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Everything posted by Dreambiscuit

  1. Ho ho yes! I love them! My favorite is the one at the bottom, but they're all divine!
  2. Oh my. I just love this stuff. Thank you for posting. I'm gonna feel good all night after looking at these. Thank you.
  3. Get loose, LOOSE, LOOSE! Don't try make your first 'draft' your only draft. Make mistakes, scribble broadly and dramatically until you get all the tightness out and stop obsessing over the details until you get the overall subject nailed down. Oh, and rub your eraser on a separate piece of paper before using it on your art, the new ones always smudge!
  4. Nice! Somepony needs to give these ponies a balloon or a happy meal toy or something, they seem so grim! I love the art though! Especially the top one! Do you do color ones as well?
  5. When I draw, I usually use a regular #1 or #2 pencil and get as loose as I can. After I've gotten the image they way I like it, I put the paper on an Artograph Light Tracer Light Box and trace it onto a new piece of paper where I do the cleanup. This way I can draw freely without worrying about making mistakes, and I can keep just the good stuff afterward. For B&W drawings I use Wolff's Carbon Pencils in B, 2, 4 & 6.
  6. Sa-weeet! I can't get over the talent around here! I'm such an art junkie. Thanks for posting these beautiful pics. The Changelings are my favorite of this group. Nice stuff!
  7. First of all, I wouldn't kick George out of his own universe in the egotistical thinking that I alone am the future of a franchise I know nothing about. To start off, rather than making Jakku a ripoff of Tattooine, I'd um, you know, make it Tattooine. Or at least call it what it is: Jakkooine. I would not assume anyone such as Kylo Ren would have the resources to simply shake another vast Empire out of his pant leg just because he had a little tiff with his parents and teacher. What did he do, put out a galactic want ad? As director or writer, I would enjoy the opportunity to show the genesis of this new military force and how it came to be, rather than just having it ready-formed so as to avoid having to think it out. For example, I would have an independent civilian (commercial) force, enlisted by the New Republic to rebuild the galaxy after the battle of Endor, and have its leaders become corrupted by Kylo Ren. They would stage a struggle with a scapegoat faction (such as a pirate group) and use it as an excuse to militarize their forces (for their own protection) and gain the Republic's blessing in doing so. Hence, you have a ready made force that's already integrated, equipped and ready to turn on the Republic at any time. I would clarify why the New Republic is called the Resistance when it was clearly there before the First Order, and thus should have had the power and control to prevent its inception and growth, rather than act as a guerrilla-fighting redux Rebellion against some new upstart Empire. Better yet, it wouldn't be called the Resistance at all. Lame. I would have avoided ridiculous plot conveniences like Han and Chewie just being in the neighborhood when the Falcon left Jakku. It would be more feasible for Han and Chewie to be in the system on a shady deal with the shady dealers already there on Jakku. It may be convenient, but better than Han and Chewie catching the Falcon on a random 'fishing trip' in space. Rey's powers and abilities should not have just suddenly blinked into existence to the extent that she could take on a trained Sith and hold her own. Since she already showed her prowess with a staff, she would have been more convincing using that and just struggling by, they way Luke struggled with his burgeoning powers in ESB. It would even be more humorous and fun to see her faltering through it; it would have endeared her as a character. Finn with a lightsaber?! I think not! One of the first things a Jedi is taught is how to avoid cutting their own legs off with one. But here he is, sanitation trooper 2187, going at it like he's been doing it all his life. And what's the deal going saber-fighting against another stormtrooper? First off, it's just a little interesting that the one trooper that recognized Finn on sight (out of thousands, no less) just happened to have a saber-proof weapon of his own. Clearly it should have been Phasma there. At least it would have given her character something interesting to do, and she wouldn't feel like such an overlooked character. Better yet, I would have cut the scene altogether. It's only there to establish Finn's use of the saber. I would have cut all the subsequent scenes as well. As far as Finn and Rey's romance. Okay, I'm good with that. I like both characters and think they have good chemistry. But I can't help feel like