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Dawnshine Wonder

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Everything posted by Dawnshine Wonder

  1. That's what that Tantabus episode in My Little Pony was a metaphor for I think, self harm, but people don't seem to be ready for these kinds of messages, a lot of MLP fans surprisingly respond with blame and judgment, instead of a desire for individuals caught self harming to get professional help and to be supported in a welcoming and compassionate environment where they can openly talk about their problems. Self harm is not and should not be treated as selfishness, the fact people even treat it as if individuals doing it are not worthy of others kindness, is very toxic behavior in my opinion.

  2. I couldn't help but find it amusing the way Jigglypuff double slapped Team Rocket in this Pokemon episode, Rock on, Jiggypuff!
  3. Thinking of grabbing a notepad and pen tomorrow and continuing on with the MLP FIM fanfic, but without ChatGPT. It's probably going to take me a couple of years before I have a fully fleshed out version of this one and even then, I want to make sure I get the grammar correct. I could use software and grammarly to assist me with grammar related stuff so I can avoid spelling mistakes and what not, but I want this fanfic to be my own thing, not AI assisted, which doesn't even get the characterization right half the time, but on the good side of it, at least I'm motivated to do this without AI assisting me on anymore with the exception of error correction. It's a better use of my time than debating people whether or not Princess Celestia is a good ruler in the show, or people complaining about the most serious of mistakes Twilight Sparkle makes with her magic as if that's something she does all the time, while in this section of the forum I have been generally met with positivity, in another thread I've grown bored of debating someone who happens to be a Trump supporter, so I'm not going to touch that topic anymore, MAGA are a lost cause.
  4. I could mention what's on my mind right now and why I am not feeling great but I am not sure it's going to matter here. I'm not saying anyone else has not got their own problems. I just don't know how I am going to say this without sounding awkward to some people. I do feel unsettled right now, though.
  5. I like all Mane Six characters really, despite their flaws, no one is perfect. And I don't believe Twilight Sparkle's obsession with books and trivia is boring, shaming others for hobbies or being educated, is not cool.
  6. Wondering if I should teach Golem Rock Smash in Pokemon Crystal, seems iffy though, with only 4 moves it's probably better off used on a different Pokemon. My Pokemon is a Graveler at the moment, if I can trade it to evolve it, the extra stats would be helpful in dealing with Elite Four later on. Got my 4th badge now. At the moment Graveler is useful for a bait and switch style gameplay, where I force the AI to waste a turn when switching it out for a different Pokemon. Croconaw could've one shot it with Water Gun if I did not swap it out for Bellsprout at the last second. I do this to determine opponent movesets from time to time, for fun, of course.
  7. Cleaning up, after I just taken a bath. After taking my medication for anxiety I'm just unwinding for the evening. I may get back on Pokemon Crystal again on my GBA SP. I'm kind of lost though, it has been decades since I did my last playthrough so I don't even remember half of the game anymore. I got 3 badges in Johto region, but now I need to figure out how to move Sudowoodo out of the way so I can progress.
  8. Some people did say she was though, you were in a different thread where this happened, remember?
  9. That sucks, rights for transgender people is what everyone should be in support of, it's freedom, freedom to be themselves.
  10. Betrayal is never an easy thing to deal with.
  11. Am I the only person who thinks there should have been mental institutions for villains in My Little Pony FIM? Discord is an example of someone who could've benefited from this, they could've removed his magic in season 4 and made him undergo therapy to make sure he was no longer a threat to Equestria. Same should've happened with Starlight Glimmer, to have her be accepted by Mane Six, it would've made sense for her to humbly accept that help.
  12. Queen Chrysalis pushed back against this as well, she was offered a chance, but she refused it, I don't know if she can redeem since she was a villain all the way up to the final season. Eventually even the most patient of heroes would snap, and that's exactly what happened, when she got turned to stone, if anyone pushes Luna and Celestia far enough, they will do away with them. I have unpopular opinions myself, if a character is capable of showing empathy, however flawed they may be, IMO there is hope. Starlight Glimmer did eventually become regretful of said actions, it became a matter of difficulty to adapt to social norms. Her actions went from hateful to bad decisions from fear of not being accepted. We don't know what kind of upbringing Starlight had in the show, and past trauma can indeed damage a person's ability to behave proper in later life. What should have happened in My Little Pony FIM is those friendship lessons should have came in the form of therapy for her, and if she was truly sorry for what she did, she agrees to the terms of Mane Six to take those therapy sessions until she learns to not be so reckless toward others. That would've been a great redemption arc for her, to have the courage to ask for help in overcoming insecurities, that could've happened, if say, Celestia had a law against mind control and mandated this to happen.
  13. But then, knowing how random my nightmares are, I wouldn't put it past it for my brain to include Rainbow Dash from MLP in a nightmare about a zombie apocalypse someday, If that happens, already my subconscious would have made a fan fiction, a dark one, but a fanfic nonetheless.

