RainbowDashCool 10 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 I mean, she's an awesome pony and people say she's selfish, but how, she's will give up her dream or anything and be loyal to her friends. Why does people still hate her and say she;s lesbian?! 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 The lesbian thing is due to her rainbow colored mane and tomboyish personality which are both stupid reasons. I never understood how and why rainbows became a symbol of gay pride, I have no problem with gays but they don't own them last time I checked. And of course there are plenty of girls who are tomboys who aren't lesbians. I suppose some people don't like Rainbow Dash mostly because of her ego. Even most of her fans admit that she can often be arrogant, in some peoples opinions overly arrogant which can rub certain people the wrong way. Rainbow Dash has improved a great deal as a character though, especially in season 3. Her ego is still a part of her character but this isn't a bad thing, she also has as we saw in Wonderbolt Academy a responsible and mature side and in Sleepless In Ponyville a softer side. 18 Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stellafera 3,836 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 There are a lot of people who dislike arrogance as a character flaw, and I've seen this as the #1 reason why people hate RD. I don't recall ever meeting a person who likes egocentric characters and hates Dashie, but even amongst Rainbow Dash fans, you have some who don't like that side of her personality. Her in-your-face bragging puts many off, not to mention a perception that Dash fans are "only in it for the cool/memes" for some reason (which is not totally unfounded with her semi-role as mascot of FIM). People don't like RD already + people think that her fans must only enjoy the pony for superficial reasons = "Rainbow Dash is an overrated jerk." 13 Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship "Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainblow H. Ash 5,091 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 I like Rainbow Dash for probably a lot of the reasons that people say they hate her. I love jerky characters. I love big egos. I love show offs. I love action-oriented characters. I love characters who choose violence as the first option. But most of all: I love these characters because that's only who they are on the surface. And Rainbow Dash is much different more complex underneath the tough exterior she puts out. She does love to be cool, but she struggles to maintain it. Everything she does she does to maintain an image of coolness, and it's when that image starts to crack that we see her insecurities. So really, it's the surface of Rainbow Dash that makes people not like her. They don't like her because she's "egotistical", "yells at Fluttershy", and whatever else she has done to catch ire in their eyes. It's that surface, however, and what's underneath, that makes me love her and why she's best pony in my book, now and forever. 13 #bringbackmerriwetherwillaims Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KokuraiNoSenshi 3,463 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 There are people who hate on RD? Really? Huh. I thought the biggest arguments against any of the Mane 6 revolved around Rarity & Fluttershy (the latter being my favorite mane 6)... I guess it is just because she is one of those people who speak their mind without much thought to how others feel about it, & acts more brashly & boldly than the others do, to the point it can be harmful at certain points. This makes her fanbase/non-fanbase a bit more stark in comparison than Rarity or Fluttershy, since even though people can say things against Rarity they can't argue against the moments she is generous or when Fluttershy is being mean people still admit to her kindness... However RD, since she has a starker contrast, most people only see one side of her, leading to a bigger rift between the 3 kinds of people when it comes to her (fans, neutrals, anti's). Overall, I like her, but I am neutral to her, since she is hovering around 3rd 4th spot on my list, sometimes passing Rarity & other times not... At the end of the day, people have different preferences &, while we can argue back & forth about the "b3st pon3" the fact of the matter is that the show would not be the same without any one of them, so they are all "b3st pon3" in my book... Some just rate higher in mine than in yours, & same for others. Still doesn't make each any less important to the story Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nulln 755 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 I don't hate her, she's just not a favorite. She's extremely egotistical and arrogant and just the opposite of what I would look for in a friend. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ziggy + Angel + Rain 11,303 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 Tremendous JEALOUSY (it's bold and in italics - it is therefore true). Of her awesomeness, of course. And being lesbian is not a bad thing; regardless of whatever Rainbow's actual sexual orientation / preference may be. So if someone says, "Hurr hurr hurr - that pony is a lesbian!" there's absolutely no reason it should ruffle anyone's feathers. I don't think Dashie herself would lose sleep over it (she naps a lot, anyhow). When Rainbow Dash is in an episode (even if she's been shoved into the background to do cute background things) my eyes are on her. If you've seen "The Mysterious Mare Do Well" you know that even her FRIENDS are hardcore jealous of her! I find her to be more interesting, adorable-er (not a word - until now), and more complex than the other Mane six. Not that I'm hating on the others, mind you; I've just got myself a favorite pony. Also, so far as the arrogance thing is concerned... People who demonstrate arrogance in this comparably boring real world of ours tend to not be able to back up their bragging. Or, even if they can, it's probably with something like, "Told ya I could make that basket!" Laaaaaame. Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, can perform a friggin' Sonic Rainboom. Her wing power is impressive! If you can fly without mechanical assistance, break the sound barrier, and remain intact long enough to brag... You've earned it. 7 "It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moved to Elsewhere 11,331 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 Probably because she can be arrogant and lazy sometimes, but that's just part of her character. Really, no character is perfect, dashie included. There's a bit to like about her, like how she's a female that's tough and fast and not stereotypical. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunshower Raindrops 3,227 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 Most hate her for they remind them of that one Jock from the School days. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChipsAhoyMcCoy 127 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 Its a matter of opinion is all personally i dont like nor dislike her. Alot say because shes rainbow (gay pride) and her personality is like a lesbian/tomboy which is a stupid reason to dislike her. But like stated before her attitude is the main reason. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Mane-iac 1,648 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 There are a lot of people who dislike arrogance as a character flaw, and I've seen this as the #1 reason why people hate RD. I don't recall ever meeting a person who likes egocentric characters and hates Dashie, but even amongst Rainbow Dash fans, you have some who don't like that side of her personality. Her in-your-face bragging puts many off, not to mention a perception that Dash fans are "only in it for the cool/memes" for some reason (which is not totally unfounded with her semi-role as mascot of FIM). People don't like RD already + people think that her fans must only enjoy the pony for superficial reasons = "Rainbow Dash is an overrated jerk." I love Trixie, but can't stand Rainbow most the time. I won't say I hate her, I can't even say I hate Pinkie and she's bottom of my list, but I sure don't like her that much. In my list of mane 6, she's 5. She was higher when I first started watching the show, but with the direction she has taken I just can't stand her much anymore. I hate how she seems to be the one the writers go to when a comment needs to be made by one of the mane 6. It seemed like no matter what was getting said, Rainbow was the one who said it throughout season 3. Even if it would have been completely in-character for somepony else to say it. There's more to why I don't like her all that much anymore, but it's not worth spelling out. I will say that I hate how her and Pinkie seem to be the "mascot" of FIM, makes finding merch for those of us who like a different mane 6 a royal pain. Lesbian or not though, I don't care about that. I'm not into sports, but an active "tomboy" like her would be much more attractive in my eyes then a fashionista like Rarity. If people want to label her as a lesbian just because of what she's into/how she acts, the fault is on those people for not being able to see outside stereotypes. 1 WTB: Luna, Trixie dog tags & AJ blind bag | This fandom needs more Mane-iac! | AJ, Rarity, and Trixie trot into a bar. The Dreamcast didn't fail, we failed the Dreamcast Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin_Case001 4,907 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 I always see these "Why does everyone hate so-and-so?" threads--we seem to have one for every pony. I don't really get it. I love all of them. They're all great. They're all dynamic and have multiple sides to their personalities. RD is, in many ways, arguable the most interesting of the six, imo. 11 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moved to Elsewhere 11,331 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 I always see these "Why does everyone hate so-and-so?" threads--we seem to have one for every pony. I don't really get it. I love all of them. They're all great. They're all dynamic and have multiple sides to their personalities. RD is, in many ways, arguable the most interesting of the six, imo. I agree, I don't think we need these, I love all of the mane six. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Odyssey 5,717 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 From what I've seen, people dislike Rainbow for her egotistical attitude. I personally think that arrogance is a suitable flaw for Rainbow, since she is a fast flyer, and is actually the reason why I like her more than most ponies. :> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
takai 1,060 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 Too cocky, annoying, self-centered, and full of herself. However, in a number of episodes this season I think they treated RD a lot better. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ziggy + Angel + Rain 11,303 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 I always see these "Why does everyone hate so-and-so?" threads--we seem to have one for every pony. I don't really get it. I love all of them. They're all great. They're all dynamic and have multiple sides to their personalities. RD is, in many ways, arguable the most interesting of the six, imo. Even though I'd likely (more like definitely lol) watch an RD-only spin-off xD, I appreciate the other Mane 6 as well. They all contribute something important to the series. I also like the dynamic between RD and the other cast members; particularly Pinkie and Fluttershy. Even my least favorite Mane 6 character isn't deserving of hate; somebody has to occupy the bottom slot, is all. "It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deae Rising Shine~ 56,213 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 I love her 3 Legends never die. Ponies neither. Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostfacekiller39 23,860 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 (edited) Oh, how the tides have shifted in the fandom I don't see how anyone can hate any of the mane 6, personally. It might have to do with how unbearably arrogant she is at times, because I know that bothers me, but if you just focus on the negatives of a character, that's all you're going to see, and there's a LOT more to her than just that attitude of arrogance. I'm no expert on Dashie, and I'm honestly having a bit of trouble explaining this, but she's got a lot of redeeming qualities, like charisma and entertainment value. She's a very interesting character, but she's a bit brash and that could play a role in it. Plus, I can't really relate to her, so that could be the case with many of her haters, because I know people tend to dislike characters they can't relate to. Not that that's a valid reason, but yeahh. Gee, I know even less about Rainbow Dash than I thought Edited June 10, 2014 by ghostfacekiller39 5 He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!! Check out the Rarity Fan Club! "Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity" -Jacob G. Rosenberg Signature by @FadedSkies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,812 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 (edited) Because some people just want to watch the world burn Also ewww popularity Edited June 12, 2014 by Kamina 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostfacekiller39 23,860 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 I always see these "Why does everyone hate so-and-so?" threads--we seem to have one for every pony. I don't really get it. I love all of them. They're all great. They're all dynamic and have multiple sides to their personalities. RD is, in many ways, arguable the most interesting of the six, imo. Yeahh, there's one for each of the mane 6, I'm pretty sure Hatred is such a negative emotion, and we really shouldn't waste our time exhausting it on cartoon characters of all things. 6 He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!! Check out the Rarity Fan Club! "Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity" -Jacob G. Rosenberg Signature by @FadedSkies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainblow H. Ash 5,091 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 How RD fans see Rainbow Dash: How RD haters see Rainbow Dash: 5 #bringbackmerriwetherwillaims Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ribbonfree 2,383 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 Rainbow Dash still isn't even close to being the majority hated of the Mane Six (again lets ignore this forum because this forum essentially defies the laws of physics), I assure OP that you've got an element of bias in seeing the Dashie hate because your brain tunnels onto the examples of it and ignores the fact that it's not strictly speaking that common. Now as someone who likes seeing the whole of all characters, I can say with certainty that Rainbow is just as complex and detailed as the others of the Mane Six, at least in theory (in practice the writers are inconsistent, but writers will be writers). She can be a turn off to those who don't like aggressive and in your face people, but those traits more than balance out. She's actually kind of lazy (problem in and of itself but I digress) and I think the key thing about her is that her passion and drive usually aren't actually on. She's a very relaxed and chill character, one of the more relaxed of the Mane Six. Only when something stirs her interest does she go HAM. My take on it, at any rate. The thing about humanity is that we're programmed to produce biases and stereotypes to help our brains handle the immense flow of sensory information it receives easier. Haters of stuff become haters because of these programmed tendencies, they don't see the big picture of what they hate and it's good sides because they tunnel vision onto the bad things. Essentially, it's a case of 'haters gonna hate'. Takes conscious effort to see things from a point of view that isn't your own. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostfacekiller39 23,860 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 (edited) (again lets ignore this forum because this forum essentially defies the laws of physics) MLP Forums Master Race We take what the rest of the fandom thinks and we throw it in reverse. Edited June 10, 2014 by ghostfacekiller39 1 He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!! Check out the Rarity Fan Club! "Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity" -Jacob G. Rosenberg Signature by @FadedSkies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M'aiq the Liar 5,804 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 "Why do they hate Rainbow Dash?" Because she can take it She is the rainbow warrior the 20% cooler watchman she is the mascot this fandom needs She is the rainbow knight. 7 http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vera-yeoman-r5921Muh pleb tier OC .http://mlpforums.com/blog/1663/entry-12477-pony-waifu-wedding-13-maiq-x-fleetfoot/ MLP forum's #1 Fleetfoot fan also married to fleetfoot <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stellafera 3,836 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 MLP Forums Master Race We take what the rest of the fandom thinks and we throw it in reverse. Applejack wins popularity contest Rarity has most active fanclub /mlpforums 3 Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship "Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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