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Should Discord have been executed for his treachery?

Rarity Paige Belle

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Of course there will not be executions or death as its the nature of the show. Like I said before in the MLP universe famous dictators would be forgiven like Hitler and Stalin.


But taking the friendship and forgiveness out of the equation and the whole nature of the MLP universe, I would think Discord and other villains such as Tirek would be executed. Discord at heart is an evil being and still has chaos in his blood. After all of what he did to Equestria, he has had multiple chances and almost destroyed Equestria in the process multiple times. Taking him out along with other enemies rather than just imprisoning them would be the best option.


 If you take it out of MLP universe context, yea. But we're not talking about that, It's strictly keeping it within the canon universe. Taking it out of the MLP Universe context...is kind of a null point.

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


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 If you take it out of MLP universe context, yea. But we're not talking about that, It's strictly keeping it within the canon universe. Taking it out of the MLP Universe context...is kind of a null point.


Well yeah, than everything is forgiven, I have a feeling that if Discord caused a massive pandemic or began torturing ponies and then said he was sorry he would be forgiven again lol.

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People have already talked enough about how Discord learned his lesson, and about how that is more in keeping with the shows theme. So, I'll talk about something else.


Discord is the only villian we've seen that Celestia has tried to reform. From that, we can assume that:


A. She believes that Discord CAN change. (And we see as much at the end of Twilights Kingdom)

B. She believes that he can be a powerful force for good.


I think it's also important to note here that Discord was never truely evil, just chaotic. So, killing him would have deprived Equestria of a potentially powerful ally. It is more practical to keep him alive, especially since the elements of harmony are stuck on that tree and because we don't know if the mane 6 can use rainbow power again.



Also, Discord is a great character and it would be a shame to see him killed off.

  • Brohoof 1


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that would never ever happen on a show targeted for a young girl demographic, and besides, it would be a waste of a great character and great character development. I think he does honestly appreciate friendship now, especially now he knows that there are beings out there besides the ponies that can defeat him.

  • Brohoof 2
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My question wouldn't be whether or not they'd be willing to do it, it's how possible it would be to do.


I mean, this is high treason, of course he'd get it if Equestria wasn't so nice.

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As he has proved time and time again he can't be trusted!

As a staunch Lethal Punishement abolitionist, I think you can guess my opinion on this.



Especially when you consider that Discord never did any serious physical harm to anyone. So now we should murder him in reponse?



Also, death penalty for High Treason? No. It should only be imprisonment.

Edited by RWB

"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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  • 2 months later...



Discord has some of the most powerful magic in Equestria. This magic is evil. Yet, despite the chaotic nature of his magic, Discord has been shown to use it for good, even though it stands against everything that he, up until this point, has lived for.

Friendship truly matters to Discord. We learned this in Keep Calm and Flutter On: the idea of a friend, without him even knowing what it truly meant, was enough to keep him from taking over the world.

I think that, after that episode, he began to perceive ponies in a different light. He saw the potential to form connections with them. It was not a potential he acted upon, or one that he even realized was there, but I think he began to see ponies as more than his toys after he made a friend of one. At the very least, he realized that these ponies mattered to his friend, and his complete disregard for their health was balanced out by his obligation as a friend.

Think of that--one friend was enough. Discord's view of other ponies may have changed, it may have not, but either way a single friend was enough to prevent him from being all that he had been for so many years.

He did not see Tirek has an ally. I think Discord saw Tirek as a friend. A friend with more to offer than Fluttershy ever could. And, had Tirek meant to rule side by side with Discord, I believe that's what would have happened. Tirek wanted the same thing as Discord (thought he) did: to rule Equestria, to be able to do whatever they want of ponies, free of consequence.

But Discord was not entirely naive, and withheld a vital piece of information until Tirek gave him a sign of their friendship.

In Keep Calm and Flutter On, Discord was shocked to learn that Fluttershy considered him a friend. He was shocked, but he was not disgusted. The idea of not being alone appealed to him, even if he did not understand the responsibility that went with it; he recognized that a friendship was something good that he did not have, and that he had convinced himself he never would. To learn that someone would overlook all that he had done to spite them and defy what Discord had long ago made peace with was shocking and, likely, flattering. Faith-bringing. Something along those lines.

Anyway, Discord did not realize that most Equestrian villains were, when it came to the knowledge of friendship, like him before Keep Calm and Flutter On. They thought of friendship as foolish and silly. When Tirek saw that Discord actually valued his friendship with ponies, he convinced Discord to join him. They'd be friends instead, and their friendship would do far more to benefit Discord's past yearnings than friendship with Fluttershy.

But when Tirek betrayed him, Discord realized that that was what he had done to the others. He had left the one pony who had begun to accept him and the five others who were at least willing to suppress themselves because of Fluttershy--just as he was doing. He realized the true power of friendship was enough to overlook mistakes, not just to try to repair them but to forgive them. It was enough to encase him in stone for centuries. It was something Tirek never could have done.


