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Blog Comments posted by Zygen

  1. I think you did a pretty good job reviewing.


    Only thing I really have to say overall about the review, is I think it's possible you could have cut out the whole summary thing of the story. Or maybe just set down the baseline of the story, just not to spoil anything, because honestly as someone who hasn't played the game yet, I just skipped past all that.


    That is kinda more preference though honestly, as you can really do it either way I suppose.

    Overall well done though.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Well, as i think i've said before, i've yet to go into university or anything, so I don't know for sure on things, but I think you should pursue whatever field you enjoy, so if your not enjoying the medical field, don't bother wasting anymore time on it, because you'll just eventually get frusterated with it even if you get through medical school.


    That's just my thoughts though.


    Good luck, and I know I haven't PM'd you or anything, especially since I've been busy and stuff, but if you do need someone to talk to, i'll try my best.


    Good luck dude.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Yeah, I brohoof I think for similar reasons, Like in any thread I make, i brohoof basically every post, not to make people think of them as less, but to let people know I appreciate their input, and that I read all their posts(I also usually quote almost every post that I can say something to, as further evidence that I recognized and acknowledged and even responded to their post)


    But as far as threads I don't create, I just brohoof posts that I feel are well thought out, funny, or I just feel like brohoofing it. Sometimes I just feel like being nice and brohoofing someone so I can encourage them and make them feel good.


    I don't mean to make my brohoofs mean nothing, even if it may seem that way sometimes, but regardless they do. I also think it's a good way to know that someone read your post. 


    And sometimes I just like spreading some joy :).

    • Brohoof 5
  4. Very nice! The chanting was a bit off rhythm, and sometimes your voice got a bit too quiet (especially on the consonants). Otherwise, your singing is awesome! :D

    Thank you Swick! And yeah, I had to manually sync the track with the chanting to the rest of the song, and I thought I had it right, but I listened to it a few times afterwards, and I think it's a little early. 


    And yeah, I still have some enunciation issues and stuff, not as bad as it use to be, but it's still there, i'll have to work on that some(I need to work on that with just speaking even too ;p.)


    But thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!

  5. I swear, like seriously, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were a professional actor in musical plays (drama/theatre performances).  


    I mean... I... I don't know where to begin, lol.  Your voice is smooth and pleasant, yet still strong and vigorous.  You are in always in tune.  Your key changes are spot on amazing.  You even did a great job trying to "act" like the corresponding pony singing, hehe.  And, amusingly as it might be, I really liked the part of the song where you were impersonating Rarity's singing.  But I mean...  Just... everything, all of it - it was entrancing.  It was just really freakin' good.  


    But if I said it was 100% perfection you'd call me a liar.  So, I'll call 99.9% perfection.  *wink*


    As far as I could tell from listening to this like probably 4 times, I only could manage to hear like 2 off-pitch notes in total.  They were during Fluttershy's part.  


    Here's the lyric just in the section of her part where I found two, tiny, tiny pitch errors.  I will bold the syllables that I thought were just a bit off.


    "These bats are mamas and papas too. They care for their young just like we ponies do"


    That was, honest-to-goodness, the only places I heard anything off.  Everything else was *apples* perfect.  


    Keep on keepin' on, Zygen.  Your voice is music to my ears.


    With Love; Yours Veraciously,



    Thanks haha, I actually do like acting quite a bit, and when i get into the mood people say i'm pretty good, i've not done a ton of acting based things though, just a few little skits here and there and a few plays in homeschool, but I find I quite enjoy them when I get the chance to do them. So idk if that plays into it ;p.


    And of course I did try to make my voice have acting to it, and try to really give the right emotions and stuff. I found myself doing some acting and stuff while doing it too occasionally ;p.


    And thank you, I think I did a fairly good job with Applejack's voice, Fluttershy's took a bit longer for me to get, and even then I think it could have been better, because the swelling especially on the first time she sings sounds a little weird to me.


