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Totally Nyx

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Everything posted by Totally Nyx

  1. Goodnight everypony! I'd offer you some cookies but it's 4:00am and I'm so tired I forgot where I put them. If you find them help yourselves to as many as you'd like. :)

    1. DrakeeSkalor


      Will do. 'Night, Lyra. *goes to find the cookies*

    2. Kenshiro


      Goodnight =)

    3. Johnny1226


      Good night Lyra

  2. Same reason it can be founded without first being losted. How many times does a swallow need to beat its wings every second to maintain air-speed velocity?
  3. I love pmv's, especially really well made ones.
  4. I'm feeling great! I had a good breakfast, the pegasi have kept the sky clear, and it's looking like a great day ahead.
  5. Good morning/afternoon/evening/night everypony, depending on where you are. Morning for me. :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Prospekt


      Good morning :)

    3. Compeador


      lol, it's morning here so good morning :)

    4. SolarFlare13


      Goood morning Wyra X3 <3

  6. Awesome drawing! I love the mane and her expression is wonderful.
  7. Goodnight everypony! *leaves jars of cookies out and snuggles up around a big ball of yarn* :)

  8. I feeling great, just got done playing some fun games. Also somewhat worried about a friend. I'm mostly tired though. I think I'll go get some sleep.
  9. I had a couple burritos covered in cheese. So cheesy!
  10. Good morning everypony! How are you all doing this fine Tuesday morning? :)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      So snuggly and warm. o3o

    3. Monsoon


      Good morning

    4. Kenshiro


      Good Morning. That was a tiring tuesday for me my friend :)

  11. I'm off to the land of dreams and snoozles, goodnight everypony! Sleep well! *hugs* :)

  12. Hehe, I'm still playing the same game I've been playing way too much of lately: Minecraft.
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