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Totally Nyx

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Status Updates posted by Totally Nyx

  1. Isolation is the way to go they say. Time for a profession with a few less people around.

    I'm gonna quit my job, leave the forum a while, and hit the high seas. See if I can catch unsuspecting boats and coastal towns and... earn a hard day's pay. :lie:



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      It’s going to be a hard day’s night for you if you do that!

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Foolish captain. You may have your rebellious jolly roger, but I have my steadfast furinkazan!

    4. Lord Valtasar

      Lord Valtasar

      my favorite pirate song happens to be anti-pirate, but still a great song


  2. Well fillies and gentecolts. I've thought long and hard about this, and she's been up and coming for a long time now. I've found my official new favorite character.

    Please welcome... *drum roll*... the most beautiful bird out there! :proud:




    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Loyal Defender

      Loyal Defender

      @Totally Nyxie If I end up seeing 'Totally Skystar'....


      You're just fabulous!

    3. TotallyNotNyx


      It’s a shame that Skystar only appeared once in the show, I would have loved to see more of her :BrightMacContent:

    4. Loyal Defender

      Loyal Defender

      She’s super sweet and loving!

  3. Moths...

    That is all. :sealed:



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Totally Nyx
    3. Lulaypp


      XD I always love Merlin's face when he is trying to convince someone of something totally untrue. He is brilliant.

    4. Stone Cold Steve Jobs
  4. "One episode a day" I told myself, so it wouldn't take up all my time, and so it would last a while. Just one...



    *puts on the next episode of my multi-hour marathon*

    See y'all in the morning. :ticking:

    1. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Have a wonderful night and enjoy!

    2. TotallyNotNyx
  5. Well yesterday didn't exactly end on a high note. There was a bit of a storm outside and we lost power for a second. I have a surge protector on my computer, but apparently it was still enough to kill my second monitor (this thing's ancient and has been on its last leg for a long time now). It'll be odd working with just a single monitor again after having used two for so long, but I'll have another in by next week to replace it.

    Maybe the day actually did end on a high note, since I've been meaning to get a better one for a while and finally found the motivation to do so. :ticking:


    Wanna know something else odd about that power surge? My brother has a tv that's gotta be from the dark ages, that thing's beyond ancient. It hasn't worked in a couple years, but after lastnight it does again for some reason. :huh:

    Oh well, I won't question it. ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      At least you’re getting a new monitor! Stay safe and healthy!

    3. Dank Pony Child

      Dank Pony Child

      Well that’s shocking 

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Old electronics are so funny that way. ^_^ Some of them work better when you hit them. Not that I recommend that, but still, hilarious!

  6. Goodnight everypony! I hope your Friday was a fantastic one. Carry on and keep on smiling. :D


  7. A little time left before Nyx Day is over for me. A little more time to post Nyx. :squee:

    Have a Nyx everyone! :D


    And of course, probably the single greatest piece of Nyx content out there.

    I hope you all have had a great day so far. :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TotallyNotNyx


      Wow the music really does reflect the tone of Past Sins :BrightMacContent:. I love it^_^ 

    3. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      You should check out the rest of Forcedemodo's channel, at least his Past Sins music. In addition to the main theme, he's made theme music for the first 13 chapters. Well, 14 technically, the prelude included. :squee:

    4. TotallyNotNyx


      Yup, I'll go check it out straight away :BrightMacContent:

  8. What's this? It's still Nyx Day? :o

    Have some Nyx art! :pinkie:


    (not even just Nyx, all three best pones! :wub:)

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Sparklefan1234



       all three best pones! :wub:


      Yup! Twilight Sparkle, Lyra Heartstrings and Roseluck! :D

    3. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx


      Yup! Twilight Sparkle, Lyra Heartstrings and Roseluck! :D



      *boops BFFFF's silly snoot* :P


    4. Sparklefan1234


      @Totally Nyx Did I make a "joking" face? :maud:




  9. *boops the fellow Nyx pone for no reason* :P

  10. Good morning everypony! Happy Friday! Happy unofficial Nyx Day! :pinkie:


    Have a great day and stay safe out there everyone. :D





    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. TotallyNotNyx


      ^_^ Tbh Nyx day officially ends when the day ends for people in Australia, so you still have a while. As long as it is the 27th March somewhere, it is Nyx day

    3. Totally Nyx
    4. Rikifive


      @Totally Nyx Oh I see, fair enough. If her birthday is the case, it has to become unofficially official or perhaps even officially official at some point. :D 

  11. Who's excited? Are you excited? I'm excited! Tomorrow's an exciting day! Unofficial Nyx Day (though it's official to me)! :ticking:


    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Lulaypp


      There is such a day?

