I have been a Furry long before I have been a Brony. I rather dislike the thought of people lumping folks that don't have the same mindset furries do as furries. Not because I'm elitist, but I hate when people force a fandom into another category. Bronies may be Furries and Furries may be Bronies but Bronies are not always Furries and Furries are not always Bronies.
As for the shenanigans... Yiffers are the Cloppers of the Furry world, and like Cloppers, the media likes to put special attention on them, making the Furry fandom look like a bunch of perverts, as well as the Bronies. Furries are wonderful people, they can be a bit hard shelled and protective, but once they warm up to you they're very sweet. It's like saying a Furry hates Bronies because of our 'shenanigans' like the BABSCon incident or the dude who was so enamored with Twilight he got engaged to his custom plushie. We really should be standing together, and instead of asking ourselves 'How are we different from them?' we should ask 'Why aren't we being there for each other as misunderstood groups of folks?'