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Status Updates posted by Discordian

  1. Dark Souls II is gonna take some getting used to. They really messed with some of the hit detection and on top of that they made enemy mobs much more numerous.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Discordian


      Invincible rolls are the only reason I beat bosses like Ceaseless Discharge. >_<


      I'm probably gonna end up with a greatshield again in this one. Eagle Shield for most of the game on my first Dark Souls run. A great many uses, it had.

    3. Kurai


      Without spoiling anything, you find a iron great shield in the cathedral.

    4. Discordian


      That'll help when I get there. I think for now I'll have to settle for the one from the guy in Majule. Twin Dragons Greatshield, I think it was called.

  2. Things I hate about modern games: Create your own characters! Get immersed into the game by creating blank slates that don't have any personality! Predefined story? Who wants that? Let's not give any specific path and let them go wherever they want! ....Fuck that.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Frith is Magick

      Frith is Magick

      I'm much the same way. I have games that I haven't played yet, partly due to not having time, partly due to not being in the mood. Oblivion was also released 8 years ago, and technology changes rapidly, just look at the difference in each successive ES game, plus some of the add-ons. True, no game will be fun if you're not in the mood or just not into that sort of thing, but each type has benefits and an audience.

    3. Discordian


      The one thing I can say I truly and without a doubt hate about Obsidian games is the fact that there are almost no cutscenes. Everything must be done through the eyes of the player character. It severely limits the ways they can tell the stories and I hate it.

    4. DiscordedSocks


      No predefined path is good but not instrumented well, at the end of the day you are forced to go down a set quest chain. The only choice you get is what side you fight for etc. One of the worst downfalls of Fallout and Elder Scrolls...

  3. Forums active one second, then dead the next. How odd.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Leo dash

      Leo dash

      well im not good at haiku's

    3. Discordian


      Maybe I should do some sort of free-form lyrical madness at the end of my posts. Might add a bit of a trademark to my posts. "This just in, Raronoopa is totally and utterly mad. I blame the Pikachus"

    4. Discordian


      You don't have to be good at Haiku, you just gotta flesh out your posts a bit. Not particularly hard really.


      But then again, I have a tendency to make long-winded posts anyway if y'all haven't noticed. I don't skimp on words. xD

  4. A supposed troll topic just got deleted. I don't know if it was confirmed to actually be a troll even if it was hostile. I dislike that the creator wasn't even given the chance to prove themselves.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Geek0zoid


      Again, we've been trained to think of it like that. The internet is absolutely rancid with people who use vocabulary like that out of ill intent or just to be obnoxious. I admire you giving the benefit of the doubt, but unfortunately, the majority of internet culture has that quick-to-jump mindset.

    3. Discordian


      I had typed out a response to try to clear things up but it got deleted before I could post it. A second or third post from them would have cleared things up completely. He could have been hostile because he expected hostility in return. That's exactly what he got, too.


      Confirmation vs assumption. I guess it's beyond the point of mattering though.

    4. Geek0zoid


      Well, at this point, I guess it's nothing but guess work.

  5. Man, TGS has been showing some good stuff this year. New Sonic: Lost World trailer, new Castlevania: Lords of Shadow gameplay, new Lightning Returns gameplay...

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Starlighty


      THAT's weird xD I was looking at dark soul 2 and wondered if you had it..

    3. Discordian


      Dark Souls 2 isn't even out yet. I have both Demon's and Dark Souls though.

    4. Starlighty


      Oh no it was the other one >.> CRAP... *thinks*

  6. Urgh, I forgot how hard that boss is in Parasite Eve. The one on top of the hospital

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Discordian


      Maybe it's because I'm always carrying a ton of Medicine with me but I never have room for anything in dungeons. >_<

    3. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      It would be so much easier to talk about this in like Skype chat or something...Unfortunately I have to go to work in a few minutes so maybe we can talk about this some other time?

    4. Discordian


      Sure, my name's Resulli on Skype. You can add me and we can talk there later. :D

  7. Phew, those were some good matches but I gotta go do stuff so I'm done for now with MvC2. Good matches Cosmic! And next time you don't have to go easy on me. xD

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Plasmastorm X-15

      Plasmastorm X-15

      NOOOO! My friends wil slaughter him...

    3. Plasmastorm X-15

      Plasmastorm X-15

      They can pull off the infinites no problem.

