Fluttershy I got at a local con but IDK the origin)
-A couple of Funkos (Fluttershy and soon Doctor Whooves, Lyra, and when he's released Cheese Sandwich)
-More blindbags than I can name off the bat
-A couple of McDonalds toys (Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity)