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I love playing games like that. As fun as the game is I could really care less (most of the time) about perfect balance and equality. When playing with my friends were always like, 'What would be fun today?' 'Oh I know lets set up a Jungle outpost that teh Marines have to defend from XXXX!' I just enjoy the fluffyness of the universe and seeing the battle play out CGI style in my head tongue.png It's such a rich universe with so much potential that just playing the d6 missions get a little.... bland after a while.


But I remember my favorite game to date being a 3v3 2000pt game on a 8x6 table. It was my Woad, a Rough Rider IG army, and some Orky freebootaz against 2 Eldar and a Tau. 6 hours of Shenanigans and mayhem. 


Shenaningans and mayhem are what it's all about :)  


Most of my favorite games are the ones where we didn't worry about balance too much, and set up a glorious narrative.  Although, I've never done a 3v3, that sounds quite epic

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Shenaningans and mayhem are what it's all about smile.png


Most of my favorite games are the ones where we didn't worry about balance too much, and set up a glorious narrative.  Although, I've never done a 3v3, that sounds quite epic

More people need to play like this. Creating the story behind the battle is what makes it FUN to me. If youve looked at the pics of my models you see every single one of them has a blank/filled white nametape across the bottom. Every model in my collection has that. But some of them have names now, BUT I only name one when that specific model does something truley epic or heroic. Then i record what they did to earn their name in a book so that I can remember it. It makes my chapter feel that much more alive with marines of my creation, each begining to create their own little personalities and identities in the mini stories I write about their exploits or failings from time to time.


But that's also how I write my entire chapters history. They started out pretty blank when I first started my collection. Standard vanilla marines, but then playing against Tau over and over again they have became a very foot based chapter whose reliance on vehicles is mostly limited to Dreads and Land Speeders. 

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More people need to play like this. Creating the story behind the battle is what makes it FUN to me. If youve looked at the pics of my models you see every single one of them has a blank/filled white nametape across the bottom. Every model in my collection has that. But some of them have names now, BUT I only name one when that specific model does something truley epic or heroic. Then i record what they did to earn their name in a book so that I can remember it. It makes my chapter feel that much more alive with marines of my creation, each begining to create their own little personalities and identities in the mini stories I write about their exploits or failings from time to time.


But that's also how I write my entire chapters history. They started out pretty blank when I first started my collection. Standard vanilla marines, but then playing against Tau over and over again they have became a very foot based chapter whose reliance on vehicles is mostly limited to Dreads and Land Speeders. 


So I thought I was the only crazy one.  I do something similar, although I don't have as many games under my belt.  I got a cool hardcover journal and I record most of my battles, and I call out commendations for heroic acts.  So I have some named guys and vehicles now, though with IG, it could quickly get out of hand.  Still, LOVE that I'm not alone in that. Building a unique army goes beyond the painting.

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So I thought I was the only crazy one.  I do something similar, although I don't have as many games under my belt.  I got a cool hardcover journal and I record most of my battles, and I call out commendations for heroic acts.  So I have some named guys and vehicles now, though with IG, it could quickly get out of hand.  Still, LOVE that I'm not alone in that. Building a unique army goes beyond the painting.

Well it all depends on how stringent you want to be, when I first started I was so horrid It was an accomplishment for me to just not get tabled so a few of my Marines retrieved names from just being Last Man Standing... But then others like Ankou (scout sgt) received the love of the dice gods and managed to kill a necron Lord in CC by himself. of course he'd be one of like 3 named mini's if I kept that practise up ;) So i usually try to stay in the middle for what counts as 'worthy'


But with effort like that going into your Guardsmen, hopefully the Woad will have the honour of serving alongside your Regiment one day ;)

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Well it all depends on how stringent you want to be, when I first started I was so horrid It was an accomplishment for me to just not get tabled so a few of my Marines retrieved names from just being Last Man Standing... But then others like Ankou (scout sgt) received the love of the dice gods and managed to kill a necron Lord in CC by himself. of course he'd be one of like 3 named mini's if I kept that practise up wink.png So i usually try to stay in the middle for what counts as 'worthy'


But with effort like that going into your Guardsmen, hopefully the Woad will have the honour of serving alongside your Regiment one day wink.png



I'm not as diligent as I should be to truly honor their sacrifices.   I had been doing detailed casualty reports after each battle, but that was getting excessive.  