    There were also some times where I feel like my voice could've been a little more resonant, but that's being picky, plus it could be a matter of personal taste I suppose.


    I wouldn't say I was always in tune, listening to it the probably 10 times atleast at this point that I have, i feel like there are a couple places things may a bit out, but I suppose it's pretty solid.


    And just in case you didn't see, the tracks are separated so Fluttershy and Applejack for example were different recordings, so any of those key changes and what not are not really transitions since they were separate recordings, just in case you counted any of those.


    And I guess especially with this cover i felt the need to "act" more like the ponies singing, because I didn't want it to just sound like me over and over, because I felt like that would be kinda odd. 


    I have to agree that I think Rarity's part was my favorite as far as how it turned out. Rarity's part there just sounds really cool already though to be fair ;p.


    And it's ok, I'm entirely certain that it is nowhere near absolute perfection. Perfection isn't really a realistic thing to achieve exactly. Something can essentially always be done better. So no worries, I don't expect anyone to say it was perfect ;p.


    I could probably pick out a few more, and a few more maybe if I listened to the actual song again. But yeah, those two parts were a little off. I honestly found Applejack's part a lot easier overall, so I think a lot of the mistakes are actually in Fluttershy's part.


    I mean Applejack's part has some weird notes and stuff, but for some reason I had more trouble with Fluttershy's part overall. I especially had trouble with it sounding weird on some of the jumps, and almost had this kind of "crying" sound to it? Especially on the part "They help your trees they'll grow stronger, faster" even listening to it now I feel like it still has a bit of that. But I am nitpicking, still, nitpicking helps me to better myself, so it's not really that bad I guess.


    I'll stop rambling now ;p. 


    And thanks for your comments again! It's always nice to hear your analysis and comments! They are both informative, and encouraging! 


    And I'm glad you like my voice so much ;p, as long as somebody still enjoys this, I'll probably still keep doing it, and even if nobody did, i'd probably still just do it for fun, I might just not post it. Because at the end of the day, i do enjoy just singing. But having others compliment and critique and listen to it is just an added reward.


    And lol, I forgot the definition of veraciously ;p. And I had to look it up ;p.


    Love ya Miles!

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I think that you're doing great! But since you asked for honest responses, I do have a few suggestions.


    My first applies mostly to Cover 4, in which you sounded very enthusiastic and passionate, but seemed to stretch a few of the notes out longer than they needed to be. And yet it was very enjoyable and cheery nonetheless.


    I think Cover 3 was the opposite. You hit all of the notes almost perfectly, but sounded as if you weren't enjoying it as much. (I'm not sure if this is true.) Just remember to have fun singing yourself or the audience might not feel as into it.


    Overall I think that you have done a very good job, and please remember that I'm not like a voice expert or anything. XD

    I can kinda hear that, and agree with you there. I think that's why I can't really decide which ones better, because they both have separate issues. 


    For cover 4 I think I was more focused on the emotional aspect of the whole thing, and getting the feel of the song, more so than the technical aspect of hitting the notes. 


    Cover 3 I think I was more focused on getting things technically correct, but maybe due to focusing on that more I wasn't focusing on the emotional impact as much.


    I can agree though, after listening through some. 


    I guess I just have to get good with remembering to not just focus on one aspect, but all aspects of singing, I kind of have that issue with doing a lot of things, where I can focus on one thing, but something else ends up suffering as a result. 


    I guess I just need practice, hopefully it'll come with some practice and a few conscious reminders.


    And thanks, I appreciate your analysis, really i do! It's very nice to hear that you took the time to note anything about one cover, not to mention both, so I thank you for it! 


    You do not have to be a vocal expert to provide an analysis, heck, even though i've been practicing a little while, I am still far from knowing everything, and some things i may just simply not notice. 


    So even if you can't say something like "Oh I think your E flat here was 10 cents sharp" ect ect, anything you feel like you want to say is still helpful. Even simply commenting on the emotionally impact, kinda like you did, because singing, and music in general, is very emotionally based, and if i'm not making you feel something, there's an issue ;p.


