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Everything posted by SkyeRibbonPwny

  1. Lol whoa...take my oc, do whatever you want with her. The link is in my sig Although, she has to have those ribbons on her mane and tail, and there is also a ballerina-type ribbon tie on her front left leg. (She's the purple Pegasus <3) And here's the cutie mark EDIT: ACK, there is no historical element to the backstory lol, its actually more futuristic! I thought you meant you would make it historical lol
  2. WE HAD A GREAT DAY OUTT, CALLIN MY NAME LIKE FERRIS BEULLER, WE'RE GONNA DROP THIS BEAT! WE'RE GETTIN 20% COOLER!!!!!!!!1 love that song lol hate his furry song though
  3. Hi there, I was just wondering if you still have openings for Diamond Tiara or Pinkie Pie. I can sing a little, and I have a Pinkie Pie singing audition that I'm gonna upload, but I am re-recording the acting audition. Let me know!
  4. lol 6/10 I have no clue whoyou are lol
  5. "We're going to a party! Going to a party! This is soooo honeymoon!" "So the opposite of honeymoon." "Theeeeres a baseball star thereee." "Ok, we still say you drug me here kicking and screaming." "You are such a fangirl." "You are such a mare." "Yoooou---" "Are about to walk into that lamppost, dearest." "Oh!" SkyeRibbon stopped in her tracks to avoid hitting the pole muzzle-on. She winked at Quickjet and gave him a quick peck on his mouth. "Oh, you DO care." "Married you, didn't I? Figured that would've said it. But no, I could've saved thousands of bits by just keeping your klutzy flank dent free." "Love you too, babe." "Hay..." He paused a moment. "Should we bring something? Like food or paper plates or something?" "This isn't a schoolkid's party, Jet." "Yeah, it just feels rude not to bring anything." "Hmmm...Tell you what, we can stop by town square on the way and buy some applejack. That sound good?" "Booze and baseball? Dear Celestia I knew I married a good filly." "Oh hush, you're paying anyways." The two marched over to the apple stand and Skyeribbon forcibly removed the bits need to buy the drinks from her husbands wallet. The blonde mare thanked them, and apologized again for the apple incident earlier.Skyeribbon blushed and led Jet away, seeming to be the only one of the two able to remember the directions to the party. "We're gonna have to do something about that bad memory of yours." "What about that balance of yours? Oh, watch out for the----" Knock! He barely got the words out before Skye tripped and conked her head hard against the door.
  6. Hey guys I'm so sorry that I wasn't here today! I there anything important that I need to focus on? You know how easy it is to lose track in a roleplay. Again, sorry i've been missing, i spent the day out with my mom for the first time since i moved.
  7. Today I was watching the Season 3 Finale, and thought to myself, wow Cadence. That is some fancy hair you have going on there, I mean, last time it took you all day to get your hair even remotely close! It looks so wonderful In that traditional crystal mane-style. I bet It must take hours to get it down---- Or seconds. Ok. What.
  8. um....I'm kinda left behind, any help? I don't wann just trot their happy plots over to the cafe because Skyeribbon suddenly gets a weird craving. ...or do i? Hmmm....would a pregnancy be too much, lol?
  9. AAAAH I HAD ONE BUT MY DOG CHEWED IT UP! I knew it, i knew it was perfect. So i got this little lacy hairpeice to replace it but it just wasn't the same. I'm both super depressed and super happy you said that
  10. Oh my god DJ everyone is like, bombarding you lol i am so sorry. I thought I would speed it up by coming to you, but I guess I just added on some stress. Hang on, I'm fixing it
  11. Skyeribbon rolled her eyes and nodded. "Yes," She groaned, embarrassed. "That's Quickjet over there, and I'm his wife, Skyeribbon. Nice to meet you,then...DJ?" The other pony smiled, and she took that as a sign to continue. "Yeah we um...." She blushed, "We are actually lost. We've never been to Ponyville before. I mean, I used to live in Cloudsdale, but I never came down here. It's pretty. But um.....um.....QUICKJET!" She snarled at her husband, who was making an insane amount of racket as he progressed in his game. "WHAT." "Baby, come over here." "One more level." "No more honeymooning." "Coooming deeearest!" The tall stallion immediatly jumped up and trotted gaily over to the conversation. "This is DJ-BRONI3. DJ, this is Jet, my husband." She jabbed her hind hoof into his leg, and whispered, "say hi." Quickjet cleared his throat and chuckled. "Nice to meet you, there, DJ. " He looked to Skye, then back to DJ-BRONI3, saying,"Mares, what can I tell ya." earning another jab in his leg. "Well just break it off why don't ya!" "Oh, don't be a baby, sweetheart." "Geez..." "Anyways," She turned her attention back to DJ. "We were wondering if maybe you could give us directions? We're on our honeymoon, and we're trying to see as much of the town as possible." Skyeribbon smiled. Just as everypony and their mother swooped in on her companion. Skye backed away as several ponies made their way over to DJ. "Umm...." She peered over at him.
  12. Ok so did anyone else think of the Tramp from "lady and the tramp" when Windrunner started his sales speech? Especially the world "overhaul". Like that scen when he sells the muzzle to the beaver? Oh geez im cracking up that scene was awesome and his name matches him SO WELL!
