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Flying Pencil

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Status Updates posted by Flying Pencil

  1. Happy Hearts & Hooves Day Everyone!

    1. Astralshy


      thanks and also Happy Hearts and Hooves day to you

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Same to you, my friend! Have a good one. :D

  2. I know I'm a month late but Happy New Years everyone. The animal for the Chinese new year is the Rabbit. Which symbolizes good fortune ( I think ). Hope it's all going good for all you and let's keep hopping through this new year ( get it :) )

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Better late than never! And despite the sad beginning, I hope this year has more happy moments than sad for you. :rarity:

  3. Quick little update, im doing fine and everything is getting better. My mom's boyfriend is moving back in and their relationship is better. Thank you all for the support and love you gave me. I probably will come back. So thank you all again, your are all so amazing.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Happy to support you, my friend. :squee:

    2. Rikifive


      Great to hear that! :mlp_yeehaa:

      I hope it'll keep going in the right direction. c:

  4. Thanks everyone for the compliment and hope, but i am still going to take a long break from this forum. I just need time and no, I am not suicidal. This may be my last post, but I don’t want everyone to worry about me. I’ll be fine, I also might be accepted into a community art college. So things may get better for me. Thank you everypony, again. I wish you all the best while I’m gone.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EpicEnergy


      I hope that things do get better for you. Goodbye for now, my friend.

    3. Brony Number 42

      Brony Number 42

      Focus on your goals. Start with small steps. Always have something to work for. And let us know how it goes.

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I'm glad to hear this isn't the end. :kindness:
      If you want time and space, I understand. Take care my friend. I hope you find happiness out there. But if you ever miss us, if you're ever feeling nostalgic, we're always here for you.

  5. Just got bad news that my mom and her boyfriend are breaking up and that he is moving out of our apartment. My life is a joke and anyone who says it get's better is a liar. It never gets better, bad things always happen to me, and I can never be happy without doubting everything I do. This might be my last post ever on this forum. Goodbye everpony, I hope the future treats you better than mine. I made amazing friends on this forum and I thank each and everyone of them. So thank you @Brony Number 42, @EpicEnergy, @Patty Thundersnow, @Rikifive, @Kujamih, @Deae Rising Shine~, @Nsxile , @Astral Soul, @Splashee, @TheRockARooster, @DivineZipp1000, @Pandora, @Will Guide, @Rainboomer Zap, @Tacodidra, @Samurai Equine, @Windy Breeze. @RaraLover, @reject pegasus, @Katie Cadet, @bubbleteapony, @Kion, @EasyBreezy, @Derpy Pon-3, @DemeowHiya, @SpongeBobsLittlePony, @abrony-mouse, @Cherrychip, @Midnight Creep Show, @Rainbow Cloud, @rainbowgelie, @raykv423, @Starset Twinkle, and @Stone Cold Steve Jobs. Thank you all for your support and I wish you all the best of luck. Goodbye everyone, I will miss you all. 

    Flying Pencil

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Props Valroa

      Props Valroa

      I knew very little about you, but I wish you the best of luck. I hope you find what you need. 

    3. Pandora


      I'm sorry to hear about the rough situation flying. Everyone is here for you and awaiting your return. <3


      I used to feel like things wouldn't get better either and that everyone and everything was against me, it's just a matter of trusting in yourself and letting yourself heal from whatever you've had to go through aswell as stumbling upon the right people who want to guide you. <3

      You are not alone, never will be alone.
      You have all of us, don't forget

      People here wish to listen and help you! <3

    4. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Life may not always get better, but remember that there's always going to be people out there who do care for you

  6. Happy New Year Everyone! Just went through a Christmas light show. It was lovely. Here are some pictures.

    Fun Fact: This is the year of the rabbit. Which symbolizes good luck. Let's hope it's turns out that way



    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      There use to be a similar light show in my town. I don't know if they still do it or not. :derp:

  7. Merry Christmas everypony!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pandora


      merry christmas flying!

    3. EpicEnergy


      Thanks, and same to you!

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Same to you, my friend! :twilighthat:

  8. Anyone watched Sonic Prime yet. I haven’t since I’m working on a some animations. Heard it’s good though and has Jacksepticeye in it.

    1. Splashee


      Jacksepticeye isn't a Sonic character :mlp_wat:


      I will have to check it out at one point. Again, Sonic is high priority........ (25 years ago)

    2. Flying Pencil

      Flying Pencil

      I meant as a voice actor

    3. Splashee


      I know :mlp_icwudt:

      I just can't think about him ever caring about Sonic though.