I now have a few named models worth remembering, and a few stories behind them (the last guardsman who took out a renegade Terminator Chaplain HQ, or the sentinel pilot who racked up a number of vehicle kills), but what I need to do is flesh out my homeworld.


I'm curious, what approach did you take with your chapter? Did you use a prexisting one, or make your own? And either way, did you get into the backstory much?  

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I'm not as diligent as I should be to truly honor their sacrifices.   I had been doing detailed casualty reports after each battle, but that was getting excessive.  


I now have a few named models worth remembering, and a few stories behind them (the last guardsman who took out a renegade Terminator Chaplain HQ, or the sentinel pilot who racked up a number of vehicle kills), but what I need to do is flesh out my homeworld.


I'm curious, what approach did you take with your chapter? Did you use a prexisting one, or make your own? And either way, did you get into the backstory much?  


My chapter was re-created several times throughout my childhood as i dreamed of playing 40k one day, so I had TONS of time to flesh it out and make it truly whole ;) But my chapter was the product of me algamating my own favorite things about Marines, and differing chapters and ideologies and molding them into my own dark little child of Astartes. Their organization and general make up is completely unique (to my knowledge) and of my creating. But most of the chapter is based off the pre Roman Celts. Its kinda evident when you see most of my named people all having Old German, Welsh or Gealic names. But yeah I also have the entire chapters back story written out :P I love my story telling so much.

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My chapter was re-created several times throughout my childhood as i dreamed of playing 40k one day, so I had TONS of time to flesh it out and make it truly whole wink.png But my chapter was the product of me algamating my own favorite things about Marines, and differing chapters and ideologies and molding them into my own dark little child of Astartes. Their organization and general make up is completely unique (to my knowledge) and of my creating. But most of the chapter is based off the pre Roman Celts. Its kinda evident when you see most of my named people all having Old German, Welsh or Gealic names. But yeah I also have the entire chapters back story written out tongue.png I love my story telling so much.


Based on your love of old Northern European cultures, kinda surprised you didn't go full fledged Space Wolves laugh.png


I love it!  And it all fits with the universe.  Marine Chapters get to have alot of fun in the cultures they draw from, because they really expand upon their traits.  IG however got out of hand (IMO) becoming too cliche with the famous regiment worlds they created, by and large.   


Me personally, I love the IG because they AREN'T Special.   I haven't fleshed my Regiment all out, but I love the concept of having a world that's rather ordinary, with a few inspiring stories in their history that have shaped them and made their regiments absolutely tenacious in nature.


Also I love tanks...

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All this talk of the filthy Space Marines....


The Great Devourer will consume them all...


On a more serious note, those pictures on your DeviantArt are really good, Ginger, and I love that Dreadnought; if I had to pick my favorite Space Marine units, it'd probably be a tie between Dreadnoughts and Terminators.


And writing a history for your chapter and naming your models for heroic acts sounds awesome; even though I play Tyranids, my Winged Hive Tyrant got named by my cousin when I was playing against him. He called it "The Dragon", which I think is awesome! It's always nice when your opponent ends up naming your unit, especially if you're a Tyranid player cause that means you must be doing something right. It also fits into the fluff since Tyranids and their names come from other races and not the Tyranids themselves.

  • Brohoof 3



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Based on your love of old Northern European cultures, kinda surprised you didn't go full fledged Space Wolves 

Ehhhhhh. The Celt's were not all that similar to the Norsemen and I am not a huge fan of sunning someone else's creations. Same reason why my chapter are Dark Angel's successors but I don't run Ravenwing or Deathwing. I want my chapter to FEEL like my chapter and not someone else's. 4th ed book with the Divergent Chapter rules are the thing I miss most for that reason.



Me personally, I love the IG because they AREN'T Special.   I haven't fleshed my Regiment all out, but I love the concept of having a world that's rather ordinary, with a few inspiring stories in their history that have shaped them and made their regiments absolutely tenacious in nature.   Also I love tanks...