it's another attempt by Disney to stick in a PC interracial thing. I have nothing against it myself, but it seems gratuitous if it's being used strictly as bid by Disney to make money off a broader demographic. I would go into more detail about Poe on Jakku and his eventual return to the Resistence. That would have fleshed out his character and given us someone to root for. Ah yes, and let's not forget the big one; Han Solo's pointless death. If I was going to kill off a major character that fans have been waiting 32 years to see again, I'd make it actually mean something. I'd have waited until episode 8 to give Kylo Ren more time to develop and give some gravity to his motivations. This would have also given fans time to see Han, Luke and Leia together before waxing Han. And I wouldn't make Han and Leia so estranged just because Lawrence Kasdan thinks its cute to mirror certain trends on planet earth (cuz in Hollywood everyone's divorced. Duh). Star Wars is an escape from earth, let's keep it that way and give Han and Leia their old playful back-and-forth barbs and leave the divorce crap to People's Court. Now for Luke (you know, the star of Star Wars last seen back in the '80s?) J.J. Abrams delayed production for 6 months for a script rewrite supposedly meant to increase the size of the roles for the original 'Big 3'. But here we see Luke in a dialog-free cameo at the end in a long overdrawn closing shot. I would have put Luke in the movie from the beginning. It would have helped to flesh out Kylo Ren's motivations without seeming forced, and given us more tantalizing clues as to Rey's lineage. The battle at the end against the new and improved Death Star-y thing, was just lame. Besides having all the air let out of the movie with Han's death during the battle, it's just redundant. That would be the time I would have had the First Order showing itself to the Republic for the first time. It would have been more climactic, intense and realistic than having it just spring out of nowhere at the beginning of the movie. With a series like Star Wars there's plenty of time to tell your story without having to rush it. The First Order (in my version) would not have directly confronted the Republic until then. Finally, I'd have a lot less of Abrams' zoom-in-zoom-out camera. If he's supposedly trying to recapture the feel of the original trilogy, he should try watching them. They didn't have that kind of crappy directing style back then. And using film stock instead of digital is another mistake. Grainy film does not make me feel all nostalgic for the old films, it makes me glad that George pioneered a digital age to get away from that look. (Another thing Abrams doesn't seem to know.) Okay, that's about it for now. *medals to all who stuck with me to the end here* I hate to rant, but I get a little passionate about Star Wars.
  8. They so float my boat! What could be more attractive than a nice cuddly cartoon character? They may be from a kid's show but they themselves aren't kids. They're drawn so cute and pretty and expressive. There's absolutely nothing not to love.
  9. Hey there CottonCloud! Lovely to be welcoming another great member to our party! You've certainly come to the right place to talk ponies. I just came here myself and can't stop. The cool thing is that everypony actually listens! If you ever want to talk, ask a question or anything, just drop me a PM. Looking forward to seeing you on the boards!
  10. Hiya Fifey Great to have you join our little get together. *passes s'mores around* Obviously I would love to know your most enticingly cryptic adventures in getting here. (We'll just keep it between us 30,000 ponies hanging out here). But what really matters though is that your path did lead you to be here with us, so a big win all around! And darn it, you are too cool to be hated. (Great profile, I'm jealous!) I also love your avatar, that just kills me! Anyway, welcome to the herd my friend, it's good to have you among us!
  11. Hi Mixed Flower! Welcome aboard! So nice to have you join us! You're going to love our community here; lots of wonderful ponies. If you ever want to talk or anything, just drop me a PM!
  12. Hi Lambda! Welcome to our lovely herd of Bronies and Pegasisters! It's never too late to join the party and it's great to have you here! I just joined (even though I've been a Pegasister for a while now) and can't get enough of it. There are so many friendly folks here, so if you ever want to talk, ask a question or whatever, just PM. By the way, what was the one MLP episode you took a shot with?
  13. "When Marnie Was There." Probably the last feature we'll see from Studio Ghibli. Beautiful, sweet and magical. I guess it didn't break records at the box office so the studio is doomed. What a waste.
