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Dawnshine Wonder

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Everything posted by Dawnshine Wonder

  1. While I don't condone anything horrible Beast, known as Prince Adam, did, I do think the point of the story is that it takes kindness to rehabilitate troubled souls, Beast learned to accept that life wasn't all about him, and he even risked his life to save Belle from somebody who was even more selfish than Beast was, Gaston was more of the macho stereotype and treated women as if they were lesser, clearly sexist, and he hunted animals for fun with his own firearm, not just for survival, he kept trophies of his kills, and when he imprisoned Belle and her father in their own basement and called them both "crazy", it was clear no amount of kindness would have changed him, Gaston's behaviour did not even improve as the story progressed, instead, he got much worse. Beast almost killed Gaston, but after looking into Gaston's eyes, seeing his expression of cowardly fear, Beast was reminded of the kind of person he used to be, and that was enough for him to show mercy and spare Gaston's life, instead, Beast dropped Gaston down on the rooftop and told him to go away. I think part of the reason Beast spared Gaston's life was out of respect for Belle as well, knowing how much she appalled violence. There was a genuine change of heart, and unfortunately critics of this movie just don't seem to get that, they focus on what Beast used to be, instead of his potential for love. Whether people like to admit it or not, sometimes abusers become ex abusers. It may not happen very often, but when it does, it is important to recognize it. Beauty and the Beast 1991 is a story of a tragic history of a man who due to being spoiled as a Prince, in a selfish act toward an enchantress and insulting her looks, he ended up cursed, and it's clear he had serious anger management problems after that. If he never learned to love, he would have remained cursed. Sorry but I am not a fan of eternal torment, however flawed a person is, if it were possible to reform them, I would much rather a story take that route, than writing them off immediately because of how they used to behave. This is why I find redemption stories so compelling, one dimensional villains are far less interesting to watch, because their motives don't seem to go much beyond sadism and greed of the stereotypical mastermind/evil genius.
  2. Fluttershy is so cute, even in her sassy moments, she finds a way to bring smiles in the show to a viewer, aww.
  3. That works, though my love for MLP G4, especially MLP FIM is like with other people on this website, it represents a desire for a kinder and more understanding world. And while Hasbro and their animation team were not perfect at it, cannot expect them to be, they're only human, they did show the characters to be virtuous when it mattered most, and in episode Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep? it became clear to me, it was more than just about survival, they showed Princess Luna in a vulnerable state of mind empathy even when she created a life form that threatened them, not every fan of the show sees it that way, some did question her competency as a Princess for doing that, but I don't see it like that at all. And I don't feel like self harm is something to make fun of, what was endearing about that episode to me is their sense of community, that they came together for more than their self preservation, they responded not with judgment, they saw somepony who was suffering from a deep sense of regret, wishing she could have done things differently, but she could not undo the past, they saw a cycle of pain that could only be ended with compassion, not toxic attitudes. I got a few shirts with Princess Luna pictures on them, some as Nightmare Moon, one of the shirts has Luna with her sister Princess Celestia. If I had to pick favourites, Luna would be one of them, she'd definitely be a favourite Princess of mine. Though if I were in that fantasy world as a Pony, picking favourites would not feel right, as it would feel unfair.
  4. I got the Schiit Magni Unity. ironic sounding name. I heard it was a good amp so I wanted to see what the hype was about. Decent headphone amplifiers can be purchased on Amazon, but they're hit or miss, and even the ones that did have quality control problems can remain on the marketplace for years without consequence, like Topping DX3 Pro+, which I still own a unit, but I don't trust it, not after the several complaints I have seen about it. If anybody purchases anything on there, get insurance cover on it if you can. I'm expecting my Topping DAC to die at any moment, as I have had it for 2 months already, if I had known how unreliable it was for people before, I wouldn't have chanced it, but at least I got extended warranty, so if it fails, I can get it refunded. It's not so much about the money, I'm not going to get into debt if that thing does puff smoke, it's that cheaply made electronics has become an e waste generator.
  5. Thinking of some stress management techniques, removing my attention away from negative news stories might help, it's good to care about others however our mental health is also important. And when it affects sleeping patterns and increased stress keeps you up all night, as it has done to me before, that's obviously a bad thing. And I don't want my negative emotions being a source for someone else's pain, through arguments, lost friendships or whatever.
  6. I'm feeling angry right now, if anyone is interested we could discuss it in Twilight's soapbox. But I am absolutely gutted about the ignorance in the country I live in at the moment, and although the National Health Service remains a popular institution for now, despite it having problems, they do important work for our country and our communities across the country, there's a lot of conspiracy theorists who keep pushing for its privatization. The callousness and complete lack of empathy among a significant chunk of our population, almost makes me ashamed to call myself British. They'd seriously want to live in a world that doesn't care for people who need help?
  7. We're human and we try, that is the important thing. If we make a mistake, we cannot change the past, but we can grow from it, that's all we can do. And if other people are capable of empathy they will see that you're trying.