It was in Keep Calm and Flutter On that Discord realized that there was something to this friendship thing. It was in Twilight's Kingdom that he made a new friend--Tirek--and it was in Twilight's Kingdom that he realized what it was to betray a friend, and how true their friendship must be for those ponies to forgive him after he had tried to destroy their world.


I believe this was all a learning experience for Discord. I don't think he was truly reformed after Keep Calm and Flutter On, and had he not betrayed the mane six in Twilight's Kingdom, he would have continued to make "friendly" trouble for the mane six--the Circle of Discord comes to mind. I think he now knows that friends don't do that to each other, and that the mane six truly are friends. Only a true friend would be able to forgive such a huge betrayal. And Twilight Sparkle--the one who, I think, showed the most open distrust of Discord--was the one who showed Discord that, despite all he had done, they were friends.


tl;dr: Now that Discord knows the true power of friendship, he's not going to try to take over the world anymore.

  • Brohoof 1
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People should remember that he ruled Equestria in a state of 'misery and unhappiness'.


I think the only reason why he really got reformed was mostly because of the fandom popularity.


Discord (and basically the rest of the other villains) recieve the 'Draco in leather pants' treatment. > http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DracoInLeatherPants



He was in the past tyrann and he mind-raped the mane six, turning them into the complete opposite of them...and for what reasons exactly? For the lolz.




And you all still would forgive him....


If i do the same, would you guys forgive me too?

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


"He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity."

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He was in the past tyrann and he mind-raped the mane six, turning them into the complete opposite of them...and for what reasons exactly? For the lolz.


If i do the same, would you guys forgive me too?

Discord's past actions aren't being forgotten, though. Everyone is perfectly aware of what he's done. The mane six (minus Fluttershy) make it very clear that they don't trust him, nor have they overlooked anything he's done over the past million years.

But they believe a being that powerful may now use his powers for good. A lot of good.

Had Celestia not requested that Discord be reformed, no one--not even Fluttershy--would have given him that chance. But he's learned his lesson and can now actually help ponies to an extent.


What if Hitler not only apologized, but also discovered a cure and prevention for cancer, AIDS, what have you? It's not realistic, and if he had just apologized he would under no circumstances be forgiven--but why should we let millions of people suffer when we have a clear way out? Hitler would not be trusted, he would be kept under close watch, but if he could be used to help people instead of hurt them--why would you refuse?

Discord is not being forgiven purely because he has apologized. He is being forgiven because of how much good his magic has the potential to do.

It'll be mixed with great amounts of bad, but minor irritation (as he could get away with no more) is a small price to pay when you have the Spirit of Chaos himself as your ally.


Yes, I would forgive you, actually. Personal philosophy plus naive optimism equals floundering, forgiving fool. :yay:

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Discord's past actions aren't being forgotten, though. Everyone is perfectly aware of what he's done. The mane six (minus Fluttershy) make it very clear that they don't trust him, nor have they overlooked anything he's done over the past million years.

But they believe a being that powerful may now use his powers for good. A lot of good.

Had Celestia not requested that Discord be reformed, no one--not even Fluttershy--would have given him that chance. But he's learned his lesson and can now actually help ponies to an extent.


What if Hitler not only apologized, but also discovered a cure and prevention for cancer, AIDS, what have you? It's not realistic, and if he had just apologized he would under no circumstances be forgiven--but why should we let millions of people suffer when we have a clear way out? Hitler would not be trusted, he would be kept under close watch, but if he could be used to help people instead of hurt them--why would you refuse?

Discord is not being forgiven purely because he has apologized. He is being forgiven because of how much good his magic has the potential to do.

It'll be mixed with great amounts of bad, but minor irritation (as he could get away with no more) is a small price to pay when you have the Spirit of Chaos himself as your ally.


Yes, I would forgive you, actually. Personal philosophy plus naive optimism equals floundering, forgiving fool. :yay:


Hmmm...so basically he was only forgiven because he was somewhat useful?

That's a rather controverse approach.


A example:


A rich and powerful man rapes violently a  girl and kills her. He was sentenced to death....but he is rich and has powerful connections.


Should he be executed or should we not kill him and use instead his wealth and connection to help the poor?





Also, you are naive. I would not hesistate to sacrifice you and your beloved if it would help my own goals. *insert Evil Laugh*

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


"He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity."

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Hmmm...so basically he was only forgiven because he was somewhat useful?

That's a rather controverse approach.


A example:


A rich and powerful man rapes violently a  girl and kills her. He was sentenced to death....but he is rich and has powerful connections.


Should he be executed or should we not kill him and use instead his wealth and connection to help the poor?


Well, I personally would have forgiven him because I think he's really changed and also all people are wonderful, but yes--in (my interpretation of) a practical universe, he should only be let free because he can help.

I mean, you could just take all the rich guy's money (or the family could sue him and try to put him on death row) and use it to help the poor then. That'd be the best option. But seeing as Discord's magic would just be wasted if you killed him, I think it's okay to give him another chance.

If he tries to take over the world yet again, then by all means, kill him. I can't see him ever reforming if, even now, he hasn't learned his lesson.


