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Everything posted by Dagobiscuit

  1. English, but I speak (or should say spoke) some Japanese and just a tad of German. When they say, “Use it or lose it” they aren’t kidding. If I let my language studies lapse for even a week it disappears from my brain completely. I was speaking lower-intermediate Japanese for a while but I can barely even remember my basic Hiragana and Katakana anymore. It’s sad.
  2. Money may not literally be able to buy happiness as in, “Hey, let’s go down to the Happiness Store and load up a cart!” But money does open doors and afford opportunity. Rich or poor, money is useful and no one can really go far without it. If someone is rich and unhappy, they’re probably not looking for happiness in the right places. The less affluent recognize the value of money and would have happiness if they didn’t have to struggle with paying the bills. So money can buy the things or circumstances that equate to happiness, which answers the question.
  3. I still stick to the same routine I mentioned in my post from a few years ago, but for the first time (ever) I’m trying some different styles, nothing drastic, so I have to comb and sometimes curl my hair to maintain the direction I want it to go.
  4. Thanks Travs, it means the world to me.
  5. Feeling like the world is imploding. I've been trying to fix a problem with a relative, and everytime it seems I'm getting close to success, something bad happens and it all comes crashing down. I'm at the end of my rope right now.
  6. At the moment, paying off someone else's debts. It sounds ridiculous but right now I'd pay every penny I have just to have some peace and get things settled for everyone.
  7. Twilight getting her wings in Magical Mystery Cure, The CMC getting their Cutie Marks in Crusaders of the Lost Mark, Twilight mending fences with Moon Dancer in Amending Fences. If you’d care to add the movie as well, the Open Up Your Eyes sequence is pretty affecting.
  8. The Unicorns use their magic of course. The Pagasi slap them toward their opponents with their mighty wings. And the Earth ponies back-kick them or spit smaller snow bullets toward their targets. The smartest ponies hire more articulate species as ringers to do their fighting for them and bet on the outcome. Big money to be had in fixing snowball fights, but that's part of the soft fluffy underbelly of pony society.
  9. No. Not now and not even when the ponies were at their zenith. I love the ponies but I don’t think a single TV show would generate enough money to justify a theme park. Theme parks are seriously expensive to build and operate and I don’t see enough interest to make it pay. A ride or some smaller attraction within the tapestry of broader themes would be reasonable, but on its own, no. It would be awesome though.
  10. Hey, the heart wants what the heart wants. If people love their ponies, I have no problem with that. These are characters with great personalities and attractiveness. They often have rich backstories and it’s easy to love someone like that, even head-over-hooves love.
  11. I hear the same old thing; someone pounding on the door, begging to be let back inside, "I promise I'll clean up my mess, take off my dirty shoes and wash my hands before dinner! I promise! Please let me back in!" I love changing the locks when no one expects it.
  12. The severed heads of my enemies, carefully preserved.
  13. Akiba Maid Wars: This is an anime series about Akihabara Café Maids at war with other café maids within the Akihabara/Electric Town section of Tokyo. I like outlandish, insane and ridiculous story ideas like this and I had a great time watching it. It had an interesting ambiguous ending which I liked but then they tossed on a post-credit scene which diluted the ending that should have been left up to the interpretation of the audience. But still, I can’t diss this show because I had so much fun watching it.
  14. Plane (2023) Simple and effective. If you want good solid action, intensity and nothing else to burden the plot, this is for you. I liked this movie a lot. Fun for the sake of fun, nothing more, nothing less. Lift (2024) Kevin Hart stars in this heist film in which a group of professional thieves must make an impossible score to save their own necks. It’s a lot better than the usual Kevin Hart film because he’s not so over-the-top in this. The plot is decent, the action pretty good and the locations beautiful. Surprisingly solid.
  15. Tress MacNeille, who is basically the Tara Strong of the 90s. She did all my favorite toonettes: Babs Bunny and Gadget Hackwrench to name a couple faves. Mel Blanc, the ultimate voice-over actor. I always wanted to see footage of him behind the microphone; that would be even funnier than hearing him in the cartoons. Seeing him as a regular on the Jack Benny show is so funny because Mel is such an unassuming little man and you'd never imagine he had all that zaniness inside him. When it all comes out, hilarity ensues! Phllip Glasser, the voice actor who brought us Fievel Mousekewitz. He was just a child when he was doing this role but he was so natural and perfect. I love pure natural talent like that. It's just amazing to hear.
  16. I have a brother-in-law that I don’t get along with AT ALL. He irritates me all the time and he uses marijuana which only makes him worse. He thinks he’s all happiness and harmony when he’s on that stuff but he doesn’t see himself through sober eyes. The rest of us see him as irritating, combative, overly sensitive, paranoid and an all-around ass. When he’s around my blood pressure goes sky-high.
  17. I wanted to be something that could transform because, let’s face it, it’s not always easy getting into finer restaurants when you have claws and fangs. So I opted for being a Kitsune, which is a Japanese fox that can take on human form. Here’s what Wiki has to say: "In Japanese mythology, kitsune, or legendary foxes, often take on a human disguise; most frequently taking the form of an elderly man, an attractive woman, or a child. Kitsune can also replicate the exact appearance of a specific person. In medieval Japan, the belief that any beautiful women met alone at dusk was a kitsune was prevalent. In some legends, kitsune cannot fully transform, but maintain a tail or other foxlike characteristic such as long red hair." Foxes are my favorite animals so this is a perfect fit for me. Now, I wouldn’t opt to take on the form of an old dude or a child, but the attractive woman is fine, and even in human form I could still keep the tail. That’s just too awesome.
  18. I think of it as ‘Uhhh…” as though I don’t know how to react to something, like I’m standing there with tumbleweeds rolling by with a stupid expression on my face, unable to process. But in the odd circumstance somepony posts something reaction-worthy about leaves, I might use it for that as well.
  19. As mentioned in an earlier post, I had radical OCD when I was younger but I got past it. It tries to rear its ugly head from time to time but it doesn’t own me anymore. The modern world seems to breed mental issues because people try to twist nature into something unnatural, and psychological problems are the inevitable result.
  20. Don't you just hate it when that happens? You're having a nice time enjoying your VR and some damn whale has to come along and spoil things. So inconsiderate.
  21. I took my grandma to the eye doctor, went grocery shopping, took grandma’s car out to put gas in it, put out some birdseed for our little feathered friends, had a slice of pizza, took a shower and went to bed, Woke up at 11pm, emptied the dishwasher and watched some TV. After that I mixed some color dye for a sewing project I’m working on and now I’m trying not to nod off again…with mixed success. I’m glad this wasn’t a work day.
  22. I avoid talking on the phone at all costs. I don’t like regular phones and I don’t like cell phones. The only reason I have one is because the world insists on revolving around these stupid devices to the point where you can do even the most basic tasks without having an app. I rarely turn on my phone unless it’s necessary, and you’d be surprised just how unnecessary it is.
  23. I brush at least twice a day and if my gums start to hurt I rinse with a multi-action oral rinse and that fixes me right up. I haven’t had a cavity yet but I would never rule it out, no matter how thoroughly I brushed. I don’t want to go to the dentist EVER if I can possibly avoid it.
  24. Christmas. And not just the day itself but the whole season which, for me, begins in late September and continues as long as I can drag it out in January (or February…or March). I love Christmas and there’s too much going on during this wonderful holiday to contain in a short amount of time.
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