  8. Could be worse I did not feel safe tampering it myself, I didn't want an electric shock or fire from my PS2 if I had wired something up wrong, asking somebody else to do it was the safer option for me. And I don't advise other people go around messing with electricals they don't understand either, I may say something half baked in a discussion with a bot from time to time, but doing it out in the open, I do not feel comfortable doing, and I try to inform myself as much as I can, before blurting things out here.
  9. Feeling a little nervous about wearing my MLP shirts, like if I did it out in the open, I'd wonder what responses I'd get, would I be treated as normal or would people think of me as lesser. My love for the show MLP FIM represents more than just it entertaining me and its lovable characters, it represents my desire for a kinder and gentler world.
  10. Winding down for the night, and listening to Youtube videos.
  11. All of Mane Six have their positives I think.
  12. I don't know what thoughts to share first. I will say I am glad there are a lot of fans on this website who appreciate the MLP character Fluttershy as much as I do. Though I've not watched the Equestria Girls movies yet, I do have them in my collection. With or without EG, though, Fluttershy in MLP FIM is still adorable. One of the cutest moments about her for me was when she foalsitted Cutie Mark Crusaders in episode The Stare. She showed such patience and empathy even in the most challenging of situations. The character traits I admire about her, I wished I could be like her, I haven't always been, but I do try. Some people think she is too shy in the show, but I don't see that as a character flaw about her, it's a symptom of what appears to be social anxiety, I can relate to.
  13. I think 06's version would be thoughtful and kind around her, not sure about early SA2, he had quite a temperament and it took Amy to convince him to stop being a jerk.
  14. I managed to get those discs repaired as well, some people were not so fortunate with theirs, and it depends how deep they are. And yeah the PS2 slim models had this issue where the ribbon cable bends up toward the disc as it spins and the read lens moves back and forth, I looked it up online. Such a serious design flaw, I know the cheap non scratch resistant plastic on DVD's doesn't help, but an oversight like that, makes me wonder how Sony's PS2 became so popular, a design flaw like that is just as bad as Microsoft's Xbox 360 RROD IMO. That's planned obsolescence for you, I knew someone who may have been able to fix this though, but in order to repair it, he may have to mod the console, I'm fine with that outcome as long as it works.
  15. Sounds like a cute fan fiction crossover story. Shadow the Hedgehog having respect for Fluttershy, being reminded of Maria because of her gentleness. Would be one of those "aww" moments for me. Though it depends on which version of Shadow you're talking though, some versions of him are not kind to others.
  16. Does paying for a service count? if by technicality, I sent my PS2 Slim in for repair, for all intents and purposes, may as well had been paid for, as I am about to when it is returned. I got tired of it scratching discs so it needed fixing.
  17. Even if they do not make an audible difference for headphones, their build quality can be different in terms of durability. I'm indifferent on this one, it's up to people what they spend their money on, if they want an aftermarket cable, they had their reasons and I do not call them foolish for doing it. However let it be known that the minor differences in copper and silver conductivity are not worth losing sleep over. If people on ASR forum did not find any measurable differences in sound quality when comparing two different audio cables for the same purpose, it's most likely undetectable to any human ear. However I would say oxygen free copper is worth the money and this isn't just to do with sound quality, it is to do with oxidization, braiding is another thing I would look for which offers both shielding and toughness to the cable itself. Sometimes the more expensive cables are a scam, but the caveat is, it depends.
  18. I'll try, There's a lot to work out in the fanfic, including the interactions with other characters. Princess Celestia would be involved, but I don't know how to do this yet. There is one comedic segment where she gave my imaginary self character a lecture about trainsurfing in the badlands, which occurred right after being teased by students at her school in this alternate timeline. Moral of the story, trainsurfing is bad.
  19. Not really, while I have written an MLP fan fiction where in a fantasy world scenario my time of death happened at the age of 51 before the rebirth arc, it's not a prediction, nor is it intended to be, a fantasy is just that. And I've not even finished it yet, suffice to say, knowing the time of death would be horrifying, with or without afterlife involved.
  20. Poor Squidward! XD I bet if he could trade places, instead of being in Spongebob's dreams in Spongebob Squarepants, he'd much rather be in Princess Luna's dreams in My Little Pony!

