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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Isobel

  1. Yup, I remember that! It was super duper weird, and she's never properly explained it still! I wonder what it was... Me? No, but - that's a great idea! Imagine a spy cutie mark! Okay! That would be really fun to get lunch! Of course! I love to make new friends! It depends - do you have your cutie mark yet? Me? Adorable? What do you mean? I think it's so cute! Spike's so obsessed with her! Don't be silly - me and Spike are just friends!
  2. There's a huge moth in my room. I'm using my karate skills - I knew they'd pay off! xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ScottishUnicorn


      Both of you are wrong, this situation calls for an incendiary airstrike.

    3. Flicker Sweet

      Flicker Sweet

      not possible indoors and I don't think that the Geneva Accords allow that.....mortars always do the job though! nothing like basic artillery!

    4. Filly Pinkie Pie

      Filly Pinkie Pie

      That's what parents are for, attacking bugs.

  3. Confirming Fluttershy Time to be a meanie!
  4. Can I RP as Hades daughter? Don't worry, it won't be a Mary Sue at all. I have plans...mwahahah
  5. Pinkie Pie for sure xD I'm a huge extrovert, I talk a lot, and I can be a bit loud at times That's how I found out about MLP actually -one of my friends linked a video called Pinkie's Best Moments, and said she reminded her of me xD
  6. REALLY? I live in Maple Ridge too! O_O
  7. Best. Banner. Ever

    1. Chill Mists (Chilly)

      Chill Mists (Chilly)

      Needs more Fluttershy to be called that. But I agree, it is amazing.

  8. Pinkamena Diane Pie stepped out of the gradually rotting Sugarcube Corner, and saw with surprise that instead of the usual silent, empty streets, there were a few other ponies gathered around. She headed over to them with a twisted grin on her face, her pink tinted mane hanging down in dead straight locks. Her icy blue eyes were wide and malicious. "Welcome to Ponyville," she said, her voice high and eerie.
  9. Okay, so I'm not a good singer. But I decided to try and sing Hush Now Quiet Now in Fluttershy's part, as Sweetie Belle's was....beyond me xD Please tell me what you think It would mean a lot to me! http-~~-//soundcloud.com/isobeling/hush-now-quiet-now-cover-1/s-9fhN8
  10. Okay! I love teddy bears!
  11. But I don't know my special talent yet! I should talk about it to the rest of the CMC! And PLEEEEEASE can I have the cookie?
  12. Thanks! I hope you have a good sleep too - you're super duper nice! Ooh, ooh, yes!
  13. No, I definitely like singing a lot! But I just don't see how it could be my special talent! But I guess I can tell Apple Bloom and Scootaloo about it!
  14. Is that why everypony asks me to sing? But it can't be my special talent... Well, I guess, sure... But a special talent sounds a bit weird!
  15. That sounds cool! I should show it to Scootaloo, she'd really really really like it! And sure you can have a hug! A robot? It wouldn't hurt to tell me - would it? Nah.. Tell me, tell me, tell me!
  16. Dusty Dewdrop was finally ready to begin school at Canterlot College of Alicorns. And she was really nervous. Dusty wasn't a thin, beautiful alicorn. Her mane was a mess, she was a total klutz, and she was so socially awkward it hurt. So she didn't have high hopes about her new school.When Dusty walked in, she saw how incredibly huge the hall was. It intimidated her. She saw some other alicorns in the room. She sauntered over to them, being careful not to trip over her hooves. "Um, hi, I'm Dusty Dewdrop," she said awkwardly.
  17. Can Pinkie Pie be a girl? If so, I can audition for her and Fluttershy By the way, do you have lines for us to record?
  18. So where's the link to the RP? Don't you have to put it in the OOC thread?
  19. I didn't think I could be more jealous until I saw those pictures >_<
  20. Yup, in the fanfic we'll do that And it was Fairly Odd Parents It was five years ago though, and I had a small part, but I MET TARA STRONG. The terrible thing is, I don't remember too much of it. I remember the basics (She was really nice ), but if that happened to me now I'd be writing down everything that happened xD Curse my ten year old memory >_<
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