Also, you are naive. I would not hesistate to sacrifice you and your beloved if it would help my own goals. *insert Evil Laugh*


I'm sure you'd do it from the goodness of your heart.  :please:

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Well, I personally would have forgiven him because I think he's really changed and also all people are wonderful, but yes--in (my interpretation of) a practical universe, he should only be let free because he can help.

I mean, you could just take all the rich guy's money (or the family could sue him and try to put him on death row) and use it to help the poor then. That'd be the best option. But seeing as Discord's magic would just be wasted if you killed him, I think it's okay to give him another chance.

If he tries to take over the world yet again, then by all means, kill him. I can't see him ever reforming if, even now, he hasn't learned his lesson.



I'm sure you'd do it from the goodness of your heart.  :please:


That would be the easiest option....but what if he knows the cure for cancer or aids?

(I know what you are thinking, pretend to forgive him, let him develope the cure and then kill him but would that make you better than him?)


Discord actually had the chance to use his magic for good. Tirek.

And what did he do instead? Aliied himself with him and made it even possible for him to get powerful. 

That's same with your scenario with Hitler curing cancer. He finds the cure and but then decides 'meh' and devlopes instead a virus that kills all non-aryian people.


The ponies trusted him to use his magic for good and to stop Tirek but instead he sold them out.


He got a chance and blew it.




Sure....*evil smile*

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


"He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity."

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That would be the easiest option....but what if he knows the cure for cancer or aids?

(I know what you are thinking, pretend to forgive him, let him develope the cure and then kill him but would that make you better than him?)

Well, first of all, I don't think rape is a crime worthy of the death penalty.

Years in prison? Yes. Million dollar fines? Sure. A lifetime on parol? Yep. But the death penalty? No. If it happens repeatedly even after attempts at rehabilitation, then yes, it should be punishable by death.

If he knows the cure for cancer or AIDS, he should be allowed to help those who have it. He should be under probation, similar to how Discord was: although he's technically free, he's being watched and the Elements of Harmony are always kept close. There should always be a means to stop him if things began to get out of hand--but while he can help, and is willing to, why shouldn't he?


Discord actually had the chance to use his magic for good. Tirek.

And what did he do instead? Aliied himself with him and made it even possible for him to get powerful.

Not sure if you read my entire first post in this topic, but I mentioned my theory as to why Discord joined Tirek and how this in fact proves (at least in my mind) that Discord has taken a turn for the better less evil.


He finds the cure and but then decides 'meh' and devlopes instead a virus that kills all non-aryian people.

Well, it's be foolish not to test the cure first. If it killed someone, that would be it. Hitler blew it. He's all set for death row now.

Same with Discord. If he tries to knowingly sabotage the mane six in season five or onward, I don't think he should be forgiven or trusted or allowed to not be in stone anymore. But I think the incident with Tirek was the final push he needed to become an almost-good guy.

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I remember the season finale in question...


Execution would be too much, but if I was Discord, I am not so sure I could face myself with the shame on my shoulders. I'd offer to surrender my chaotic powers to Twilight or Celestia, and then I'd exile myself to the life of a wondering drifter until I could better appreciate life as a mortal, but I'd promise to return when I am a better draconequus worthy of holding those powers and worthy of being friends to such wonderful ponies... But that's just me.  :P  Would have also been a good reason for seeing less of Discord in the future season(s) condsidering De Lancie's schedule.


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Executing Discord would be a terrible idea. They'd lose a powerful ally, and Celestia's position as a kind and loving leader would be destroyed. They'd also gain an even worse enemy...Fluttershy. They'd have to keep her on 24 hour lock before and after the execution, or not even tell her. A pissed off Fluttershy would decimate Equestria and rule under a tyrannical dictatorship that would make Tyrantlestia look tame.

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Uh, no? He was genuinely remorseful of his actions and truly understands friendship. I mean, some ponies might act resentful towards him, but the Mane 6 can always stand up for him.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hmmm...so basically he was only forgiven because he was somewhat useful?

That's a rather controverse approach.


A example:


A rich and powerful man rapes violently a  girl and kills her. He was sentenced to death....but he is rich and has powerful connections.


Should he be executed or should we not kill him and use instead his wealth and connection to help the poor?





Also, you are naive. I would not hesistate to sacrifice you and your beloved if it would help my own goals. *insert Evil Laugh*



State-funded murder is still frickin' murder.


See, here is the thing about prison- it's shouldn't necessarily be seen as punishment. It should be a place where we put people that have proven they can't be trusted to be out in the open without causing some form of harm to others... as protection.


This is how you reform criminals.



It's not a revenge tool against criminals, it's a protection for the rest of us.


  • Brohoof 1

"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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State-funded murder is still frickin' murder.


See, here is the thing about prison- it's shouldn't necessarily be seen as punishment. It should be a place where we put people that have proven they can't be trusted to be out in the open without causing some form of harm to others... as protection.


This is how you reform criminals.



It's not a revenge tool against criminals, it's a protection for the rest of us.



Unless they simply escape their prison, like exactly how it happened in the show.

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


"He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity."

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