  21. Princess Luna is not annoying though, where as Spongebob annoys the heck out of Squidward.
  22. I can't think of many newer versions of songs that improved on what an original did, in some cases they can be terrible, however I would say the song Rave Alert by Praga Khan and Jade U4 is a more upbeat version of Rave Alarm that came out before it, which is not surprising as it came from the same artist. I cannot speak for Lords of Acid, I do not know anything about their performances with whatever song that came from them. Rave Alert 1992, the remastered version, is very dynamic, and with the right audio gear, feels like you're there to listen to their live performance. About Rave Alert 1992, formerly known as Rave Alarm 1991, I never liked the original, in my opinion, it was boring, and without the vocals from Jade 4 U, there is no rave feeling in the song, what dopamine could you possibly get from a song like that? Normally I do not care about what songs other people like or prefer, but I don't know why people praise the original version of this particular song so much. It's just deadpan instrumental noise with no humanity in it, the high pitched, monotonous instrumentals themselves were grating on the ears, almost like nails on a chalkboard, and why I hated the original one. In a rave song, in my opinion, it made far more sense for it to sound like you were at a rave concert, and without this, you have this sense that nobody cared about the music enough to show up at a rave! if you want to listen to that at a party, be my guest, but I cannot say it's my cup of tea. I find the newer version linked below, to be more engaging, and I am not alone in thinking this, if you have a pair of decent headphones with a wide soundstage, you'd probably see where I'm coming from. In short, rave song with no vocals = boring, and the lyrics are not terrible in this one, either, Jade 4 U/Praga Khan and their audience clearly had a good time with this one. Injected with a Poison is another notable example where vocals work so well in a rave/EDM song, it's more than just about voice, it is about expressing your passion for a fun night out, that's what music is about, fun, in this case, pure 90's bliss. This point is emphasized further with this part of the lyrics of the song from Nikkie Van Kielorp herself. "The night is neverending and I can't stop The room is spinning round I'm going to the top Moving and grooving, feeling allright Tonight we'll be raving 'cos the music's high" Pertaining to what I mentioned earlier about the undue praise the original version of the song got, people seriously think positive vibes like this in the newer version makes this objectively worse than the original? for the record, I'm not talking about subjectivity, if you admit your opinion is subjective, this doesn't concern you, however, if people are going to state their opinions and pass them off as fact, to that I say, please provide a reason, don't just make a claim. I've already given my reasons, and I didn't just vapidly call something "based" or "They ruined this" without substance to my point of view, a criticism that is not informed can feel like an indirect attack on people who like something, and using nostalgia to justify that is, even worse IMO. Why do I say that? because it shows an inability to adapt or try something new, it's a can't do better fallacy, that is why nostalgia alone is never a good reason, a concept can be original and bad in its execution at the same time, and I believe it to be the case here, it's not a simple matter of reinventing the wheel. I'm not saying instrumentals are inherently bad, it depends on the context however I do not believe it works as well for this specific genre. Some people may disagree, some people may even dislike this song altogether in which case this song doesn't matter to them, they may think my taste in 90's songs is bad, but that is as subjective as liking any song or form of entertainment, whatever, however I bought a copy of this version with Conquers Your Love remastered on Bandcamp and never looked back. If I wanted to listen to instrumentals, I would be listening to a different kind of song, many of the best instrumentals I can think of existed in video games. That is not to say good instrumentals never existed outside of video games, but IMO nostalgia in itself is not a good reason to prefer something over another. I have a soft spot for Sega Genesis soundtracks, but guess what? even I can admit the limitations of the Yamaha chip hurt the music more than helped, Streets of Rage 2 music hasn't aged well and feels dated, even for a soundtrack that came out in the 90's, the YM2612 was widely criticized for holding the system back from what could have been. I am not making this post to offend anyone, only to share different perspectives while explaining the reason for my preferences. TDLR; passion put into the song, any song, regardless of the artist or band, matters as much as the song itself.
  23. Princess Celestia is so adorable, I do wish I could be her friend. Fanfictions are not portals sadly. I did write a fan fiction where my imaginary self got reborn in alternate timeline Equestria, and though I may not go along with everything Celestia does, she is at least merciful, she wants to understand others motives instead of assuming the worst about you just because you made a mistake. Some fans criticized her for how she responded to Twilight Sparkle in episode A Canterlot Wedding, but how was Princess Celestia supposed to know that a Changeling impersonated Cadance? the problem is people do not think about themselves in another's situation often enough and think they know it all. I doubt I would've reacted differently in Celestia's situation, misunderstanding the situation at first, I think I would've been angry with Twilight as well, Celestia at least kept her temper in check not to get violent against Twilight, not enough fans give her credit for that amount of restraint, it's disheartening sometimes, to see fans be overly harsh in their judgments about MLP characters.
  24. I'm thinking of doing some fan art of the Bardo sector of my MLP fan fiction I want to make. It's been a long time since I've done sketches however, I got paper and pencils but I'm a bit nervous about it, worried about a dozen scrapped paper sheets as a result of some mistakes. I have some ideas on how I want to draw the bardo, some illustrations will be in the story I want to make, non official and non profit of course. You might think this would be a dark fan fiction, I guess, since this involves the afterlife, yes, sort of, but corpses will not be on panel. The kind of theme I am going for is similar to what you might see in the Beetlejuice cartoon, just without BJ characters and anyone being eaten, therefore, still child friendly.
  25. Psytrance and electronic, including EDM. I would say Praga Khan is an EDM classic, but there are so many others. Video game music can sometimes catch my attention as well. I've been trying to diversify my music lately though, so sometimes I listen to classical, like Gustav Holst the Planets, will be getting CD's of other classical music some point.
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