I agree completely! Though being Astartes my chapter is developing into heroes of lore but they all started out un-named blank slates from a chapter with no heritage. Watching them grow over the last year has been glorious though...



And who DOESNT love Tanks!? Seriously, i've debated picking up some IG armour for an ally for a long time ;P

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but what I need to do is flesh out my homeworld.

Here you go then, have fun

I personally own a Beastmen army that I used to stomp tons of faces with (since most people don't relize how dangerous beastmen can be) and a Necron army that has become really effective since the new codex release.

I currently don't get in as many games as I'd like, due to work and most regular at my LGS being That Guys.

Also, here's my C'tan shard:


Currently working on tiara and shoe thingies


Edited by Silverwisp the Bard
  • Brohoof 2



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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On a more serious note, those pictures on your DeviantArt are really good, Ginger, and I love that Dreadnought; if I had to pick my favorite Space Marine units, it'd probably be a tie between Dreadnoughts and Terminators.


And writing a history for your chapter and naming your models for heroic acts sounds awesome; even though I play Tyranids, my Winged Hive Tyrant got named by my cousin when I was playing against him. He called it "The Dragon", which I think is awesome! It's always nice when your opponent ends up naming your unit, especially if you're a Tyranid player cause that means you must be doing something right. It also fits into the fluff since Tyranids and their names come from other races and not the Tyranids themselves.

Thank you! I'm still learing how to do all the more advanced techniques, like undercoating, washing, or dry brushing. I am rather slow at learning new things like that so mostly all I do is just go through about 3 detail brushes a week >.< I hope to get really good someday though!


and yeah; Tyranids with names would kinda take away from the nameless horror thing... Though seeing Gaunt 'Bob' munching on a marine would be kinda hilarious ;) But yeah i the naming is awesome, because at my hobby store there are ONLY regulars so everyone knows my obsession with teh naming and if their not in the middle of a match will end up having mini conferences on whether a particular model deserves a name or not :P though as me being the only Gealic speaker (not fluent, just about halfway there :/) I pick the names on my own accord. 

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Astral Claws (pre heresy)

Doyou mena pre-treason? Otherwise my nerdrage will decent upon you like parasprites...


I could never get into the actual game, but I love the story and lore and everything that goes with it, its just so well fleshed out. When I did play the tabletop game, I played as the Tyranids. Basically the Zerg from starcraft, but much, much worse, trust me. Tyranid fleets are visible on a galactic level.



IF WE DIE DIS DEY WE DIE IN GLOREH, WE DIE HEROES DEAFS! BUT WE WILL NOT DIE, NO! IT IS THE ENEMEH WHO WIL TAST DEAF AND DEFEET! - Commander Indrick Boreale, Blood Ravens Chapter. He has the best voice acting ever.





Oh and I could use your guys' help with this thread, there will be candy and/or requests for you

  • Brohoof 3



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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Here you go then, have fun

I personally own a Beastmen army that I used to stomp tons of faces with (since most people don't relize how dangerous beastmen can be) and a Necron army that has become really effective since the new codex release.

I currently don't get in as many games as I'd like, due to work and most regular at my LGS being That Guys.

Also, here's my C'tan shard:


Currently working on tiara and shoe thingies



THANKS! And thank god for 1d4chan :)  The most productive stuff to come out of 4chan.


That is an absolutely Epic C'tan, I would not want to face that down. 

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Out of intrest, what is your favorite piece of Warhammer music? My favorite piece (despite being a more Imperial Guard guy, Praetorian Guard FTW) has got to be the Space Marine theme from Dawn of War, it just sounds so epic, like something out of Lord of the Rings.

With the Imperial Guard theme coming in close second. Beautiful.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

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Doyou mena pre-treason? Otherwise my nerdrage will decent upon you like parasprites...

I'm pretty sure it's pre-heresy, because of the Horus Heresy, which made the Chaos Space Marines as they are. Where the Emperor nearly gets killed by Horus etc.


