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"Here's Your Sign" Jokes


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"Here's Your Sign" refers to a routine framework commonly used by comedian Bill Engvall, which begins with his stating that stupid people should have to wear warning signs that simply state "I'm stupid." He'll then go on to tell several anecdotes in which someone asks a stupid question, and the question is then answered sarcastically, followed by the statement: "Here's your sign!"


For example, a trucker gets his truck stuck under an overpass, and the responding policeman asks "Hey, you get your truck stuck?" The trucker answers, "No sir, I was delivering that overpass and I ran out of gas. Here's your sign."

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a guy is working on his roof, when a nearby neighbor comes by and says "fixin yer roof there?" the man on the roof replies "nope...just practicing being Santa Claus for this winter" heres your sign

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I find this kind of jokes often offensive. What you consider for given and standard may not apply to some others. I hate sarcasm and those that try to be witty quoting phrases from other people because they cannot think for themselves of a joke. I am sorry but that's just my two bits about this.

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