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searching Person to take over as Doctor Hooves in a 1x1 rp?


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Is there anyone out there willing to take over Doctor Whooves for this? The person I was doing it with went on an unexpected hiatus. It was sort of over before anything really happened at all, and I was hoping to continue it on.


Below is a like to the first page of the 1x1, which is called 'Partners in Time'.




However, if you aren't willing to take over I'd be more than willing to start a brand new one.


Same thing applies. I'm most comfortable playing as Derpy Hooves since I'm not too familiar with the Dr. Who show yet. 

Roleplayer must be literate (don't bother replying if you don't know what that means please) and MUST be someone that can get on fairly regularly, as in no disappearing for 4-5 days or more at a time.


I'd also prefer it be someone over 18, because I'm looking for a more mature rp now. I'll be more than happy to create the topic and promise to put a warning that mature content may appear.

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It was just a 1x1, but I took a look to see the other person I asked; she was just online recently but never replied to a pm I sent about the rp. So I sent her one that someone else might be interested in taking the Doctor over. If you still want to, could you? Jack could always be added in later on. 

Edited by MidnightFire1222
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Actually, after reading the RP, there should be a way to bring you in through the current rp. The TARDIS still functions, it just doesn't travel; as the previous player of the doctor has determined the TARDIS is experinceing issues in traveling to diffrent destionation but, howevrr he didn't make it clear that communications between any of his friends or companions was "impossible." See where i am going with this?

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Vanguard, you figure out how Jack can get into the rp. I know enough about how that he's immortal so he should survive the universal transition into a pony. Delernil didn't actually state it, but i think we should go with the Doctor having to go through a forced regeneration to be a pony, so we can say he was the 9th and now he's the 10th.

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