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Everything posted by AbeLinkedIn

  1. Aside from MLP, my top 3 most prominent fandoms are: 1. WWE/Wrestling 2. Marvel/DC 3. Furry I'd say FNAF, but that kind of overlaps into furridom.
  2. I used to for a year, then she broke up with me out of the blue a month ago, and I've been trying to find someone else in my life since, to no avail. I'm happy you're happy, but for myself I feel like death warmed over.
  3. I just got Fluttershy the other day ago and well, more of the same except since she's best pony, that makes this an improvement. I now feel like I have to collect the others, though for some reason Pinkie's the hardest to find while everypony else is easy to look for.
  4. I think someone did and she looks normal underneath. What I would love to know is if someone could mod the hat to be stay on after being removed since it's sewn on.
  5. I am so impressed by these, I went ahead and ordered a Fluttershy and soon I'll be going for the others available periodically. These really are the best merch available in regards to plushies.
  6. I already own my own herd of Fluttershies, but I still want the 4DE one. I will get all of them yet.
  7. Rarity has come! And she's better than I could have imagined, easily the best plushie I own that's officially licensed. Have some pics! Everything about her is perfect. Her muzzle, her mane and tail, the cutie mark is on both sides (Something you only see on custom plushies) and she'd be perfect if she were a little bigger. Other than that, again, this is the best plushie I own, Because I wanted to shamelessly show off another thing I collect, here's Rarity with two of the most thematic figures I own: Rick Rude and Rick "The Model" Martel.
  8. Rarity should be coming in the mail today. There will be pics, ladies and gents, I'm excited!
  9. I wanted to think that way too, especially since I'm wholly against excessive fanservice, but having seen it, I thought it was an alright episode, barring the Octavia/Vinyl scene since I never cared for either of those characters personally and it was the most fanservicey portion.
  10. No tracking update on Rarity yet, but rest assured when she gets here, there will be pics. Anyone out there have her yet? That said, I'm debating on which pony to get next. I'm torn between Applejack, Fluttershy, or Rainbow Dash. I saw the have pics of a Derpy out and I definitely want that one, but as far as I know, she's not even up for preorder yet.
  11. In a lot of cases when the original creator steps down or otherwise gives creative control to someone else, it's a sign things are going downhill or the show is going to decline in quality for a myriad of reasons like Flanderization or generic sitcom plot 124 or in general another form of shark jumping. However I feel that MLP has actually grown quite the beard since its early episodes, having been a fan since the beginning. Now some could argue they're turning their attention to the older fanbase and leaving the kids in the dust, but I think it's still enjoyable enough for everyone. My cousin is still very much a fan and thinks Discord is hilarious. But I agree with the others here that season 5 has been a pretty solid season with many showstopping episodes and soon to be classic moments. Even an episode that was pretty much a fanservice episode was enjoyable from beginning to end and wasn't too heavy handed with the fandering. We got another awesome villain in the form of Starlight, the CMC finally got their cutie marks, more classic MLP characters like The Smooze was introduced, etc. The only dark spot I see is Friendship Games, but then again I never really liked EqG very much from the word Go, though Sunset is an awesome character. I'm not saying it wasn't a quality make, just not my personal cup of tea. But all things considered, the show has gotten increasingly better, even the production itself has increased in quality and shows the full potential of Flash.
  12. For me I don't hate Flash entirely, but his character is extremely cliche and boring; the kind of direction MLP was trying to get away from. He's the Zac Efron of the EG universe with all the personality of a stick of chewing gum: All flavor in the first few minutes before it fades away to nothing. I could care less about the Twilight thing since I was never into the waifu business and even then, Twi isn't my top pick anyway. I dislike him more so with how his character is written as the cool guitar playing chick magnet, pretty much a staple of the generic high school setting. If he had more depth and wasn't so one dimensional he'd disappear in a profile shot, he'd be alright in my book. MLP has taken many one-note characters and made them work. Big Macintosh is a good example, so I have confidence they can do it. Then again, EG is what happens when you ring out all the girly stereotypes, cliches, and stock characters from the base show and turn it into its own entity. If they fleshed out Flash on the main show, I'd be fine with it, but I've never been huge on EG as a whole (Because its main motivation was to compete with Monster High) and reeks of corporate cheese.
