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Commander Urdnot

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Status Updates posted by Commander Urdnot

  1. Screw you, Comcast.

    1. Kaneki


      I have worse, apparently. Time Warner Cable/Bright House Networks.


    1. Shiki


      I totally know what you're talking about right now.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. qqq


      Has someone just found out that Darth Vader is their father?

    3. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      No, I died with the bandage in Super Meat Boy.


      Now I gotta do all that AGAIN!

    4. qqq
  4. I have too many games ; n ;

    1. That Guy

      That Guy


      too many?

      now thats just crazy talk

  5. That's a pretty cool avatar dude. I really like it. :w

    1. Dimitri Hammer

      Dimitri Hammer

      Thanks I picked it myself :V

    2. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      You have very good taste! :D

    3. Dimitri Hammer
    1. TailsIsNotAlone


      That's awesome! xD Thanks so much for showing me.

    2. Twiliscael


      Do it! We're amassing an army of wedding-dress ponies!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      Do it. I got Pinkeh, Twisacel has Twi, Dimitri has Fluttershy, Lady Rarity Pony will have Rarity, you should have Rainbow Dash. :w

    3. duidamasterXD


      Peer pressure... Must... Resist...


      I'll do it in the morning :) I'm on my phone so I can't change avvies now.

    4. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      Fiiiinnnneeeeee :wwwwww


      Just make sure you do it. :wwwwww


      It'll be funny. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      We got Pinkeh for me, Twi for Twisacel, you should have Fluttershy. :0000

    3. Dimitri Hammer
    4. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot



      I'm gonna try to get Spazzy to use the AppleJack one. :w

    1.  spas-ticShotty
    2. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      I'm trying to get Dimitri to do Fluttershy. :wwww


      Me, you, Dimtri, and Twisacel could be avatar-buddies. :0

  6. You like my avatar? :3

    1. An Old Head

      An Old Head

      If that's a wedding dress, I'm charging in there to stop it! :P

  7. You like my avatar? :3

    1. Pinkazoid


      Its adorable x)

  8. Easy to learn... Difficult to master.

  9. Help me! My brain is thinking about everything at once. ;~;

    1. Fresh Meat

      Fresh Meat

      kill it, kill it before it gets out of control

    2. MiStErUnMeRry


      I agree with Fresh Meat, its death and deactivation is the only way to ensure not only your safety but the safety of us all.

  10. It's not enough for me to know... I must know why.

  11. All of these couples and valentines day coming up... *sigh*

    1. Fresh Meat

      Fresh Meat

      At least you have the internet. :P

    2. Vaporeon


      Is valentines day anything like Forever Alone day?

  12. You're a toymaker's creation trapped inside a crystal ball~

  13. I can feel my brain twitching.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Otter


      A twitching brain is not very beneficial to one's health, I'd reckon.

    3. Riclo


      You're becoming insane like Pinkeh.

    4. TheBronyHeart


      I have Tourette Syndrome. My whole body wants to twitch :3

  14. I want to replace my carpet with grass.

    1. Show previous comments  36 more
    2. null1


      Or park at the park and watch for ducks and other majestic creatures.

    3. Octavia's Cellozoid
    4. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      One day, I'm gonna just stop. Sit in the grass, and stare at the ducks and the water of the pond.


      Sounds nice...

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