But yeah, it could be either since the Chaos Space Marines are referred to by the Adeptus Astartes (Normal Space Marines) as traitorous or heretical throughout 40k history

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I'm pretty sure it's pre-heresy, because of the Horus Heresy, which made the Chaos Space Marines as they are. Where the Emperor nearly gets killed by Horus etc.


But yeah, it could be either since the Chaos Space Marines are referred to by the Adeptus Astartes (Normal Space Marines) as traitorous or heretical throughout 40k history


He's referring to the Badab war, far after the Horus Heresy.  It involved the Astral Claws and a handful of other chapters.  In the end, the Astral Claws fled and signed up with Chaos, whereas the other chapters mainly had to serve some crusades of redemption, kinda suicidal crusades. 



Out of intrest, what is your favorite piece of Warhammer music? My favorite piece (despite being a more Imperial Guard guy, Praetorian Guard FTW) has got to be the Space Marine theme from Dawn of War, it just sounds so epic, like something out of Lord of the Rings.




With the Imperial Guard theme coming in close second. Beautiful.




Have you ever watched Veetpl's videos on YouTube?  He doesn't usually use 40k music, but his stuff truly captures the essence of 40k.





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I'm pretty sure it's pre-heresy, because of the Horus Heresy, which made the Chaos Space Marines as they are. Where the Emperor nearly gets killed by Horus etc.


Actually, the Claws turned to chaos much later, mostly due to Huron not getting along with the High Lords of Terra, if memories serves.

"Pre-heresy" refers to the time before Horus' rebellion, so essentially 30k.



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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Actually, the Claws turned to chaos much later, mostly due to Huron not getting along with the High Lords of Terra, if memories serves.

"Pre-heresy" refers to the time before Horus' rebellion, so essentially 30k.

Looks like I need to re-learn a thing or two, never been too interested in it, but you pick up a few things while surfing through the rule book or a codex. But, space marines aren't my first army, nids are. However, I don't know anything background wise about them :P. I chose Astral Claws mainly for the paint scheme.

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Out of intrest, what is your favorite piece of Warhammer music?


"Khaine's Wrath" from Dawn of War 2, the Eldar have some awesome music.



Another great one is "Primarch's Honour", it's the kind of music that sounds great in the background of a tabletop game:

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Played Relic today, just got it yesterday.




It's based of the board game Talisman, but set in 40k.  They did a good job adding onto the Talisman rule set to feel more like 40k, and I think it could be alot of fun once I get a little more comfortable with it.  It's about a 2-3 hour game, although probably more close to an hour once you're comfy with it.  Very fun.  

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"Hey, what's that?"

"Oh, just a little something I call MY XV104 RIPTIDE BATTLESUIT, BITCH!!"



Greater Good!

Greater Good!

Greater Good!


lol I don't even know why I'm flipping out, I don't even have the money to restart a Tau army...





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"Hey, what's that?"

"Oh, just a little something I call MY XV104 RIPTIDE BATTLESUIT, BITCH!!"



Greater Good!

Greater Good!

Greater Good!


lol I don't even know why I'm flipping out, I don't even have the money to restart a Tau army...


Oh come on now, prioritize! You don't NEED food, and you don't NEEEEEEED a place to live!  THINK OF HOW MANY RIPTIDES YOU COULD OWN!!!!

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Well. more than three wouldn't make sense, if your not playing apocalypse.

Also, I'm thinking about doing a mlp themed Eldar/Dark Eldar crossover, what do you guys think?

  • Brohoof 1



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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Honestly, the Riptide is nothing compared to the Manta from Forge World


Look at that price, LOOK AT IT AND DESPAIR!


Also, I'm thinking about doing a mlp themed Eldar/Dark Eldar crossover, what do you guys think?

Sounds potentially interesting, what kind of story ideas are you going with?

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Honestly, the Riptide is nothing compared to the Manta from Forge World


Look at that price, LOOK AT IT AND DESPAIR!


Sounds potentially interesting, what kind of story ideas are you going with?

More or less this: I'm planning on converting my characters and squatleaders to eldarfied versions of MLP characters (currently trying out Gilda as a Sybarith for my Scourges).


Oh,and I fought a Manta once, that thing is beyond nasty.

Edited by Silverwisp the Bard



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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