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chaos's only firepower lols


Isn't that chaos dwarfs? Can you even use those with the rest of the chaos units???


Thanks to Proenix on deviantart for the vector in my avatar and signature.

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  • 5 months later...

If you couldn't tell by the title of the thread, I was wondering if anybody on the forums played Wh40k. I don't mean the computer/console games, but the legit tabletop minis game.


Since I'm a total nerd, I got into that about six years ago and have put an obscene amount of time and money into it.


I play Space Marines, got about 3k points worth or more, and I'll post some pics if anybody's interested.



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Oh yes. I love 40k, been playing for about six years myself.


Most of my friends are really into 40k as well, and we sometimes play apocalypse games. I have a 3000 point Imperial Guard army and a 2500 point Space Marine army.


I used to play Orks, but I found they're play style really boring.


I could upload some pics if you like, I would love to see your army



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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I've been looking to start an IG army too, I've gotten something like 750 points or so. None of my friends play the game, so I have to put up with going to an indie retailer most Fridays.


I haven't updated and reworked my painting on any of my first few minis, so excuse the terrible job XD




6th ed is a pile of garbage, Ive played warhammer 40k for near 12 years and seen a game I love very much dissolve into a complete travesty


Yup. I can agree with this completely. I started when 5th edition came out, and been with that for them years, dropped off for a year, and come back a month ago into a new game pretty much.


Plus, I don't like the idea of spending $75 on a rulebook. Might as well buy Dark Vengeance and get my money's worth.

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6th ed is a pile of garbage, Ive played warhammer 40k for near 12 years and seen a game I love very much dissolve into a complete travesty


Yeah, this is why It's a house rule with my group that we stick with 5th edition. I tried 6th edition once at a local games workshop, I much prefer 5th.


What army/armies do you play?

  • Brohoof 1



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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If you couldn't tell by the title of the thread, I was wondering if anybody on the forums played Wh40k. I don't mean the computer/console games, but the legit tabletop minis game.


Since I'm a total nerd, I got into that about six years ago and have put an obscene amount of time and money into it.


I play Space Marines, got about 3k points worth or more, and I'll post some pics if anybody's interested.




repaint them all into NLR and solar empire colours. and wage brony wars! there isnt anything in the rulebook dictating that different colour schemed marines cant be deployed the same army.


plus I prefer the fantasy universe.

On 9/21/2012 at 3:39 AM, ceresbane said:
It's not a saying to go by in the first place. It was a name to a method of flame warring that was used in the early brony 4chan wars.To love and tolerate is to be non-conflicting and act passive-aggressive so that the hater cannot latch on to anything to retaliate with.

The love is the sword. you attack with talks of hugs and friendship. As if they were hurtful.

The tolerance is the shield. you ignore whatever the hater says.

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repaint them all into NLR and solar empire colours.


I was actually going to do this already, but was on the ropes whether it would be new minis or just repainted, but it's just a heck of a lot cheaper to repaint XD


Also, maybe repaint the command squad and captain as Mane 6?

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So I've got a good list of paints to use for the NLR squad I was going to paint, and then I'll probably work on a Celestial Empire one with some older paints I have. Gonna repaint the Tac. Squads, one for each "team" I guess. Based on the images I looked up, would it make more sense for the NLR to have a base of dark purple or dark blue, and then layered on blue for the former or layered on purple for the latter?

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I used to play, but it got too expensive and I had nobody to actually play with and the Gamesworkshop store was a half hour drive. Now I just read the books and play the computer games. *shrug* Speaking of which, it's kinda depressing the canceled the WH40K mmo :\


Legit signature made by Shift.

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I use to play alot but got caught up in other thing so i stopped playing for a while and I Use the old rules instead. But my dad still plays alot of it, builds and paints models almost every weekend. I wish i could finish up my modles to play again but my paint table is kinda cramped with other paint matarials and stuff http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png . (i got to start palying again) P.S. Tau Rules.

  • Brohoof 1


Awesome sig done by none other than Cloud Chaser!

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  • 6 months later...

So, sometimes I'll see a random image of pony combined with 40k (such as the one attatched) so, do you fillies and gentlecolts play it?


If so, mention experience, any armies and anything you see relevant :)


Myself, I collect Eldar of Biel-Tan, Nids of Hive Fleet Kracken and Space Marines of the Astral Claws (pre heresy) but played with every army. I've been playing for three years.


You now have the right to call me nerdy :P


Just look at my profile pic XD. It's Princesses Celestia and Luna making the sign of the Imperium of Man (or bronies in this case)

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I am an avid follower of the 40k game and fluff! Personally I collect Space Marines of a chapter of my own creation called the Woad. I love collecting/painting/building/and reading 40k :D Its been my favorite money sink for the last couple years now.


