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Everything posted by weesh

  1. weesh

    movies/tv Over-rated movies

    I hated the godfather...but that's due to personal biases. it clearly has depth and is a work of art. however, i cannot understand the love for Princess Mononoke. I'm a Miyazaki fan, but oh my goodness, that movie is unwatchable to me...what is the point? why do people like it?
  2. I'd like to add that "like it" generally means "a thoughtful post" in real life, I don't fist bump anyone... I don't like touching people that aren't close friends and family, and I hug them. exceptions: i work with a lot of kids, and I want to avoid even the tiniest appearance of anything untoward, so i give a lot of high fives at a pony convention, i am bro-hoof central.
  3. they've never topped bulbasaur. it's one of the pokemon that I don't let evolve.
  4. i joined because the show was good. i stayed because the community was good.
  5. if you're in the united states, go vote today

  6. not dangerous where I am, and I love it. the city is well lit.
  7. I feel like hypocrites get a bad rap, and that half of them are alright. A hypocrite has a high standard, higher than they are able to achieve. having a standard to strive for, even if you can't get there is honorable and reasonable. Being a hypocrite is only a problem is you have a higher standard for yourself that you can achieve AND you you act like you have achieved it.
  8. its seems an unwise step so make her a princess.... but it seems like the proper phase of her character development, to send her out. twilight was sent out from Canterlot by celestia to stand on her own. it might be a nice full-circle moment for Twilight to send Starlight out. I want to keep seeing her, but we don't necessarily need her to be the primary thrust of future seasons.
  9. I had a really sad conversation with a a friend of mine yesterday. I was talking to him about his worldview, and it basically the thrust of his life came down to: make a ton of money buy all the toys I want (helicopter, yacht, etc) have a bunch of parties he thought the purpose of life is basically have fun, and then one day do something huge that benefits humanity. I asked him why he couldn't have fun and help humanity NOW, rather than waiting until he's old, and the answer was "if it costs less than a million dollars to pull off, its probably not worth it" The idea that people in the world can't have a purpose or do anything meaningful unless they have at least a million dollars is a bit horrifying. It's kinda hard to know how to talk to such a person about god when their worldview is so radically different than mine.
  10. we know Celestia is more emotionally stable, and that she used the elements to defeat Luna. It is very possible that Luna could be more powerful than Celestia. however, we just don't have enough information to say definitively either way.
  11. it is possible to taste the difference, and it makes sense that the people that can tell will have a preference. but your post calls attention to the fact that they are ridiculously similar. we only care about the difference between because we CAN compare. you shouldn't spend more money on a TV because you can tell a slight quality difference in the TV stores. you will NEVER make that comparison again. the truth is that both are fine TVs. If you pay a premium for one that looks better in the store, you are a fool. a very human fool, but a fool nonetheless. Its similarly a bit silly to be super passionate about them, because sugar water is not a pressing issue in our lives. but then, passion is fun, so why not be a bit silly about sugar water from time to time?
  12. I don't beat myself up over it. I made a mistake, and I learned from it. Now I hope people wiser than myself can learn from the story, and not make the mistake.
  13. Pepsi has a sharper taste, and coke is a bit tamer. If you like super ice cold beverages, that possibly get water down by the ice, pepsi is more likely to be your drink, since it has taste to spare. if you like something with a bit more subtlety, then coke is more likely to be your drink. There's nothing wrong with either preference, but I find them to be different enough that I can see why someone might logically prefer one over the other. Personally, my drink is original recipe Dr Pepper, which you can easily get here in texas. It's even smoother than coke, the sharpness is almost completely gone.
  14. things are much better, he went to prison like 5 times, but he's stayed out for over a year, and is staying out of the company of druggies. not easy, and not good, but not awful either. I miss him, wish we still lived in the same state.
  15. Most of you guys are giving objects... but this is giving an EXPERIENCE. That's the sort of gift that I'd like to give. They are much harder to think of though.
  16. I once tolerated a friend's drug habit, while he was on probation, and as a result, there were major consequences. he ended up going back to jail, there was major property damage, and great loss of trust. Not saying this was my fault, but I absolutely enabled his destructive path.
  17. guys, you gotta let your anger go. its just dragging you down. yes, its a lose-lose situation, but after you vote, you gotta release it and move on.
  18. This is kind of an interesting style to compare to your pony in post 37. in 37, the tale/mane was whispy, and the body was very strongly defined, but in this one you've decreased that contrast quite a bit. can't say which i like better... no wait, this one has a bit fo chest floof so I prefer the new one : P
  19. Clopping aside: "tolerate" is a dirty word. there is nothing good about it. at its best, it is useless, and at its worse it is actively bad. how many of you guys would feel the love if someone said "I tolerate you"? tolerating someone's addiction is a dick move that shows you don't care. If you love someone, you help them through the broken parts of themselves.
  20. pretty sure I've killed more animals than I've saved by every metric you can imagine. I've eaten a lot of fish that I've caught for instance, and wiped out countless mounds of fire ants. I've never even donated to an organization that saves animals, because I'd rather give to organizations that help humans.
  21. vocabulary is a way to figure out who your clique is. its only natural for groups to come up with jargon and use it. some of the time, new vocab helps to communicate better... but most of the time, it is used to exclude the outsiders. I try to avoid jargon as much as possible, because I don't want the people around me to feel excluded.
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