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Fresh Meat

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Everything posted by Fresh Meat

  1. Haha, oh lawd. I cracked up laughing soon as I saw this. Well drawn, I really like it; Luna, a big ass gun, the fun doubled? What more could you ask for?
  2. RD: "Once upon a time there was a cute little filly, the filly was so cute that everybody died; The end" SL: "-.-"
  3. Made a completely new signature earlier today to replace my old one that I was getting a little bored of. Hopes to make more complicated animated signatures/avatars in the future for the learning process.
  4. You know who else thinks that cartoon network could match up to the past? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuTXSSIFgDg Yes, I think Cn could easily match up to the past with the shows they have going on now. Before the shows that were on there (sitcoms, gameshows ect.) were absolutely unwatchable.
  5. 1. Approximately sometime after 21-04-012, (can't really remember) 2. Chrysalis, Is an insect but I don't care. 3. 6, Derpy is hilarious when it comes to the fannon side of things. 4. 5, I only really looked at the surface of what happened, didn't really bother me that much.
  6. -Show me your war face! -yay! -you didn't convince me, show me your real warface. -*Breaths in* yay! -Bullsh*t you don't scare me, work on it!
  7. This thread at the moment. I'm in the process of reading a buck load of Ebooks on my computer at the moment for graphic design, engineering ect. At the moment I'm reading a .pdf called "The Skillful Huntsman" by Iain McCaig. It's certainly a good read with lots of pretty pictures for my childlike mind to process easily.
  8. Hello, I came to welcome you because the main page status told me to. Wait somethings not right... you were counting on me to read it weren't you. O.O
  9. ☝^☝ This person is telling nothing but lies and slander... lies and slander.

  10. Well thanks a lot buddy, birthdays will never be the same for me again. I mean come on man, that's the last thing you should be thinking of during a birthday. uuugh.
  11. Return of Harmony is a hands down for best episode award for me, I don't really need an explanation why I think that. If you think I do then too bad I'm far too lazy to do so.
  12. Although the show has certainly changed it certainly hasn't lost it's quality, but it's bound to happen otherwise it would become quite boring; Faust did a fantastic job with the first season so that team that picked it back up where she left it hasn't fallen short of making an amazingly good and unique show. Although the show has certainly became much more comedic in a sense that there is much more going on, I think anyway; but that's how I like it. But the answer is no, it defiantly hasn't lost quality.
  13. Less than a 100 away to 1000 eh. Race you there! Now lets see I have approximately 990+ posts to make... ah crap.
  14. Here's a band I feel is a little under viewed considering I found extremely hard to find their songs on youtube. D: and the video's themselves have barely any views. :/
  15. Yup, I am defeated. You win. Which means you can stop replying on this thread. so I can win.
  16. That fart was uncomfortably wet...

  17. Grrr he ain't a hobbit. -.- Cap: "Because I'm Batbrony"
  18. "Let this be a reminder when you almost caught captain ja- *random wave* jack sparrow..."
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