The title explains it all. We talk about conspiracies surrounding the Pokémon world.
Pokemon Black and White introduces a new game environment, a bustling metropolis based on New York City. That's not just us saying that: "[D]irector Junichi Masuda revealed that Unova (Isshu) was modeled after New York City; the games' Castelia City takes the place of Lower Manhattan and the Sky Arrow Bridge serves as a stand in for the Brooklyn Bridge." Neat, huh? Let's take a look at the map! So there's the Brooklyn Bridge, and there's Central Park, and there's Manhattan, and right below is...
Oh. Wow. So, how does Pokémon choose to depict the sensitive, emotionally charged setting of Ground Zero, a literal scar on our greatest city, left by our nation's most profound contemporary tragedy? Obviously, they can't say the devastation was caused by terrorists. So they concocted a story about a falling meteor -- an object of unspeakable power that was quarantined by the government and is now being coveted by Team Plasma. Even weirder, another meteor dropped this Pokemon near the city;émon) Why do we bring him up? Take a look at his Bulbapedia article. His official height is given as 9 feet 11 inches. ... So, hey kids, gotta catch 'em all! Especially that new, super-rare Pokémon that is both the very embodiment of and directly responsible for 9/11.