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music Why do people HATE Skrillex?


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I don't hate skrillex Im just not a big fan of dunstep. I don't really like the way he dresses and how his hair looks but if that's his style then he has my complete respect. My favourite song from him has to be kill everybody only because dat bass drop

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Please explain how Skrillex is so awesome?

He presses buttons on his computer and it makes cool noises.

I could just say "Because he's crap" and leave it at that, but I guess I'll elaborate a bit more. I hate most dance music, especially electronic. I won't deny that his stuff takes talent, but I will deny that there is any artistic value in what he makes.


I don't care at all about the frik'n artistic value at all.

All I care is if it sounds good or not.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't hate him.  I LOOOOOVED From First To Last when I was a teen.  I don't really like the music he makes in Skrillex though.  I usually like dubstep, but it just isn't all that great from him.  He should have just stuck with what he used to do.

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I feel that Skrillex isn't a Dubstep artist, but leaning towards Electronica with agressive Techno influences. He also has a lot of random voices...it creeps me out. To me, people like Tut Tut Child, Droptek, Pegboard Nerds, and some of Tristam's songs are pure Dubstep. And please don't call Skrillex "The father of Dubstep", and I'm sure Skrillex is a great person as humans go, but he's no Dubstep artist.

You're right.

He's a brostep artist.


Can we please see a fan of Skrillex or am I the only one?

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I've heard that he's a great person, so I will not declare a hatred for him as a person.  However, his music is terrible.  I can't stand noise that sounds like a blender filled with bolts and frogs.  There's more computer-program talent involved than musical talent, which is a shame, because I've heard him play genuine music, too.  The man CAN make music, his "music" just doesn't reflect it.

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I've heard that he's a great person, so I will not declare a hatred for him as a person.  However, his music is terrible.  I can't stand noise that sounds like a blender filled with bolts and frogs.  There's more computer-program talent involved than musical talent, which is a shame, because I've heard him play genuine music, too.  The man CAN make music, his "music" just doesn't reflect it.

Well some people think his music is well made and they love to listen to it.

I think you'd have to develop a taste for brostep to truly enjoy his music.

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I don't know I just think his music is really really bad and I'm annoyed by the fact that so many people like him when there are tons of other people doing the same kind of music who are more talented. It also annoys me that people call him dubstep god and shit when he doesn't even make dubstep music. So now everyone has the wrong idea of the genre and people are arguing about stuff they don't know shit about.


But I don't hate him, I just ignore him and his music.

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I don't know I just think his music is really really bad and I'm annoyed by the fact that so many people like him when there are tons of other people doing the same kind of music who are more talented. It also annoys me that people call him dubstep god and shit when he doesn't even make dubstep music. So now everyone has the wrong idea of the genre and people are arguing about stuff they don't know shit about.


But I don't hate him, I just ignore him and his music.

You're right it isn't dubstep.

It's brostep.

You have to develop a taste for it.

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You have to develop a taste for it.


No. I like brostep, I just don't like his music, I think it's bad.

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No. I like brostep, I just don't like his music, I think it's bad.

Well the 5 Grammy Music Awards he's won kinda tell a different story.

It's not that he makes bad music.

You probably haven't developed a taste for his style of music.

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Well the 5 Grammy Music Awards he's won kinda tell a different story.

It's not that he makes bad music.

You probably haven't developed a taste for his style of music.


No. As I said, I have listened to his music a lot (against my will) and in my opinion, he is bad.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well the 5 Grammy Music Awards he's won kinda tell a different story. It's not that he makes bad music.


Twilight won the ALMA-award, it won the ASCAP-award, was nominated for "best fantasy film" in the Saturn-awards, got nominated for the "critics choice" award, was nominated for the Grammy awards, won the MTV-Best Movie award, it won the Vision "Film of Vision" award, AND it won the "people's choice" award 2009, 2010 and 2013. In a TV schedule magazine thingy that you can buy here in sweden, they rate movies with stars. Films like Terminator gets 1 star while every single drama film gets a full five.


Just because something/someone earns an award doesn't mean it's good. Just sayin'. Well, at least according to me.

Edited by Jokuc
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Twilight won the ALMA-award, it won the ASCAP-award, was nominated for "best fantasy film" in the Saturn-awards, got nominated for the "critics choice" award, was nominated for the Grammy awards, won the MTV-Best Movie award, it won the Vision "Film of Vision" award, AND it won the "people's choice" award 2009, 2010 and 2013. In a TV schedule magazine thingy that you can buy here in sweden, they rate movies with stars. Films like Terminator gets 1 star while every single drama film gets a full five.


Just because something/someone earns an award doesn't mean it's good. Just sayin'. Well, at least according to me.

Well even if he didn't win any awards, I would still love his music.

It's just what I'm into.

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Skrillex? For me he is kinda... meh, not my style, I can't say I find his music awful (someone already pointed out slight metal influences in style he created) but it for sure isn't something I'd listen to daily. I don't understand the hate, once again haters made person they hate popular. I literally would not know that he exists if not haters bashing him on every website that is about music. They just don't get it, do they? 


And as a person? I have no idea what is he like, but I will listen to interview later, to be honest I am curious about it. And some knowledge (even if it won't bring me anywhere actually xD) won't hurt, I think.

