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Woman berates man with racist comments for scaring her kids by starting his car


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Just watch this: http://fullist.co.uk/2014/06/unbelievable-racism-angry-white-woman-front-kids/


I think it's unbelievable that some people think they can still conduct themselves in such an appalling manner even in this day and age.


What is shown in this video manages to capture just one of the many potent, immoral and bigoted views that does indeed still run unchecked in the world today, It's completely barbaric and is at no point called for.


I would hope to expect a fairly strong response against this person's actions from you guys but I'll ask all the same, what do you make of this? How do you feel about the idea that people like this are still assaulting people with derogatory racial slurs even today?

  • Brohoof 2


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Okay so what I make of this...I don't even know where to start. The lady seems pretty ticked and for what reason? The guy just seems to be sitting back listening to music and not all that loud. Even if the kids found the man as "scary" why not just go into the store like you're suppose to or just leave? Why insult the guy using racism terms infront of your children? This lady must have been either doing something or had a racist up bringing. Hell she even says "The things black people do are disgusting" that alone is a dead give away. Unless she was traumatized by a black man at a young age I see no reason to hate a guy for just sitting in a parking lot listening to music. She had no regard for what her children were hearing from what came out of her own mouth, she gave no courtesy to the man and went straight to yelling at him instead of kindly asking for him to turn down his music, she threatens him on multiple occasions with slurs and even threaten him with her coffee like.. really? So she's racist, doesn't seem to care for what her kids hear, doesn't care for the general public as people are seeing coming and going, and she tries to call the cops in a situation like that. That is literally asking for her to get charges pressed against her. 


Now onto racism being used today. I think it should stop. Will it? Probably not. It's just pretty much the fact that there will always be someone who hates someone else and there will always be someone to pass on that hate. So as long as Mrs. Racist keeps on using her racial slurs in front of her kids and keep acting like that I am sure either they will catch on or she will teach them to hate black people. I find it sick that people still have to use the race card for petty reasons. Let alone us it at all which just make it all the more worse. Well that's my 2 cents at least. It probably doesn't make sense but it's there.

  • Brohoof 3


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I'm sad for those kids. They'll grow up hating black people and have no idea why they do. 


This woman has some issues. From what the video shows, she had no reason to be acting that way. It's a fucking mess that we still have people like this. I hope that, by the time I'm in my middle ages, people like this no longer exist. 

  • Brohoof 7

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I feel bad for the kids too, hopefully they'll grow up and think for themselves, but I have a feeling they'll end up racist for no real reason. Maybe something similar happened to this lady.


Regardless I don't get racism, like seriously? Do you think that the color of your skin, or your ethical background is suppose to affect personality? I'm sorry, but while it may in some cases, people are people, and when it comes down to it no matter what color your skin is or what your ethical background is or whatever each person is their own person.


Sometimes I just think races shouldn't be a thing, we should just forget the term, and just look at people based on who they are as a person, not upon their race.


When you think about it logically I just don't find racism makes much sense personally, I guess you can have a bad experience with someone of a particular race, but that should just affect your relationship with that person, not an entire race. You should not make generalizations, no matter race or gender, or whatever really.


So yeah, obviously enough this women is in the wrong. And racism is a dumb thing.


Will it ever totally stop? No, but atleast I find it's got better overall, and many things like this never totally go away.


This is of course just my own thoughts, so feel free to disagree for whatever reason.

  • Brohoof 1


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"I will throw my coffee at-"


"Go ahead" *Winds window up*

I have to give respect for the guy in the video for managing to remain calm and rational enough throughout the entire thing.


Also, nice touch with the Misfits GIF XD

  • Brohoof 4


Avatar courtesy of @Unicorn Coffee ~My very special somepony~ <3

"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever..."

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This is what sickens me about today's society. People get careless and forget about morals...what low attitudes this woman had. 

  • Brohoof 3
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Damn! All that just for starting his car? That's gotta be the most sensitive woman i've ever seen! Props to the guy for reacting in such a calm and mature manner, tough.

Too bad those kids are probably gonna grow up to became the same. The apple doesn't fall far away from the tree, you know...

  • Brohoof 5

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" ~ Optimus Prime

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this is really stupid and once again it makes me hate humanity


i cant stand racists. the color you are doesnt matter and when you break it down to muscle and skeletion, you cant tell the difference.


kudos to the guy for keeping calm the whole time. looks like hes gonna make some good money if he actually gets "sued" i found it funny how the woman was screaming to him to shut off the camera and deliberately calling him that word while on the phone and saying shes gonna bring her husband here, as if its threatening.

  • Brohoof 1


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I'd have rolled up my window, ignored her completely and drove away or whatever.



Ha ha, fair enough. But I admire the fact that he stood his ground and did so without stooping to her level of hurling derogatory slurs at someone out of frustration.

  • Brohoof 4


Avatar courtesy of @Unicorn Coffee ~My very special somepony~ <3

"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever..."

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That would imply that this post is designed with the idea of having two different arguing sides with differing perspectives discuss their views.


Does this really seem like the kind of thing that's likely to drum up altercations because of differing views? Just sayin' .-.

People are entitled to their opinion.

I'm stricky apolitical I have no opinion on this subject.


  • Brohoof 2
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Ha ha, fair enough. But I admire the fact that he stood his ground and did so without stooping to her level of hurling derogatory slurs at someone out of frustration.