    3. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      There is now. I'm celebrating today as Nyx Day because today is her birthday (according to my research). :squee:

    4. Sparklefan1234


      @Totally Nyx That means my Rarity birthday headcanon must be legitimate, too! :D

  12. Good morning everypony! No, it's not that day yet, sorry if I got your hopes up. :adorkable: Though I hope you're having a good day regardless. :)

    Sorry if I haven't been around much recently. Too much gaming and working on a drawing that I wanted done by tomorrow (a deadline I had to give up on :sealed:). I do have something to help us all get through the rest of this week though.


    A surprise boop! :love:

    *boop* :catface:


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Morning Nyxie. ^_^

      Don't feel too bad about missing your original deadline. The completed drawing is going to be totally worth it, I know. :kindness:

      I mean, how can it not? It has cute sleeping Nyx! :mlp_yeehaa:

    3. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Hey my friend, just keep pounding away at it and you’ll get it done! So far it’s looking great. I can only imagine how good the final version is going to be! Stay safe and stay healthy.

    4. Soren Peregrine
  13. I'd rather wait until the full thing is done before showing it, but I can't help sharing this little piece of it. Nyx is just too adorable! :wub: (hush, it's still a long way from being done :sealed:)



    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      @Lulaypp Thanks! :D And yes I agree, there's something wrong about that nose that has been bugging me too. I'll probably try to fix it (unless I get lazy and rush too much trying to hit my deadline :sealed:).

    3. Octavia Heartstrings

      Octavia Heartstrings

      Looks very nice! :adorkable:

    4. Sparklefan1234



  14. HAH! It's a good day. A stream started up as I was checking on it (literally, I hopped in within seconds of it starting :love:).

    I believe I'm gonna be preoccupied for a while. :D

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      @Totally Nyx What piece of art made you choose Tsitra360 as your "inspiration"? 

    3. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      It wasn't really one of his pieces of art, but rather one of his videos. When I decided to start drawing, this was one of the first videos I found and explained things sooooooo well. And it helped that almost immediately after that I caught one of his livestreams on youtube.


    4. Lulaypp


      Hooray! This calls for a celebration.

  15. What madness is this? How are there hearts in the link to your profile? :blink:


    1. TotallyNotNyx


      ^_^well they are part of my username, so why not?:BrightMacContent:

      Is that not normal? 

    2. TotallyNotNyx


      @Bas yeah I’m not sure myself 

      Anyway, I dropped you a follow^_^

  16. I almost forgot to mention it, I have a couple hours left though. Happy Winter Wrap Up everyone! :D

  17. I haven't forgotten my favorite yellow pone. ;) Happy Friday Fluttershy Friend! I hope you're staying safe out there. Keep on smiling when you can, and have a nice weekend. :)

    1. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      Thank you so much my favourite mint pone!;):BrightMacContent: I wish you exactly the same!:P A lot of smile, sun, pizza (as free as big and tasty :)), happy Friday and the weekend! You really improved noticeable my day. Thaaanks my friend! ^^

  18. Good morning everypony and a very happy Friday to you all! :D What makes it such a happy Friday you ask? Well, it's simple:


    It's Friday! :pinkie: What more do we need?

    I hope you're all staying safe with this new virus going around. Keep on taking care of yourselves out there, and have a great Friday and weekend. :)


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Right now, every day feels like a Friday. There are too many Fridays! :BornAgainBrony:

      Seriously though, have a good day. Stay safe. :twi:

    3. Tacodidra


      Happy Friday, my friend! :pinkie: That dance already helped make my day a little better! :D

    4. Sparklefan1234
  19. Anyone else regularly listen to MLP's full extended theme song? Despite how old the intro you see at the start of every episode gets, I've always had a soft spot for the full version (partially because that specific song played a major role in my ever becoming a brony in the first place, but that's for another time).