  9. Hi everypony, sorry for my long absence. I’m doing good and I just got on Christmas break. I wish you all a merry Christmas, happy new year, and I’ll see you all in 2023. Please let it be better

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I am on Christmas break too. Hope you are having fun, my friend. Until we meet again~ :flutterhat:

  10. Just finished playing Sonic Frontiers and it was beautiful to play. Thank you Sega and everyone who made this game possible. An amazing introduction game to the Sonic game franchise for me

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      There's going to be DLC coming soon, with more features and Knuckles, Tails, and Amy become playable characters. :flutterhat:

  11. Just got Sonic Frontiers for thirty dollars because I had some leftover gift card money on my Xbox series X. Excited to play


    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Have fun! It's a great game. :eager:

  12. Life is a cruel joke and I hate it. All is grey and empty. A hole is in my heart. One full of sadness, anger, doubt, fear. I am broken, I am hurt, I fool others with a mask of smiles, I trick others by saying “I am fine”. Yet this is far from the truth. All my hope and happiness have turned to dust. So why bother being hopeful and happy when life slams you down. Goodnight everypony, I wish life treats you well in the future. Because it hasn’t towards me

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I'm sorry life has been so terrible to you, my friend. I truly do hope things get better for you eventually.
      If you ever need a friend to vent to, I'm always here.

  13. Came home to find out my mom hung up two posters for Imagine Dragons and Green Day in my room. I'm so happy. I love my mom so much



    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Not much a Green Day fan personally, but Imagine Dragons is awesome. 

  14. Just watched the newest episode of Helluva Boss. Seeing Stars. I loved it although I wish we could've seen more of Moxxie and Millie

  15. Having a massive art block right now with my animations. I want to finish my animation soon but I just don’t know what to put in. 

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Good luck, my friend. :Rara: If it helps, feel free to take a break until you're feeling creative again.

  16. Just watched a video that confirms that Cartoon Network Studios if officially merging with Warner Bros Discovery. I want to say thank you Cartoon Network for giving me so many laughs, bringing me happiness, and making my memories happiness. Also, f*ck Warner Bros Discovery and 2022. Watch this video for more info if you want. That’s all for now. 


    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I saw that too. Sad.

  17. Happy birthday my friend. I hope today will be wonderful and you’ll have an amazing time. *blows party horn then gives hug*

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Thank you!! You all ready gave me everything I wanted, my airborne friend. A hug! :mlp_yeehaa: And here's one for you too.


  18. Just finished watching the Forever Purge and It was good. Do you think the next purge movie is going to be a global purge. Where other countries form their own purge. That would be nice to see

    1. Brony Number 42

      Brony Number 42

      The Biblical flood was the original purge.

  19. Just finished my birthday animation. Hope you all like it



    1. Tacodidra


      Awesome and cute animation, my friend! ^_^

  20. Update on my yesterday post. I got my phone today instead tomorrow which  is amazing and my evaluation went well. They even let me have a tour of the high school. It was amazing. Wish I was in public school right now. 

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Glad to hear it, my airborne friend! :BrightMacContent: Hope things keep getting better for you.

  21. So, a lot has been going on. My phone broke on Saturday. My mom ordered a new one that will arrive on Wednesday which is also my birthday. Also I’m not going to school tomorrow since I’m going to take an evaluation test at the high school in my district. I have to get there by 8 AM. Wish me luck and have a nice day 

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Good luck, my airborne friend. :coco:

  22. Here are some drawings I made in school. The first one is fanart of the song Slim Pickens by the Offspring ( the real title is way longer, so I’m shortening it ). The second one I made today using my Sonic OC. Cloak the Wolf and Whisper the Wolf from the IDW Comics being controlled like puppets. Literally. Hope you like them


  23. Can't wait for tomorrow. Season 10 of the Division 2 will be dropping tomorrow. I'M SO EXCITED, I COULD LITERALLY EXPLODE!

  24. And just when you think 2022 can't get any worse. An outbreak of Polio in New York just adds to the list of "Bad things about this decade'. We're not even half way through this stupid decade! I swear, if the Earth was going to blow up tomorrow. I would be happy. Because all of this, would finally end. #F**K2022

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I've lost a HUGE chunk of my close and distant family this decade. If the world ends tomorrow, it might as well take us all down with it!

  25. Here’s an old cover for a Sonic fan comic I was going to create. It was going to have Whisper and Tangle from the IDW comic along with my OC, Cloak the Wolf. But I scrapped. Hope you like it anyway


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