The better man hath won the day!

  • Brohoof 2
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I give up. Seriously, what is there to say? I like to think that racism has died down, but then people like this woman come along and dash that one hope. Good on that guy for staying calm and getting everything on tape, it is easy to get angry in a situation like that. As for the woman, I think racism is only one of her problems, she obviously has quite a bit of crazy on the side. I hate to say this, but a part of me can't help but think she was looking to start something, and he guy "scaring her children" was just a convenient excuse.


I just don't understand it, how does skin colour affect anything? Racism just strikes me as idiotic. I've seen some crazy stuff, but this just takes it. Eliminating racist sentiments is pretty much impossible, but at the very least, why can't people just try not to be total @$$hats to each other? So much for civility...

  • Brohoof 7

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Well, I am just going to play the devils advocate here. No one gets so pissed off for something so little as starting the car. There is obviously something more going on here than meets the eye. I would think that something quite a bit more significant must have happened before he started taping to make her reaction so large, and the he just played innocent. The saying is true, it takes two to tango. That being said, her reaction is appalling. There is never any justification for throwing out hate speech. I understand that often times people say things in the heat of the moment that they regret, but that speech far surpasses any, sorry I got carried away type of thing.  Especially in front of her children makes it much more despicable. I feel sorry that her children are being raised with such an ignorant stereotype hammered into their minds. I hope that the kids will be able to break free of that stereotype as they grow up.    


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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This is really sick. It saddens me how things like racism still exist in society today. Does it matter if a person you know has a different skin colour? No. Their colour doesn't affect their personality. People shouldn't be grouped as white or black, because it's just their appearance. They're still people afterall. 


While I do hope that racism will one day become non-existent, I know that it probably won't. People like this woman will probably teach their children that it's okay to call someone out based on their skin colour when it obviously isn't. 


I also have to commend that man for staying calm with the woman bitching at him and using racial slurs and stereotypes against him.

Edited by Star Storm
  • Brohoof 2


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"You know how many cops I've stripped for?!" 


Yeah! You sure showed him!


I bet when she said that he was thinking something like




Model fuckin citizen right there. 



Anyway this image is less trashy than this...woman...




I hope to God that little girl never entertains the thought "I wanna be like mommy when I grow up." This thing is just a waste of air space. Your typical CO2 dispenser.

Edited by Space Woona
  • Brohoof 8

I refuse to let go until you're impressed.
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Think the part here that I can relate to the most is the children here. I know how they will feel when they grow older. One of my parents, while not as openly and blatantly racist towards certain people as the woman in the video in question was, still held a lot of subtle racism both from where she came from and from past experiences. Accompanied by a particular type of denial she had concerning it all, it had caused me for the longest time to grow older with a distrust towards certain individuals of particular skin types while not fully understanding why exactly.


What's sad about it is, I'm an adult now and I still have this distrust even though I know better now. All because it was engrained into me through subtle means by a parent at such a young age. Seeing this woman being so blatant about it, I'm afraid for these children. They won't just grow up with my distrust, but they'll grow up with something worse, they'll grow up with a feeling of hatred. They won't know why they have such beliefs either, they just will and that saddens me to no degree. :(


It's a form of brainwashing and this parent doesn't understand that.

Edited by Amber Rays
  • Brohoof 4
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Poor kids. Is this really how she wants them to be? :okiedokielokie:

Some people should just not be parents, really.


I could not stop laughing when she said "....By starting his car", sounds soo dumb. xD

  • Brohoof 3

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Those kids have to grow up like that too :/


I love how the cameraman is so calm about whereas I want her to be knocked out.. in front of her kids- they need to know how well cursing at people will end up for them later on.


The father stood up for the wife too, and he's a COP?! Why do rasict people have positions of authority? That's.. messed up. "Racism, alive and well." Sadly, that's all too true :I

  • Brohoof 2


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"bla bla bla stop videotaping i will fuckin break it!" 

Me-"Sue me b-word for all i care." What a stuck up old b-word. Like really... we should have a comitee to deem mothers unworthy of teaching their children about life. Oh wait... we have... it's called "Corrupt system". Gratz...

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The thing is people like this with racist views often rely on a tactic called "rallying" to justify their stance. Rallying is when someone with bigoted views or an extremely outrageous stance try to get other people to agree with them by yelling and acting irate. When it doesn't work they just get even more upset. I agree I feel more upset for the children. I don't think they will share their mothers view but if they do its only her fault. Racism is alive and kicking in 2014 and its sad when you think about it. Being half Black half Japanese I have dealt with my share of racist people. I have had people walk up to me an say "what are you?" People use the excuse of "oh well its understandable because they're a product of the '50s" or something like that. Change or keep your mouths closed.

  • Brohoof 2



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When I first seen this video my reaction was shock, disgust, anger etc.


There's a video up of "her side of the story"

apparently she IS facing having her children taken.


she claims before the video started he called her a "crack headed cracker" and that's why she went off the way she did, and that he also "almost hit her son in the parking lot"

but you know, then again she could be making any of that up.  there's only video proof from his view of the situation.  she also never mentions him almost hitting her son in the video, only that he "scared her kids" or whatever.


here, you decide;





I'm neutral about this, IF what she says is true I would be pretty mad as well.  BUT she went about the situation all wrong, and totally blew it out of proportion.  she made an idiot out of herself.
Edited by White Lie
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