    4. Starlighty


      I'm sure anyone could with tons and tons of practies

  8. I may be kind of a dick.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Discordian


      Yeah I know what you mean. People confuse what a debate is supposed to be about too often and it becomes nothing more than a shouting match. It happens here, it happens on Gamefaqs, and it will happen anywhere else on the internet.


      I debate much less than I used to though. These days I prefer to hermit away and play/talk about video games. <_< >_>

    3. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Haha I feel you dude! Right on.

    4. yeet


      You should come to england, we argue non stop. XD

  9. When people try to claim God of War is an RPG I cry inside.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Discordian


      More like Geek LIFE. :D

    3. Spingle Bloob

      Spingle Bloob


    4. Discordian


      THUG? Like Tony Hawk Underground? :P


      I've yet to play. Haven't played a Tony Hawk game since PS1.

  10. Discordian is back, baby!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Discordian


      It's really too bad I couldn't find an avatar to match. I seriously looked all over Deviantart and Google for one. I was met with failure. xD

    3. Zoop
    4. Discordian


      There was much sadface that day. I was afraid someone was gonna take my username so I wanted to make the account as fast as possible. I thought it was quite clever, really. Raronetta too but not quite as good as Discordian.

  11. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. <3

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Discordian


      That's actually probably my least favorite Christmas song. Stuff more like All I Want For Christmas Is You and It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas are more my style. :P

    3. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      I like that one song "Winter Wonderland" except there is like 500 billion versions of it lol

    4. Discordian


      That's what makes it better. You have your choice of what version. :D

  12. Bioshock Infinite: Best. Ending. Ever.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Discordian


      On the other hand, since it was cut off through the portal rather than physical means would she have felt anything?

    3. Judgement


      Hmm. I could have sworn that it had blood spurting out of the finger a little. I think she would have felt something even for a baby. But hey, it's better to loose your finger as a baby rather than an adult in my opinion.

    4. Discordian


      It did so I suppose it would have been painful. But yeah, if you're young enough you can't even remember it then it's better. Dat full circle tho.

  13. Listening to music from the Sonic series. Now on Unknown To Me from Sonic Adventure. Awwww yeah.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Discordian


      I personally like it a lot but just wish the aiming was a little smoother. Auto-aiming without the ability to manually aim is pretty lame. The story is where it's at though.

    3. Moonlight


      Yeah, auto-aiming would have been a useful add-on to the game. I did think the story was alright though. I might pick the game back up sometime and beat it. Same with Sonic Heroes.

    4. Discordian


      I HIGHLY recommend going for the true ending of Heroes and Shadow. If there's one thing the Sonic series does absolutely right, it's final bosses.

  14. Finished MLP season 2. NOW WHAT AM I GONNA WATCH.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Life Fiber Infused

      Life Fiber Infused

      You really should, it's SO good

    3. Discordian


      That's what I've heard. I've been hearing about it since it came out.

    4. Life Fiber Infused
  15. That moment when people try to ponify things because they don't understand a reference. :P

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ~StatesTheOblivious~
    3. Discordian


      I haven't seen ALL of Sonic X but I have seen a good amount of it and I love it. I'll never hate 4Kids either. They brought so many awesome shows to me. :P

    4. GeneralDirection


      I have seen all of it...many times. :3 I loved it too...could never understand why there was so much hate for it. But 4Kids kinda botched the...umm...I can't think of word...whatever. New show sounds cool though, I was just thinking about how it had been a while since Sonic X too...

  16. Had some hot smexy times in the metal thread last night. Loved that cover of Metallica's Blackened Crispy posted.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      speaking of Metallica, i got their Black Album 2 days ago.

    3. Discordian


      I'd never even heard of it until last night when Crispy and NNL were posting some of the videos from it. Was pretty sweet.

    4. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      i haven't heard much from Metallica save from their more famous songs, but the Black Album (or just self-titled Metallica, also) is apparently slower and more commercial in sound than their other works.

  17. Final Fantasy XV turned out to be one of the best games in the series. It was decent for the first half of the game but the last few chapters really cemented it into place. Doing postgame now. Gonna get dat Plat.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Discordian


      I suppose. There's so many games out there that I could very easily not play any indie games for years though. I think the last one I played was Freedom Planet.

    3. yeet


      To say you have to wait ages to install and play a game on console is retarded, cause you still have to wait for it to install on pc, and with pc if you wanna play all the new games you need to keep upgrading your pc, but with my xbox for example I can already play them all.