    In all seriousness though, no one is going to enjoy being eaten alive by zombies.


  14. I lost count how many times I've had a nightmare about surviving a horde of undead. -_-

    On the flipside, it's probably a dream Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony would like.

    I'm thinking if she were in it she'd probably say something like "Come on, don't give up yet, we're just starting to get into the fun"

    Me "Yeah, easy for you to say, you can fly, I can't."

  15. Starlight Glimmer sure takes a lot of risks to prove her point. I'm not so sure everyone else would've acted differently in her situation in Every Little Thing She Does or Royal Problem, not with her upbringing, whatever the social norms she was raised into, it is clear it had an affect on her outlook on life. Whatever that upbringing was, I am sure I would not want it, because enslaving others is not something I'd want to do with the knowledge of the effects it has on others. I even wrote an MLP fan fiction where my imaginary self character asked for nurturing to avoid negative behaviours there after passing through the Bardo, may sound like a weird fantasy but there you go, not everyone fits the mold of others expectations, and I'm one of them. Whether people like to face the truth or not, culture you're raised into does have an affect on your behaviour, and I concluded that this is one reason why I found it believable why Starlight Glimmer would have such difficulty adjusting. It's not just because of a possible diagnosis of borderline personality disorder.
  16. I agree, I don't understand why the comics went into this, if the story is built on the premise friendship is magic, then why have Princess Celestia of all Ponies be abusive toward her sister? you would think an Alicorn Pony with so much supposed wisdom would know better than to be overly critical of a family member struggling to learn magic. I mean, it might sound simple on the surface, but magic as depicted in fiction can have unpredictable outcomes, where as science is inherently orderly/deterministic and can be learned by testing and observational evidence, magic is the opposite of this, and is inherently chaotic. I honestly wouldn't blame any fictional character for struggling to learn this, if we are to have a logical take on this story telling, IMO it would be much harder to learn than science, though science in the respective fields is already difficult as it is. I don't like this backstory, I never read the comics, I only know of them by the internet and some scans that I've seen. But Princess Celestia's backstory in the comics paints her as more of a villain than the show did, as bullying would have directly contributed to Princess Luna becoming Nightmare Moon. I think other Ponies discriminating against Princess Luna, as told in the show, was a better angle to tell this, Princess Celestia still has flaws, but she is not shown out of character in this case. The social prejudices against Princess Luna and not appreciating her role in raising the moon and governing the night, though not morally justified, was enough of a reason for her to become resentful toward her sister, a misunderstanding between them from jealousy, is all that was required, for the Nightmare Moon plot, this makes much more sense as well, as this also shows Nightmare Moon to be more of a villain in this situation before Luna's redemption.
  17. Looking at Princess Celestia in the comic scans there, she seems worse, as she has moments where she was outright bullying Princess Luna for her inability to learn magic as quickly as her, so I am starting to see the reasons behind people disliking her more, though in the show I have to disagree with people who said Princess Celestia has never been helpful, stopping Tirek was important, a calculated risk, yes, but what would you do? gamble or surrender? I know which one I'd choose if I were in that fantasy world situation, cowardice is not a good option here. Nightmare Moon wanting to bring an eternal night to Equestria, if we are to assume this would lead to crop failures, this would've killed Ponies there, eventually. Even then, I still accept Princess Luna's redemption in season 1 because of her genuine remorse, not every villain admits they did wrong which could have disrupted the lives of innocents in irreparable ways. Princess Luna is now my favourite Princess because of her growth and maturity. I don't believe Princess Luna is evil, she was isolated and not treated with the same respect as Princess Celestia, over time, this took its toll on her mental health, which led to a fight which could've ended up being fatal, I believe Lullaby for a Princess music video, showed their battle in a more believable way than what the show did, IMO anypony that loved their dear sister would've broke down in tears after being forced into banishing them like this out of a misunderstanding that got out of control. I do admit that Princess Celestia can act bossy at times even in the show, but I don't recall a moment in the show where she mocked Luna with the implication that she was lesser, it's more like Princess Luna carrying some negative energy as a result of her depression, which she needed help for, irritability, as seen in episode Royal Problem, can be a symptom of depression, which leads me to believe she never truly moved on from her pain in Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep? the biggest flaw here, is not her mental health problems, it's that the show treats this like this doesn't even matter later on. Though I suppose mental health clinics don't exist in Equestria, and yes, Princess Celestia is responsible for this, some decisions she made were questionable.