  13. I tend to focus on my favorite ponies once I get a good base on most of them. For instance the bulk of my miniscule collection is Fluttershy. I have a representative of different merch with her, like a Funko, official plush, fanmade plush, but no shirt (I don't have any MLP shirts aside from the Led Zep design) and one of the early brushables from 2011. Maude I think is an interesting choice to hone in on, but since they seem to be turning their attention on minor characters, I would go ahead funds notwithstanding.
  14. So I bit the bullet and got me a Rarity. Not my first choice obviously, but if I'm impressed enough with her, I'll get the others, but seeing the other pics in this thread, I feel like my wallet's going to take a beating.
  15. I'm kind of on the bubble about these. While they look awesome and are no doubt cuddly, they're a little steep. I at least want to get Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Applejack, maybe Dr. Whooves and Derpy (If they made her yet). Lyra would be killer if they decide to make her.
  16. Yes I do occasionally, especially if I can't sleep well. My plushie of choice is obviously Fluttershy, but sometimes I switch it up.
  17. I know you said you're too young for credit, but I'll go ahead and say this now: Forget credit. Debit is what I personally use for my expenditures pony related or not. Still you're too young for that, so I'll lend you some advice of what I did when I was younger and wanting MLP stuff: My parents already knew and don't judge me for it (My mom thinks it's cute while my dad really doesn't care but ribs me about it in a fatherly way). Most parents are understanding, and unless you have ultra-strict conservative parents, they'll see it's no harm and get you what you want. After all, there's worse things you could spend money on. Another thing I did was save my own money and buy things with that. Only parental help I needed was a ride.
  18. Not once but twice: Once against the grand shovel himself Triple H and again with his mini-me Seth Rollins. The only decent part of the HHH match was the DX/NWO reunions, but this was a confrontation people wanted in the 90s, not 16 years later.
  19. I would say she's upstaged by a few other ponies who've come up since her debut. She's still up there, but other ponies have become popular too (Coco, Marble, Sunset, etc.)
  20. It's because Sting was loyal to WCW and was offerd a job at WWF at the time after Vince bought out WCW, but wasn't interested, and we all know how Vinnie Mac loves to screw over WCW brass when he can. Look at how WWF handled DDP and Dean Malenko, two of the best WCW had to offer, but Dean was barely used and DDP had that godawful angle with Undertaker. Even 14 years after the fact, Vince likes to rub it in everyone's face how he beat WCW and flaunts it whenever he can, and it shows with his booking. Sting's loyalty to WCW is probably what made WWE bury him like a Crow-faced cat turd.
  21. powerchordeps Feel free to add me! Just tell me who you are on the forum so I know who you are.
  22. Exactly my point. The Corporation was the Heel Authority Stable done right. All The Authority does now is screw over whomever they don't like and no one stands up to them.
  23. There's a way they can salvage this I feel: Since Roman got screwed over once again and this is another semi-traditional Survivor Series screwjob, and a few weeks before on Raw, Roman said that he didn't want to be handed the belt, he could theoretically go after The Authority and maybe team up with Ambrose (Who I felt would fit this role better, but bare with me) The main issue I see with The Authority is, aside from how long they've been around, the lack of foil. They're The Corporation of this generation, but no Stone Cold to go against them, no Undertaker to try and usurp power from them. Dean would have made a perfect foil, and Roman could do the job well, since he showed he wants nothing to do with The Authority giving him perks. Let it culminate in a Triple H Vs. Reigns match at WM 32.
  24. I've played guitar for about 8 years, and I've been doing music not that long, but maybe a few years and I've gotten progressively better I feel. That said, I can't help but listen to my older stuff and cringe.
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