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Everything posted by Felix

  1. "Won't bite unless you ask." Well, can you? :3

  2. Disclaimer: I lose my sanity on here. Take caution around me. <.>

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mars Orbit

      Mars Orbit

      IT'S A GOAT!!!!!

    3. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      Cutest loss of sanity I have seen so far :P

    4. Felix


      Pfft! xP

  3. *Searches Chris Evans* *"Chris Evans workout" shows up.* This is why we can't have nice things.

  4. Felix

    Hey, we're still good friends yeah? :)

  5. Muffin?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jeric


      Thanks *said in muffled full mouth voice*

    3. Lightwing


      Felix! What did I told you about not feeding Jeric after midnight?


    4. Felix


      Ugh! I'm sorry. ;w;

  6. I love you bayyyyba!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Felix
    3. inactive_user


      *hugglesqueezies tha crud outta Felix* :3

    4. Felix


      *does the same but twice as hard* x3

  7. Welp, imma go gain 5,000 pounds at a bakery for breakfast. :D Laterz.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. inactive_user


      ...particular at least is mass produced or something.

    3. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      This doesn't look like a specialty item. I'm sure I can find it at another store or I can buy it online somewhere easily enough. Probably going with the latter, since I almost never go to stores. xD

    4. Felix


      10/10 conversation

  8. Could you make a Toothless the dragon signature? <3
  9. Aren't you a little short to be a storm trooper? :v

  10. I keep waking up thinking I have something I need to be doing. Summer throws me off so much. x3

  11. It depends. We will a lot of the time if there's something after the credits like in a marvel movie.
  12. I don't, but I bet does. :comeatus:
  13. All I've done today is eat, sleep, and play games today. xD

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Love//Hack


      @Felix Goodnight. :3 *hugs*

      @Mars ONLY MEN CAN DO FALCON POKES! (Game reference. You can guess.)

    3. Mars Orbit

      Mars Orbit

      *counter pokes*

      @Gold *facerock*

    4. Love//Hack
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Smarts


      Well yeah, we put tons of hours into games we love.


      Heck, I've put over 100 hours in plenty of games I own now.

    3. Felix


      I bet! ^^

    4. Felix


      Smash is definitely my number one for that x3

  14. How is everyone? ^^

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DashYoshi


      I'm doing good. How about you? =)

    3. Felix


      I'm good thanks! Glad to hear you are too!

    4. inactive_user


      I'm not unwell, thank you. :v

  15. Hug me forums. <3

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. inactive_user


      >3< No you're not, I absolutely love creative puns and such. ^3^ *hugglesqueeze*


      Friendship is a delineation of science, of which science and magic theoretically are to be directly combative to each other, and not interpreted typically to be indispensable to each other, where as, it is important to see that magic is science, science is magic, magic is friendship, and therefore, friendship is greater than or equal to science. :3


      SCIENCE!!! ^3^

    3. Love//Hack


      Twilight would be so proud of you for doing your research on friendship science. :3

    4. inactive_user


      Coincidentally enough, I have actually been getting more in touch with my side of endless curiosity and want to gain knowledge on, well... For a lack of a more general summary... "How stuff works". :v


      I guess you could add Twilight to my list of ponies of which I have some similarity to with my personality. :v

  16. Apparently I've fought 4,000 battles in smash.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Felix


      Just using...*puts on sunglasses* My smarts.

    3. Smarts


      I'm Felixing it now!

    4. Felix


      Oooooh! :0

  17. If I feel a certain way, people often think they can just push it aside and they don't have to abide by my feelings. Except, if someone else feels a certain way, I have to give them what they want or my friendship ends. It's not very fair, I can't have opinions or feelings. I always give never take. :/
  18. Someone fight meh in smash

    1. Felix
    2. inactive_user


      *Fights Felix in Smash in imagination*

  19. Jurassic world was awesome and terrifying. Loved it.

  20. Bruuun tsk, brun tsk, bruuuun tsk.

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