    So long story short, thanks for the feedback :D.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Yeah, infatuation can be a pain.


    Love is just complicated in general really, which is why I just never really have bothered to act on it. 


    (plus i'm to shy to and a bunch of other reasons but regardless)


    but if the love wasn't mutual, regardless of if it was infatuation or not, i guess it wasn't meant to be.


    Sorry to hear dude, but I'm sure you'll get someone to truly love, and who will love you back, and it won't be just infatuation.


    For now, just take it as a life experience, and learn from it, you live you learn.


    I'm sorry to hear though.

    • Brohoof 2
  8. Sorry if this is a year late, but.....................................that wasn't bad at all.  In fact, you have an incredible voice, :D.   How would you like to have the opportunity of putting your voice in a fan film?

    Really? Thanks! And no worries, better late than never xD.


    I have some newer stuff on my other blog if you want to hear some more recent stuff, that is better.(Well, i'd hope so after a year ;p.)


    And by putting my voice in a fan film do you mean singing in one? Or voice acting?


    I'm not much of a voice actor, especially since i don't do it that often. Just saying if that's the case.


    Otherwise, I'll have to look at the details, but i'd be happy to if you'd like me to, assuming things can work out.


    The issue is, I can only do vocal recordings like this when I'm home alone, which is kind of spur of the moment many times, so I just kinda have to see about when I get the chance to sing in the first place. 


    But depending on the details, i'd be more than happy to help if I can! I love singing afterall :D.

  9. I can get behind your reasons for all of this, Idk what my list would be regarding the Pokemon generations, but regardless I can certainly see why you have your list the way it is, and I can agree with many points you make.


    As much as I loved gen 6, It does feel like it is missing something at times. It was still great in many ways, I certainly love it as I do all the Pokemon games, but it does feel a bit rushed.


    I think the rushed aspect shines most in the endgame content, simply because it's very lacking in endgame content overall it feels. Besides online battling and breeding and stuff, there doesn't feel like there's alot to do unfortunately.


    Generation 3 was fun, and stepped things up, and I quite like many of the Pokemon present in it, I like it, it's a very nice and solid game in my opinion, and I also really like the battle frontier in Emerald.


    Gen 5 I think has the best story, simply because of N and a few other things, also the soundtrack is really quite great. It has tons of endgame content too, and a good bit of pretty cool Pokemon. 


    The graphics and gameplay are both very well done for sure. 


    I quite like Gen 5, and I have certainly considered it to be my favorite many a time, but I have a hard time deciding ;p.


    I may decide to make a list some day, but it's quite hard for me to do such a thing, because I like different aspects about each of the Pokemon games really.


    But yeah, I think you did a good job expressing why you like each game, and like I said, i agree on many aspects.

  10. Totally agreed, I essentially agree with every point you made, and i think you went about the rant pretty well.


    As someone who has purchased a more pricey computer, and really started to like playing games on it, sure I like it, infact I think overall I am more comfortable playing on a computer on most games, but even if I prefer my PC for gaming over other consoles, does it mean I shouldn't own any consoles? Because I own a good number of consoles, for multiple reasons. Some games I just want to play on console, some games are exclusive to a console, there are several reasons I could have for playing on it.


    But really I don't see any other reason that is needed besides because I want to.


    I agree that there really isn't any reason to tell everyone they have to play on one console or another just because you prefer it. Why does someone else's console choices matter to you? Really the only time it would is maybe playing online with friends, but even then, let people play on what makes them happy.


    I'm kinda just restating stuff mostly from your rant, but again, I agree completely on the issue I think Kyoshi.

    • Brohoof 2
  11. Well, that was quite amazing. For me, I know I most likely can't sing like that ,but I see some talent coming on. It was 


    nice, I really enjoyed it and how it synced with the instrumental part at times. The only few mistakes I see, are ones


    you already know, such as some mumbling here and there, and maybe a better mic or something to make your voice 


    sound clearer. Other then that I think you did perfect! Keep it up and I can't wait to hear the next one! 