I am fairly decent but I don't like the Tourney side of the hobby so almost every list I run is fluffy, :P Its just more fun to me that way

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah, I'm not too competitive either, mainly cus I use nids, they tend to get blasted apart fairly easily if the player knows what he's doing. My friend collects Tau, so there's a bit of a tourney side to me. What's you chapter's colour scheme? Astral claws aren't well known. They're metallic grey with blue shoulder pads and gold detail. They turned to the Red Corsairs chaos warband which is well, red (with dark metallic grey outline). They can be found on ForgeWorld. Do you have a picture of one of your marines? :)

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I do know a fair amount of 40k Fluff ;) I was obsessed with it like most are obsessed with star wars when I was younger. And my Marines are Black with Red trim, and various colouring of accenting. I do have a picture on mt computer but not online and I am not really sure how to attach a file

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No matter, the colour scheme sounds cool anyway. I still am obsessed with it. A Codex per day keeps the Dark Eldar away ;). The chapter's got an interesting name 'the woad', anything behind that. I always wanted to create a custom chapter, but don't have the imagination to think up a name. Dare I say though, I have painted a Rainbow Dash colour scheme marine. The Rainbows are so frustrating to get right!

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Got a Dark Angels army that I've had for about 5 years, haven't really been into the hobby recently, but maybe someday the passion will come back.


A full command squad with Chaplain and Terminator Librarian, full Terminator squad, two full Tactical Squads and a Scout squad, plus a Tactical Dreadnaught. I also have all the 3rd Gen Dark Angels heroes (Azazael, Ezeikel, Asmodeus and the Fallen Angel Cypher). The whole army is in different stages of prepared-ness (ex: all the troops are fully painted, along with the command squad but terminators and scouts are only undercoated and the heroes and dreadnaught are merely assembled.) I also have a Razorback tank that's still in it's box.


I gotta get me the new Dark Angels codex asap.



Eh? Nandatte?

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Thread necromancy ftw




Huge 40k fan here, although I don't have the space, money or friends to play tabletop. I just play DoW2 Elite instead. I'm a big fan of Tau, Tyranids, Slaanesh and Eldar, and I still pay attention to the fluff. I might spit out some 40k-MLP crossover art eventually.


PS. Death to Khorne and the Blood Angels!


  • Brohoof 2
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No matter, the colour scheme sounds cool anyway. I still am obsessed with it. A Codex per day keeps the Dark Eldar away wink.png. The chapter's got an interesting name 'the woad', anything behind that. I always wanted to create a custom chapter, but don't have the imagination to think up a name. Dare I say though, I have painted a Rainbow Dash colour scheme marine. The Rainbows are so frustrating to get right!

That is hilariously amazing. I do not believe I am capable of matching a feat of painting such as that. Thats actually been my primary focus as of late, Improving my painting. I am still convinced I suck but meh :/ 


And silly me i forgot I started a FB group for me and my friends who played Warhammer/40k or WFRP. And I have more than a couple pics on it >.< So if you want to see my Woad 




Their supposed to be heavily based off of old pre Roman Celts, hence alot of the Gealic names and words on the models

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Massive Warhammer 40k and Fantasy fan here! I'm certainly more into 40k as I find the universe fascinating and the races themselves brilliant. I haven't had much of a chance to play 6th edition recently however and I really should get back into the game.


I play Imperial Guard, Space Marines and Tyranids in 40k. Currently I'm loving my IG due to my very armour heavy tactics using a squadron of Bane Wolves, a few Armoured Sentinels along with some Executioners to stop them 2+ armour saves!


In terms of Fantasy however I've sort of ditched the main game in favour of Blood Bowl recently, the Chaos Edition on Steam is fantastic!


I think we should get some images up of our creations up on here, for example my converted Tervigon (some green stuff and a Carnifex merged together, this was before the Tervigon kit came out).






The painting is pretty poor but this was prior to me spending months of practising my painting for my IG.

Edited by Aaramus
  • Brohoof 2


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AHAHAHA I figured out how to upload pictures and now I feel like a complete moron >.> Why I couldnt see the giant blue button for it is beyond me. Aaaaaanyways, here's a pic of my Woad Space Marine Dreadnaught, Sciath Mor






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I could never get into the actual game, but I love the story and lore and everything that goes with it, its just so well fleshed out. When I did play the tabletop game, I played as the Tyranids. Basically the Zerg from starcraft, but much, much worse, trust me. Tyranid fleets are visible on a galactic level.


Haha, Dawn of War. Anyone remember that spess mahreen guy? What was his name again? Captain Boreale or something.


IF WE DIE DIS DEY WE DIE IN GLOREH, WE DIE HEROES DEAFS! BUT WE WILL NOT DIE, NO! IT IS THE ENEMEH WHO WIL TAST DEAF AND DEFEET! - Commander Indrick Boreale, Blood Ravens Chapter. He has the best voice acting ever.

Edited by Navel Spess

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

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