  13. "I can find it." "No, you can't." "I can find it." "Jet, shut up, we're asking." "Why here?" QuickJet had somehow managed to get them entirely lost. He had ran towards the first place he'd seen with trees, only to get knocked on the head by falling apples, yellled at by a red-haired filly, and given two free apples by another apologetic pony about Skyeribbon's age, humorously with an accent similar to her Hoofsten accent. Somehow Jet thought this made up for getting lost: Free food instead of exercise, always a treat. "Because! there are couches inside, and you can take a nap, I can leave you, and then today will be peaceful and quiet, and whiny husband free." "....well geez, Skye. " Quickjet bit at her ear. "I luuuuuv yeeeeew." "Stop. Heeelllooooo?" The couple opened the door to the furniture shop--in reality just the first store Skye had seen-- and walked inside. Quickjet the grown stallion made a beeline for the bit-operated arcade machine near the window as Skye rolled her eyed and fluttered to the counter, standing quietly behind the customer before her.
  14. HA HA HA HA HA HA I WAS SO CONFUSED. I WAS SO BUCKING CONFUSED. Hello Skye, My name is Skye. I'm sorry, I don't have a request, though your work is beautiful. Oh my goodness. I'm sorry.
  15. I'll sing! I can sing All over the darn place! I mean, i am not really sure if you thought my singing was any good, but I really just wanna do a project, especially if I can sing <3 yaaaaaaaay sugar!
  16. Oh gosh I know I'm soooo excited to be writing. Shame that only counted as one post lol. Seriously, if we went by length, i'd be a squirrel by now lol
  17. Oh Celestia. It had been a good long while since there was muffins to wake up to. Even the blankets smelled of patry here. It was crisp and clean and warm, and there was a little tray with a note that said "Good Morning, lovebirds. XOXOXO --Mrs. Cake". And the sounds were heavenly. Pots and pans clanging together in the kitchen, oven doors opening and closing, a distinct upbeat techno tune in the distance and hoofbeats that sounded like dancing. There was a soft cry in the air, muffled quickly by a suckling noise, followed by a second. "Hmm hmm...." SkyeRibbon chuckled amusedly to herself before shoving a hoof into Quickjet's sleeping face. "Let's make a baaaby..." She cooed. She poked all over his face with both purple hooves, tiny in comparison to her large, buff stallion. He fluttered open his handsome purple-tinted eyes for a moment, until the green fur of his lids came crashing back down in his drowsiness. He pointed his snout in the air, ignoring Skye's prodding--which included her wings now--and muttered, "Only if its a food baby, and I get to carry it." SkyeRibbon snorted and gave him a shove. "Go away, meanie-flank." Jet laughed and snatched his round glasses from the night stand. "You go away." He mocked, shoving her back. However, this time, SkyeRibbon toppled out of the fluffy bed, shrieking with laughter and false fear. She took this chance of already being out of bed to wake herself up. Skye began the task of tying back her hair and long tail with her favorite green ribbons, and decorating her left forehoof with an identical ribbon, all the way up to her knee like a ballerina slipper's tie. "C'mon, we don't want the Cakes thinking we actually are trying to 'make a baby', it's almost noon. Let's explore today. I want to hike the White Tail forest." Jet groaned in mock protest and rolled under the covers. SkyeRibbon laughed and yanked them away with her teeth. "Come on sweetheart. A honeymoon isn't a honeymoon without a little exercise." "I think you are confused about where that 'exercise' is supposed to take place." "Jet, please? Muffins...." She lifted the platter and made a little food-moan over them. "Ohh...fine." They ate and then went downstairs to greet the Cakes, who were ready with coffee. SkyeRibbon could hardly believe her good luck of marrying such an amazing earth pony--much to her pegasus family's dismay-- and decided this was the happiest she could get. It wasn't long before Quickjet was ushering her out the door of Sugarcube Corner, asking why they needed to ask for directions to the White Tail Forest. SkyeRibbon chuckled and trotted faithfully behind her husband.
  18. This song. It makes me cry everytime I hear it, and it's so beautifully written. I never imagined something so sad and beautiful attatched to Granny Smith. Damnit tears...go away
  19. Lol that is all I can see now. I think its more the color scheme though. Body shape albeit female, is different and the overall appearance is rather unique and quirky. I bet she can change her mood at the drop of the hat lol what with the name and all. I love the name FlipTurn, and the cutie mark is simple and good. Lol Living Tombstone. Doesnt he have red tips though? lol
  20. Wow. Crap. It's an opinion. Sheesh, if you don't agree simply say that, Don't throw a temper tantrum. Nobody is aiming this directly at you.
  21. This is an awwwwesome thread. It'd be cool if somebody could critique my OC's. I have designed them inside and out in words, but I haven't had any artwork of them made separately, just of the cutie marks and one of them together But I always wondered if maybe I had made them too dark? There are a whole bunch of darkly coloured OC's out there and i thought it was annoying til I designed my own. Thats my favorite shade of purple and thats the only green that seemed to fit with it. And Quickjet (male earth pony) Had to be green. But I could never decide on a good mane colour so I went with black. Any body want to have a go at my ponies? Alot of people claim that I stole her character design by mixing Twilight and Rarity. No. Thats actually me in the OC.
  22. Wait, if its four pm est.....is that 3 central? YGH I hate maths with every fiber of my pony being. Woop.
  23. Ok, what the hell, lol This picture was taken at my senior prom last year lol And i like both pictures, soooo have a funny and a serious one! This is an awesome idea. lol i broke the rules
  24. So how did Shining Armor become your very sexy special somepony?
  25. Why are you so cool Airbourne? Have a cookie I love you <3 And the fact that you like Pinkie Pie!
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