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Everything posted by Felix

  1. Rainbowdash. Come on, if you do it right, she's got a soft side to her personality. I'd love to see that. x3
  2. I've been out all day today. ;w; Goodness.

    1. catnet


      What did you get up to out there? And did you have fun? :)

    2. Geek0zoid


      Summer is almost here, bud.

    3. Felix




      Took a walk outside, did chores, went to the store, got a haircut. I guess it was kinda fun, but I really wanted to just relax.




      2 more full weeks...but then I have an AP Summer assignment and drivers ed.

  3. I really like your avatar ^^

  4. I don't hate or dislike any of them honestly, though I never ever cared for Quadacks. (If I even spelled that right xD) They were those annoying things in Super Mario Sunshine that also came back in the Galaxy series.
  5. One more week and my birthday is already a month away! ^^

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Felix


      Nice! ^^

    3. inactive_user


      Happy Early Birthday thing kinda sorta Felix! :P *hugglesqueeze* ^3^

    4. Felix


      Thanks xD

  6. Awesome! Thank you very much! Hope your plan to review goes well by the way! :3 IT SUUURE IS! <3
  7. Yeah I guess you're right there. ^^ I'm not much of a reviewer but I could do those other things! :3 I like being random too so, that could work. x3
  8. And I can never think of anything to use it for! D: I'm a random and silly pony, so I need some suggestions for this thing. Why? Because why not? Seriously though, what should I use my blog for? Anyone got any ideas?
  9. Octavia spoke in the 2nd trailer, I'm already sold. If Vinyl speaks I'll literally keel over. This gun be good.
  10. Wow. I'm actually excited for the 100th episode.

    1. Love//Hack


      *Big Mac voice* Ee'yup.

  11. June 12th for me! I can't wait! My sister comes home from college for the summer the same day I get out! As glad as I am to be done with school I can't wait to see her even more!
  12. Yeah, just a little bit. I'm a fun loving kind of guy. Like to be silly and innocent sometimes. x3
  13. Hey. ^^

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Felix


      Heheh, nice. xP Hmm, nah not really. Some MonsterCat though. x3

    3. catnet


      MonsterCat? I don't think I've ever heard of it until now, but listening to a little bit from it now (and catching a Mario reference at one point <3) I'm thinking this would be easy to get addicted to. :D

    4. Felix


      Oh definitely! They have so many genres too it'll please literally anyone. They're great resource! I buy their music all the time. Especially from Televisor. He's my style of music. :3

  14. YES! All that hard math work yesterday and I nearly aced my test!!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Attack of the Pwns

      Attack of the Pwns

      Gr8 job! Take it from a College Junior, it will pay off someday soon!

    3. Felix




      *hugs* ^^




      Thanks! I bet it will! ^^

    4. InactiveHooves
  15. Why no I can't say I have read fan fictions about bodies.
  16. Does mayor mare ever actually...open her eyes completely? x3

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Felix


      You don't have to keep posting examples. x3

    3. VitalSpark


      I've stopped now. I promise. :-)

    4. Felix


      But yeah, guess she does then!

  17. Ahh...get to have a nice relaxing weekend after tomorrow. ^^ I need it. :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felix


      x3 It's been test heavy I'll tell you what!

    3. vivishy


      Nice, have fun. :)

    4. Felix
  18. Kinda random, but I saw that gif of you meeting your bf for the first time. Just made me think how much I'd love to hug my best friend like that. ^^;

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Felix


      That's adorable! ^^


      I plan on it! x3 Whether he's ready or not. He'll be tackled when we meet. Yes, given every bit of affection in that one hug I can muster!

    3. galaxysquid


      Heh. Thanks. ^^


      Awwwe! Cute! :DD

      If you ever do meet, I wanna know! o3o

    4. Felix




      Yes of course! I will. ^^

  19. I'm still pretty proud of mine. ^^ Wasn't the most amazing thing ever but for a first I think it was pretty great!
  20. I think he's funny. He also plays games that interest me a lot like Life Is Strange. I can go to his channel to find pretty much anything when I'm looking for new games to watch/buy.
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