I do like Soarin' X Rainbow Dash as a straight ship the most, but I also like Soarin' X Big Mac, (Even though he's shown to be somewhat attracted to Cheerilee) and Soarin' X Braeburn. How original, I know Hmm, I also like Bon Bon X Lyra, Octavia X Vinyl Scratch and sometimes Shining Armor X *insertmalecharacter* here is good, but then I realize he has a wife. But if I really had to get down and dirty with the gay ponies in Equestria, I would say: Braeburn Soarin' (50/50 on this one) Hoity Toity Photo Finish (bi) Vinyl Scratch (bi) For some reason I can't think of a mare that would be homosexual I like to think of all of the Mane Six as straight, and not in any relationships with each other, but with any background characters, it's fair game