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Everything posted by weesh

  1. does zecora have a cutie mark though? I always wondered if that spiral was just zebra markings. the fact that she doesn't have real stripes at all further muddies the issue.
  2. I like her a lot more than pinkie pie. The desire to help everyone is better in line with my philosophy than the desire to get everyone to laugh or smile.
  3. of mice and men's strength is that it comes at the there are multiple themes and emotions that are nailed. You could make the story more depressing, but it might feel less believable. Or could be tainted with malice. Or selfishness. Or the tension in the main character's decision could have been removed. Want to make it more depressing? add some bunnies and kill them too. that certainly wouldn't make the book better.
  4. i'm very likely to get sufficient sleep, but also to catch up on some reading.
  5. truly wonderful. she cared about others more than herself... and even when she wanted something, it didn't eclipse her other desires! i like her a lot.
  6. how on earth is "on your marks" getting the shaft?! it was the first episode after they got their marks, and dealt with how life was going to be different once they got their marks. there was fallout from 5 seasons of obsessing over marks in that episode. It took "our purpose is to help other", and fleshed it out. Why didn't you like it? I think you are just being picky.
  7. Turns out the 4 polish VAs for the new song are pretty incredible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEHHYkPWXCk
  8. Are they? On your marks: earthpony Gauntlet of fire: dragon Flutter Brother: pegasus Spice up your life: full of new unicorns Stranger than fan fiction: EP wearing cosplay wings Cart before the ponies: (no new ponies?) 28 pranks later (no new ponies?) Times they are a changeling: changeling! Dungeons and discords: no new 3d characters Buckball season: pretty balanced by the sport Fault in our stars: griffon Am I missing something? Ponyville having lots of earth ponies sorta makes sense, as it is was founded by earthponies, and there are lots of cities that tend to congregate specific types. Even many of the pegasus in ponyville are either transplants, or don't even live there
  9. my impression has always been the opposite. special consideration is given to those that can fly or use magic, and we almost never see anything that makes earthponies look good. They almost never talk about the earthpony nature of alicorns. its all about the wings and horn for them. what evidence do you see for over representation of earth ponies?
  10. Pros: Great song great theme (your calling is more important than a mark) an enjoyable progression that wasn't rushed or drawn out Cons: nobody got cancer and died.Just kidding on that last point, but I was really hoping that this would have a "the fault in our stars" tie in...and i can't figure out what it is. I'm a big John Green fan, and while I wasn't expecting a super serious life and death theme, there was a bit of hope in me that it might happen anyways. Very strong episode.
  11. 31, and looking forward to the years ahead of me. each decade has been better than the last.
  12. we know basic changelings can alter their voices, because we've seen them imitate the voices of the main 6. but thorax wasn't trying to fool anyone into thinking he was a specific pony. so it wasn't necessary.
  13. seems like a really high skill variant... i bet it would be fascinating to watch experienced players go at it. I like that you made the ball control really tough, but also made the catching easier with the pole.
  14. I think exposition is important few new viewers. It doesn't bug me, even when it is not necessary for me to understand what is going on.
  15. The only other times I can remember prehensile pony tails are: Bats!: fluttershy could hang from her tail (and recall that they strongly implied she wasn't fully healed from that) Filli Vanilli: fluttershy again hangs from her tail behind the curtain, potentially implying that some bat power still remains. I really doubt that the writer of Buckball was taking this into account, but it has a shockingly logical precedent.
  16. Is it? you made a clear distinction between being a natural, and being good at something. I've seen people people be immediately comfortable with a new competitive activity.
  17. I disagree. Some people are just naturally better at some things than other people. And at a low level of competition, where no one has put much practice time in or effort to get better, this natural ability is a pretty important factor in success. This can be both physical abilities (reactions, hand-eye coordination, or explosive first step) or mental (game flow, situational awareness, or calmness under stress) obviously, this only gets you so far, and at high levels of competition, it is better to be a hard worker with a good training than to have natural ability.
  18. It is a bit on the softer side of sports. there is almost zero chance that a player will come into contact with a defending pegasus. I can't see her playing rugby, but this sort of sport is on the fringe of believability.
  19. really? I felt that the weakest part of the arc was the setup. the third seems to have done the best it could with the setup it was given, and the short amount of panels it had remaining. also, the third had punctuated bursts of decent humor. Its hard for me to harshly judge the finale, because the first two bit off more than could be chewed. overall, the arc is week, but I was fearing worse. the CMC had some strong moments that had me laughing pretty good. "we're surrounded by fluttershy's adorably cute animal army!"
  20. Yeah, that was extremely hard to buy... But it was so fun that I was happy to willingly suspend disbelief.
  21. that's a pretty solid idea. also, a handball seems like the ideal size/shape/weight for a human buckball. Handball also has similar defensive zones that only the goalie/pegasus can enter. makes me think of a circular court with concentric zones. the central zone could be for the earth ponies, the middle zone would be for the pegasus defenders, and the outer ring would be for the unicorns with the buckets. the question would then be: is there anything that makes this game better than handball? I agree that handball is a fantastically fun sport to watch. Its possible that the circular court and moving goals make the game severely unique and interesting.
  22. Good coaches know not to give their players emotional breakdowns the day before a competition. Good coaches use training that improve fundamental skills rather than making up shitty drills that don't help. Good coaches don't slam their players faces in their failures. Good coaches listen, and are aware of how their players are doing. Good coaches don't make their players doubt their own confidence. Good coaches teach players to focus on their game, rather than all the pressure that the coach has manufactured. Rainbow was an especially bad coach. she forced Fluttershy to go through obstacles faster than was possible for her, without starting at a doable difficulty and working their way upwards. Obstacle avoidance is not a useful fundamental skill for a goalie. That said, being a good coach is not about being a friend, and it isn't about babying players, and it isn't about letting them get away with stuff. If the purpose really is to win, there are good and challenging drills that could have been used to help out. Applejack and Rainbow's execution of their coaching was flawed in philosophy, and in execution. it was very interesting that he was divorced from the conflict of the other two. It really frames the problem. A kind of acknowledgement that we see similar things from different angles.
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