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Skrillex? For me he is kinda... meh, not my style, I can't say I find his music awful (someone already pointed out slight metal influences in style he created) but it for sure isn't something I'd listen to daily. I don't understand the hate, once again haters made person they hate popular. I literally would not know that he exists if not haters bashing him on every website that is about music. They just don't get it, do they? 


And as a person? I have no idea what is he like, but I will listen to interview later, to be honest I am curious about it. And some knowledge (even if it won't bring me anywhere actually xD) won't hurt, I think.

People need to shut up and listen to whatever they want instead of calling him names and hating,you know?It applies to everybody.I don't like neither Justin Bieber or One Direction(and even greatly hate Justin by the way he treats his fans the way he does,ugh.I have a pet peeve for celebrities who treat their fans like they are idiots) but I don't go to any of the videos related to them to spread hate,I simply ignore them and listen to whatever I want to,in this way I can enjoy my music and the people who listen to them can enjoy theirs,no hate,no harsh feelings.Is a win-win.Music should be something that make us feel something,from happiness to sadness to just weird stuff and all the great things,that is there for us when nobody else is,that is just amazing,not a tool to spread hate and insult.Don't like it?Just go and listen to whatever you like then,really.

And as a person?Well,for short put,don't judge a musician because you don't like the music they make,judge them for their personality,simply put.Sure,dislike/hate his music all you want,but you know,judge by their personality(because you know,even if you don't like for example a musician and yet he/she is sweet and caring to her/his fans and whatnot,does she/he really deserve the hate just because you don't like his/her music?When it comes to their music sure,is your taste.But as a person is a different thing.)

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People need to shut up and listen to whatever they want instead of calling him names and hating,you know?It applies to everybody.I don't like neither Justin Bieber or One Direction(and even greatly hate Justin by the way he treats his fans the way he does,ugh.I have a pet peeve for celebrities who treat their fans like they are idiots) but I don't go to any of the videos related to them to spread hate,I simply ignore them and listen to whatever I want to,in this way I can enjoy my music and the people who listen to them can enjoy theirs,no hate,no harsh feelings.Is a win-win.Music should be something that make us feel something,from happiness to sadness to just weird stuff and all the great things,that is there for us when nobody else is,that is just amazing,not a tool to spread hate and insult.Don't like it?Just go and listen to whatever you like then,really.

And as a person?Well,for short put,don't judge a musician because you don't like the music they make,judge them for their personality,simply put.Sure,dislike/hate his music all you want,but you know,judge by their personality(because you know,even if you don't like for example a musician and yet he/she is sweet and caring to her/his fans and whatnot,does she/he really deserve the hate just because you don't like his/her music?When it comes to their music sure,is your taste.But as a person is a different thing.)

Not easy thing to do. Most hate is made by internet trolls and honestly, they only care about starting flame war and last thing they think of is how are they making someone popular with it. Bieber himself thanked haters, because they are responsible for his popularity. 

For me music and personality are too different things and they don't always affect each other, really. Like for example I am in general cheerful person but music I write is sad, sometimes even depressing. Yngwie is awesome musician, but at the same time he is a dick. Behemoth is band that plays really agressive and "evil" music, but band members are pretty nice people. Sadly Bieber plays bad music (IMO) and at the same time he is a dick. About Skrillex? I've listened to interview. He seem to be actually pretty chill guy, I approve of this. I may not be fan of his music, but I for sure have nothing against him. 

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Not easy thing to do. Most hate is made by internet trolls and honestly, they only care about starting flame war and last thing they think of is how are they making someone popular with it. Bieber himself thanked haters, because they are responsible for his popularity. 

For me music and personality are too different things and they don't always affect each other, really. Like for example I am in general cheerful person but music I write is sad, sometimes even depressing. Yngwie is awesome musician, but at the same time he is a dick. Behemoth is band that plays really agressive and "evil" music, but band members are pretty nice people. Sadly Bieber plays bad music (IMO) and at the same time he is a dick. About Skrillex? I've listened to interview. He seem to be actually pretty chill guy, I approve of this. I may not be fan of his music, but I for sure have nothing against him. 

Well,they are trolls.Their goal is to get as many death threads and to annoy people as possible anyway.Well,you see,the funny thing with some of the haters of a band/singer is even if they spread hate in the glorious(and full of terror) comment section of Youtube,they don't have courage to do that in their face.Everybody can send hate via a comment,but let's see how many of those haters have courage to say that in their face.Not to mention that some of the haters could literally act like a fangirl if they could see them/him/her on street so yeah.Same here.Well yeah Bieber is bad on both sides.Well,he does seem pretty nice.Even if I couldnt like his music I could still dont have a problem with him as a person

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Well some people think his music is well made and they love to listen to it.

I think you'd have to develop a taste for brostep to truly enjoy his music.

No offense, but I'd rather develop a taste for gym sock-flavored coffee.

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I used to think he was a mediocre producer. After hearing more of his work, and after hearing his fantastic contributions to Korn's "The Path of Totality" album, I have a new-found respect for Skrillex. He's very talented and definitely deserves his status as one of the most popular Dubstep artists.


As for the reasons for the negativity surrounding him - He's practically the one who brought Dubstep into the spotlight, so naturally some are going to hate him simply because of his popularity. Others just hate Dubstep, and therefor hate Skrillex for being one of the biggest names in the genre. I think people should give him another chance. Give some of his music a few more spins - he's a lot better than I originally thought

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