    Fun fact: the extended theme is actually canon within the show. Part of it is used in an episode, enough to differentiate it from the shortened version. Anyone have a guess as to which episode that was in? :P I don't actually know that it was never used more than once, I just only know one particular instance.



    Anyway, with that I'm off to bed. Goodnight everypony! Stay safe out there. :)

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      One does not simply divulge the secrets behind the appearance of two Nyx-pones trotting around. :proud:


      Also, for anyone interested. This is the only video I could find that goes directly to the point I mentioned where the extended theme is used in an episode. You only need to watch the first 15 seconds.



    3. Tacodidra


      @Totally Nyx If I'm not mistaken, the beginning of the extended theme (the part that Fluttershy sings in that clip) is the G1 MLP theme! :o

      I've always preferred the extended version too, especially the part where all the characters are mentioned ("When danger makes me wanna hide..."). :D

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine


      Decade looks like a power rangers villain :yay:

      @Princess of Hearts ❤️❤️ ...You're not far off, honestly. :laugh:

  20. Self-Isolate


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      @Lord Valtasar He's hearing voices. :blink:

    3. Tacodidra


      @Spacetime Vortex


      Nearly everyone spends times on technology, instead of going out there and socialising or doing something active 

      On MLP Forums, you can do both! This forum truly is the best. :ticking:

    4. TotallyNotNyx


      Maybe it is Luna talking in the dreamscape ^_^

  21. I've been made aware the color proportions on my profile are a tad too heavily weighted toward black and green, with red oddly lacking. Time to fix that...


    with everypony's favorite adorable flower pone! :pinkie::wub:


    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. TotallyNotNyx


      @Totally Nyx I love tests 😂. Just give me a few days to revise for it :BrightMacContent:

      @Sparklefan1234 isn’t there a cap on how many times you can change your username?

    3. Sparklefan1234


      @Totally Nyx 


      Don't feel bad. You've only been here a week, you're not expected to know everything about everyone just yet. That comes after your second week. Be ready, there will be a test. :P


      LESSON 1: Brony Hug Defense Protocol #12835  




      @Spacetime Vortex


      isn’t there a cap on how many times you can change your username?


      I think so. I've never changed my username though. 

    4. Lulaypp



      isn’t there a cap on how many times you can change your username?

      Yup. Three per month I think? (The 'month' starts when you first change a name after previous month ended)

  22. Fingers, toes, and tiny noses

    Brownish hair and tannish skin



    Good morning everypony! :D It's another beautiful day out there. A little rainy (yay, I don't need to wash my car :P) and warm. And we're that much closer to Friday too. :pinkie:

    Have a great day out there everyone. Keep up those smiles, the world could certainly use a few more of them right now. :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. EpicEnergy


      Good morning, my friend! :fluttershy:

    3. Totally Nyx
    4. Lulaypp


      Speaking of rain, it finally rained here. 

      I usually get Friday earlier than you do :P

  23. Guess who's streaming again? :ticking: And not at midnight this time. ^_^


    On second thought, guess who's finishing up his stream as I was just about to hit "submit" on this status? :sealed:



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      @Sparklefan1234 More like the Miyagi to my Daniel-san... well, if senpai actually noticed me. ^_^

    3. Sparklefan1234
    4. Totally Nyx
  24. Thanks for carrying the torch for a while. I'll be back to a Nyx avatar in a couple days. ;)

    Super cute pic choice too. :squee:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TotallyNotNyx


      I used to read so many books as a child, that my parents banned books from entering my house at one point lol :ButtercupLaugh:

    3. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      That's kinda awesome! ^_^ In my opinion, kids these days don't read nearly enough books.

    4. TotallyNotNyx


      Yup totally. I think I'm the only person in my year group in school that still reads books in the library. Everyone else is always on their phones.

      Lol, the way that you said "kids these days" makes you sound really old, even though you were a kid less than 10 years ago! :ButtercupLaugh::BrightMacContent:

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