    4. yeet


      What is bad about console is how companies have to dumb down a lot of their games on pc so the consoles can run them.

  18. Huh. Apparently they debunked the theory that the Final Fantasy series was named so because it was originally going to be Squaresoft's last game. It literally could have been any word that started with F to match the Fantasy bit. Final just sounded cool. :laugh:

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. SolarFlare13


      I'm sure I'll figure it out once I start playing it :)

    3. SolarFlare13


      There's also rumours that Sephiroth might be coming to Smash as DLC :o

    4. Discordian


      I wouldn't be surprised. He's as iconic as Cloud for the series.

  19. Oh snap, I just got upgraded to Brony from Unicorn. I'm finally among the elite! It's sad it took this long considering how long I've been with the forum though! I still miss my Pegasus Master Race though. :'(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Crispy


      Yeah, 2013 is flying.

    3. Nohbdy


      Enjoy your badge/beltbuckle while it lasts :)

    4. Discordian


      Did they add another one above it? If so it'll take at least a year or two of constant activity to get there. :P

  20. Started Sword Art Online yesterday. I'm on episode 10 now. The battles are intense. They really know how to get you on the edge of your seat.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Discordian


      :D Hope it turns out really good. Kirito deserves awesome.
    3. The Leafeon Pinkeh

      The Leafeon Pinkeh

      It's one I've had for awhile, actually d: I got it from Kyoshi since I'm unskilled in making artsy stuff myself.

      Kirito does deserve awesome though. And Asuna is in my current sig xD

    4. Discordian


      I see a Madoka and Kyubey as well.

  21. Is it bad that I intentionally butcher the English language when I talk and post but when someone else does it I correct their grammar? xD

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      i don't capitalize like at all on the internet. I's? beginning of sentences? nope.avi

    3. Discordian


      You know what's funny though is Language Arts was my worst subject in school. lol

    4. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      huh. it's the class i got an A on last year.

  22. Victory. Just beat Soul Sacrifice. I can't wait for the second one, should it ever come out.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Discordian


      Aha. I've thought the show has only improved in spite of the hiccup that was season 3's shortness. Season 4 blew me away.


      But I don't really participate in anything MLP related anymore so I couldn't call myself a brony either. I just watch the show.

    3. Finesthour


      I don't do either haha, I just came back so I could reconnect with peeps. Plus general discussion side of the forums isn't about ponies.

    4. Discordian


      I spend most of my time in the media discussion as usual but I rarely post anymore.

  23. No. Fuckin'. Way. The Spirit Science videos I've been watching....they coincide with many of my previous assumptions and then as I'm watching I will things to be true like what we're having for dinner when it was previously uncertain.....guess what we're having for dinner? O____O

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Remi


      I actually think that's the best way to call it.


      I could chow down on some Mickey D's right now.



    3. Starlighty
    4. Remi


      They need to re-name it.


      Like nao.

  24. Seems it's happening again. When MLP ends I pretty much lose most of my interest in MLPforums. Doesn't help that there's just so many people here now that it's hard to find anyone who actually has any background that fits with yours well enough to get decent conversation. Meaningful conversation gets lost when forums become bigger. Remember peeps, you can always PM me or add me on Xbox Live or PSN under the name Resulli if you wanna stay in contact. I check back on the forums...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Discordian


      Go right ahead. Anyone can add me. I give no guarantees of multiplayer or anything but you'll have me there. Just make sure and remind me who you are when you message me cuz I tend to forget who people are over time. xD

    3. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      well never mind, I can just message you on the forums if I want to lol

    4. Discordian


      No guarantees I'll be here long term though so you'd still have me there which I'm on much more frequently. :P

  25. Hooray trying to get a Valkyrie soul in Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. One of the hardest souls to obtain in the game.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Discordian


      In essence: Too many games, not enough time for me to care about doing the superfluous hard stuff. I get my closure from the final boss. :P

    3. ~Silver Essence~

      ~Silver Essence~

      That makes sense, but hey, at least playing the game is all that matters, I usually play them for fun, so glad to see you play them.

    4. Discordian


      Don't get me wrong. I don't fault others for wanting to be masochistic and doing all the challenging stuff, it's just not my thing. Whether I have the skill or not has little to do with it, it's just a matter of wanting to experience the game. Once I've reached the end I have gotten my fill of the game. I have a lot of unfinished games though because my skill and patience isn't up to snuff and I stop caring about whether I beat it. Odin Sphere, for example. :P

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