    Amazing is a little extravagant, but thank you regardless :D.


    And the instrumental part should be essentially in perfect sync with the audio, assuming I didn't mess up any with that. It regardless should be pretty darn close, as the instrumental was in a separate channel in the same recording.


    And my mic I suppose isn't the most amazing, but it's pretty good overall. I could've got better, but regardless ;p.


    And thanks! Hopefully I can come up with something, and some time to record more stuff maybe, or maybe I'll post something older, of course the other recordings I have saved on my computer are all inferior to this one.

  12. Welp... now you've made me want to do something like this... haha.


    Seriously, you've done a really good job here.  I think you were being too hard on yourself in your description.  


    About the only thing I can give some criticism on (constructive, of course) would be that, on some of the notes that are held out, there is a bit of wavering in your tone as you carry out the note.  Most likely it's just because of being a little nervous, which believe me, I know exactly how that feels.  Other than that, this is really good.  I really like the crisp timbre of your voice.


    P.S. I think if you sang along with the original version (using headphones), and then just paired up the instrumental with your voice in Audacity, having Pinkie to sing along with might help.  Plus, here's the lyrics to look at while you're singing:




    For all my life, all I've wanted to do Was make my friends want to smile true But maybe I was wrong And Pinkie Pie shouldn't plan parties at all I'll try to get up on my hooves And try a different task I'll find something new to do There's gotta be more to me than planning a party or two I put away my party cannon, I deflated all my balloons The bubbles all burst, now what is next for you? For you... Oh, I remember this one: my first party ever. My whole family was there. And that's Twilight's welcome-to-Ponyville party. She didn't even expect that one. [giggles] Oh, look at Gummy! He just looks so excited for this birthday party! Hmm. Shining Armor and Cadance's wedding sure was special, especially once I got a hold of the music. Oh, look at those happy faces All the parties that I had thrown I made them laugh, had such a blast A smile that's all their own They loved seeing me, the real Pinkie Show them the time of their life like they've never known Like they've never kno-o-own I've got to get back out there, have to show them that I've tried For there's only one great party pony -- that is Pinkie Pie Won't let Cheese Sandwich beat me, won't let him get me down For I am Pinkie, the bestest party pony around!




    (for better structuring of the lyrics, just google "Pinkie's Lament lyrics - I got these from the Wiki page)


    P.S.S. Your microphone is sevenfold times better than mine, lmao... I don't have an external mic for my laptop - just the built in mic (along with the crappy webcam), so it tends to lack quality quite badly.  

    Haha, maybe you could :D.


    Thanks, I mean maybe I was a little to hard on myself, but that isn't anything to unnatural for myself ;p.


    To be fair I still find the stuttered lyrics a bit of a novice and easy to fix mistake really, atleast on a few of them. But I just didn't spend quite enough time.


    I'll probably eventually get a better recording. There are still several mistakes scattered around, some less noticable, but I still notice them, but I guess it isn't terrible or anything, it's ok atleast ;p.


    But thanks :)


    And yeah, some of the notes do kinda fall off a bit, I think part of it might actually be that I maybe needed to take another breath earlier or something maybe, or maybe that I simply wasn't pushing enough air. Or I simply need to work on holding notes in general.


    And thanks, It's nice to hear that you like my voice! Because I honestly don't many times ;p. (Ps. I had to look up timbre, lol ;p. I'm still a bit novice on some singing terms.) I do think that it does get a little eh at times, it almost feels like sometimes I'm not really singing as much as other times, if that makes any sense.


    That's just me being picky though ;p.


    I could've done that, and I've done that before, but I decided to try this way, because it made me feel a bit more free, to do whatever I want with the song, as well as I don't have to sync the audio tracks of the instrumental and my voice. 


    I actually had the lyrics on my monitor while recording, but I just kinda screwed up while reading them anyways, I think it probably would simply be better if I just knew the song a tiny bit more in some parts, because reading the lyrics I think caused a few of the mistakes.