  14. I don't like anything being regulated. But Iron Man is so cool. Do truth and justice really matter when you've got a better costume?
  15. Sure, I love sports; I love running around until I'm exhausted, getting the ever-loving crap kicked out of me and never scoring a point. I love getting my hair and clothes soiled beyond repair, and of course long lasting cuts and bruises that I can't cover up are always a plus. I especially enjoy being picked last for a team and jeered for my failures at after I've already expressed that I SUCK AT SPORTS! Oh, yeah. And I wish everyone would leave Tom Brady the f*** alone.
  16. Has there ever been a pony more misunderstood? Got any cocktail sauce?
  17. 1. My Interests: Disney movies and parks, architectural design, animation, Imagineering and filmmaking. 2. My Hobbies: I write, draw, paint, sculpt, and do some occasional crafts. I should be doing one of these things right now, but I'm too damned addicted to this forum! 3. For fun: I like to do the above-mentioned artsy and literary stuff. I also love movies at home or at the theater. I like to travel and do things I haven't tried before (this can include ANYTHING) I do like to go to the gym and keep in shape too. 4. My Job: I work at Disneyland. (If you want to know more about that, PM me and I'll go into the details.)
  18. Here's the deal. You can't go through your life obsessing over everything. Big things, small things, it doesn't matter. We're all here to learn as we go. None of us will ever be perfect but that's okay, God will make us perfect after this life is over and forgotten. Trying to attain perfection will only cause you a lot of personal torment and a nasty obsessive/compulsive streak. Trust me, you don't want to go there. I know this may seem hard at first, because it takes some mental readjusting that may seem contrary to your instincts, but you have to practice letting go a little. Now I'm not saying you should let go of God or religion obviously, but let go of your strict expectations of yourself and others. Life is a dirty mess. Fine. We can only do our best, but obsessing and being miserable is not what God wants for us, He loves us and wants us to be happy, first and foremost. Only by setting aside the grief can we truly expect to fulfill our potential. As far as other people go, everyone is at their own stage of development in life so we have to be patient. People who ridicule religion often have no idea what they're ridiculing. They follow the cues of mass media, which I'm sorry to say is grossly irresponsible. We find ourselves judging those who judge us, but that's human. We learn and try to do better the next time. The human animal is too complicated to worry about the countless impulses, good or bad, running through us at any given moment. I've been where you are, and I had someone tell me the same things I'm telling you, let go a little, step back and see the bigger picture. It took me a little time to readjust, but whenever I started to doubt myself, I simply shut it off and said, "Enough!" In time my mind felt a little less squeezed and I found that was what God wanted; less pressure and more happiness. I felt His presence in my life more naturally. Only by opening up to Him and trusting Him can we do His will, and this does not mean obsessing over it! If God were to set you down and talk this over with you face-to-face, He'd probably say, "Lighten up! You're doing far better than you realize." Many people, it seems, don't try at all, and God loves them too. Be at peace, brother. And God bless you.
  19. Sounds like a good balanced diet to me. I had Chicken Fricassee. But I'm just about to plow into a Three Musketeers bar.
  20. Not all that odd, actually very cool (cuz that's what I am!) French Canadian and British on my mother's side. On my dad's side, I guess I'm 3/4 Polish to 1/4 German. .
  21. I like it HOT. I want to feel the heat in my bones. I want the heat to hurt. I don't mind thunderstorms though because they make it cozy to be inside. I don't like them so much at night because they make the power go out and my fan shuts off. I can't sleep without a noisy fan by my bed.
  22. I'm 24. I'm youthful for my age (which sounds like I'm already an old lady trying to cling to those lost years) but I have never acted my age and never will. Yes, I have been toilet trained, but you know what I mean! Thank God for Cover Girl.
  23. A seventh element at this point feels too much like desperation on the part of the writers. It's superfluous the same as adding Starlight Shimmer into the Mane (7 now?) It's not a natural fit and seems way too forced.
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