As Sule went up to Clover, Storm skipped away. Everything was so weird. If somepony had told her a month ago that this is where she'd be now, she wouldn't believe a thing.
She preferred it here anyway. She didn't really live with anyone at her home, and she didn't have many friends either. She tried to make friends - she had a lot of acquaintances, but no true friends. Storm wouldn't say she was good friends with any of the ponies here, but they were far better than the ones she used to know.
The only pony she really missed from back home was Mr. Forren. She knew he had a first name, and he said she could use it, but she was so used to calling him that it never stuck. He was an elderly pegasus, who originally took her in when she ran away as a filly - so he was like a grandfather to her.
He was fairly well known with the war 'community', as he was a veteran. He knew she was getting lonely, and so he arranged for Storm to be a pegasi ambassador. She hoped he was alright. At least she'd have a story to tell when she got home.
But now all Storm had to do was wait to see what would happen next.
((OOC: Couldn't think of anything really important to post, so I just did a bit more backstory posting ))