    And yeah, my mic sounds pretty good overall, it's got a nice quality on it, of course, one issue with my Snowball is that it doesn't have a high input volume, so I have to adjust the gain in order for it to be loud enough in many cases, although I sing pretty loud, so even then it's not much of an issue with singing, but I don't really use it for speaking to friends on skype or anything, I have a headset for that, which has much louder input volume, and still has a pretty good quality mic.


    It's not entirely necessary to have any real pricy external mic or anything, it's nice, but really just a good quality headset usually has a pretty close sound quality. 


    I also probably could've got better mics to be honest for a little more, but regardless. 


    Oh and I probably should have a pop filter too, even though I don't think I heard any popping in my singing so far.


    But anyways, thanks for the comment! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  13. Right on! Seeing as I'm a terrible singer and have no measure expertise on this sort of thing in any way, I have no advice I can offer. All I can say is that in my unprofessional opinion, you sound like you have a lot of potential there that your can bring out with enough practice.


    Keep at it! I enjoyed listening, and thanks for putting this together for us! ^^

    Thanks! And I was pretty dirt terrible when I first started, but with a bunch of practice and learning the proper technique and such, I have atleast made progress. 


    And thanks again, I can certainly say I could've done better in many areas, but I'm sure with some practice I'll be even better :).


    I plan to keep at it for sure! I love singing, and I try and do it as much as possible :D.


    And it's ok that you don't have any advice or critique or anything, the fact you enjoyed it means the world to me anyways! Long as someone finds it enjoyable I feel accomplished!


    And you are very much welcome, it was my pleasure.

    • Brohoof 2
  14. Well, this sounds like a wonderful idea and I'll try my best to critique you... I hope to hear you soon! 

    Thanks! I hope it turns out ok! It'll be kinda hard to determine what is suitable for posting or not. Because be warned, I do have some pretty bleh covers saved on my computer.



    I think you won't have to much trouble critiquing certain parts of many of them, as many of the mistakes are painfully obvious, but I may still post those anyways, I shall see how much embarrassment I am willing to take at the time ;p.

  15. Whoa, that's weird. I also got part of my ear accidently cut a couple years ago. mlp-twut.png


    Although, i'm fine now. Nothing was cut offmlp-tsmile.png


    Oh, and glorious exposition, comrade!

    Weird o-o. 


    Yeah I'm going to have a big scar on my ear once it finally heals ;p. I don't have any kind of scar from the other thing though. 


    Mine just kinda healed back I guess ;p. Idk. Maybe my parents just like to tell dramatic stories that never happened. Who knows.


    I still feel like it's my reason for liking Elves xD.


    And uh, thank you, I think? ;p

  16. While I can't say I've been able to get to know you nearly as well as many others here, I will say that ever since I joined a long time ago, you always stuck out. For multiple reasons, from being hilarious and chaotic, as well as getting a ton of crap done(and even more behind the scenes i'm sure.) 


    I've only really spoken to you directly a couple times really, but it was enjoyable regardless. I enjoyed the couple times that I've discussed stuff in show discussion(Which has honestly been quite a while ago now.) And honestly with how long you've been an admin and all the work you've done I kind of expected you to step down eventually. 


    Honestly no matter how much you or anyone enjoys something, we all have our point where we burnout, and at that point you either have to take a break or something, or just kind of end it I guess.


    Anyways, enough rambling, your actions as an admin and the chaos you have created things you have accomplished for the forums shall not be forgotten.


    And regardless of the fact your no longer an admin, atleast your still here, which means you can still be the same person you were, just without the admin part. As well as secretly plot to cause mass chaos by destroying the forums from the inside out.


    See ya around CD.

    • Brohoof 3
  17. Nothing wrong with a little break, or even a longer one really, I mean I took like a several month break, and now I'm back to being addicted to the forums more or less ;p.


    Breaks are nice though, so hopefully you enjoy yours and get something out of it.


    See ya soon ghostie!

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