  18. I think it was justified to break down the stereotype about "shows made for girls" not enjoying epic battles. Twilight Sparkle is now one of my favourite fictional heroes because of this, and while some people may criticize her for different things she has done, on the whole she has been a force of good in the show. She even admitted her failings to Princess Celestia in that episode Bridled Gossip when she said something about not judging someone based on rumours or how they look, that lesson she carried with her into the episode Luna Eclipsed. A lot of the lessons that characters did not remember, was probably because different writers forgot about the story of their own show, I doubt it was intentional, it's a common issue for animated TV shows to have inconsistencies and contrivances, even Transformers does it, so does Dragonball, Powerpuff Girls, Justice League DCAU and many others. Too many people get caught up about the bad points of the show while ignoring the good points. Some people may not like Princess Celestia in MLP FIM, but to say she has never been helpful is false, if she had not mentored Twilight Sparkle, Equestria would've been overthrown by Tirek, possibly even Nightmare Moon who tried to bring an eternal night to the realm, highly destructive implications there.
  19. Dreams of killing zombies with a firearm, it's kind of annoying when that happens, but then I'm not a lucid dreamer. Creepy too, last night in my dream one got up on my shoulder and attempted to gnaw at my face. I'm not like Rainbow Dash from MLP, I don't enjoy dreams many would find disturbing. No Changeling horde massacre for me.
  20. That's a good new year's resolution to make, actually. I should've thought of that one, I do try to be nice or refrain from negativity but I don't get it right all the time. However being in a community like this is a huge step in the right direction, in that it is slowly influencing me to let go of political arguments. It's a work in progress, but in time I think I will get there. The friendship lessons of MLP FIM won't be lived by everyone on the planet, but not holding grudges or retaliating is a good way to process our emotions in a healthy way.
  21. I'm feeling calmer than I was earlier, that nap really helped. I think sleep deprivation had made me irritable and out of focus lately. Still being obsessed with proper grammar, it can become embarrassing when I make mistakes like the ones I did and then noticing them after posting forcing me to edit them out, and thank goodness I had a chance to correct them before responses were made. I might have to put my glasses on as well, though they're for long range eyesight, they can help with reading sometimes.
  22. While it is true that Discord's redemption arc should have been handled better, there have been times where his antics have been a useful asset in the show as well, after being betrayed by Tirek, he did cooperate with Mane Six in stopping him. Discord learning to respect Fluttershy is what changed him for the better, if that isn't a justification for Princess Celestia and her friends redeeming him, I cannot help you there. Even in the later seasons he did help defeat Queen Chrysalis, though his antics did put Mane 6 at risk, it was quite obvious he had no intention on betraying them at that time, he even remembered the time when Tirek lied to him. In my opinion, I think Discord's antics stem from his immaturity, because of his predisposition he treats situations as if they are a game.

  23. Sometimes I wonder if I had been watching the same TV show as everyone else, the bad takes about My Little Pony FIM some people have with their fan fictions is both perplexing and concerning. A hostile takeover against Princess Celestia because you don't like her methods of maintaining peace in her kingdom? I would've been fine if it was an alternate universe story where Princess Celestia was actually evil, but the version from her from the show? get real. MLP fans really have a backwards sense of priorities if they think Ponies would be justified in harming her in any way just because they may not like the way she handles some villains in the show. I don't see any of you doing any better if you were in that fantasy world with that mindset, ruling with a might makes right attitude and normalizing violence.

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