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Do you think there are "planes" that exist int he MLP universe?


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Ok, so we all know that there is a whole world out there beyond Equestria, but do you think there may also be planes out in the show's universe? It would be kinda like the planes in Dungeons & Dragons, they're basically like outer realms that are beyond the primary world. Other different races could exist in those planes, such as celestial ponies.

  • Brohoof 3
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I can understand why it's a curious question, but I don't see the need for airplanes in MLP.


Pegasi do everything you would need an airplane for, as far as transportation goes, the ponies have a train.

  • Brohoof 4


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I would believe they're some sort of ponies that have mechanical attachments implanted in them to assist them from trauma or having to get a amputation. The parts can look like the wings or aircraft but i don't see airplanes in the universe at all.


Signature created by: Gone Airborne


Imagine if you will being on your death bed – And standing around your bed – the ghosts of the ideas, the dreams, the abilities, the talents given to you by life.

And that you for whatever reason, you never acted on those ideas, you never pursued that dream, you never used those talents, we never saw your leadership, you never used your voice, you never wrote that book.

And there they are standing around your bed looking at you with large angry eyes saying "We came to you, and only you could have given us life! But now. We must die with you FOREVER!

The question is – if you die today, what ideas, what dreams, what abilities, what talents, what gifts, would die with you?

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You people misunderstand, I'm talking about the MLP universe having a whole cosmology, not Equestria having airplanes. If you heard of Planescape, you'd know what I mean. The D&D universe has planes, which are basically like dimensions.

  • Brohoof 4
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:lol: I also thought the OP was talking about airplanes.

You should edit your first post. ;)


This is what I mean by Plane. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plane_%28Dungeons_%26_Dragons%29


It doesn't only apply to D&D though, other things use the term plane for similar things.


You misread the topic. She is talking about dimensions not airplanes




I'm actually a he lol.

Edited by vgmaster9
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Well it all depends on the definition of a "Plane". Tartaros which Cerberus is guarding to keep Tirek in(... and who knows if there are others in there too :P) Could be seen as such a "Plane" There is also Luna's dreamwalk which is another version of something that could be looked at as another "Plane". Again there is also Zecoras vision potion which lets twillight visit the past in memories. This could aslo be considered a form of "Plane". 

PS: You also have the breezies, they have a "gate", which again could mean they are living in a "plane" connected to equestria.

Edited by Karma Fluffykin



Silly muffins, of course i have to eat you.


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Yes, I see what you mean. What I don't understand is what made you think about multiverse theory in MLP.


And, I don't know why I said "she", lol


I think MLP FIM's world having a multiverse would be interesting because it can give the show's universe even more flavor, having places that go beyond anywhere in the regular world, giving even more worlds to explore.

  • Brohoof 1
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I can understand why it's a curious question, but I don't see the need for airplanes in MLP.


Pegasi do everything you would need an airplane for, as far as transportation goes, the ponies have a train.


Not sure if that was meant as a joke, but the OP meant Planes as in other dimensions of reality.

I think there's actually a lot of this in the show.


-The Breezies kind of touched on this subject, depending on how separate their world is physically from the rest of Equestria.


-If Luna's dreamscapes are not just projected realities of the subject and are a continuous realm independent of any actual dreamers, than the dream realm definitely qualifies as a kind of Limbo like spirit world.


-Strongest of all was the ethereal realm that Celestia greeted Twilight when she ascended to godhood. Given the divine nature of it's host, cosmic backdrop, and seeming omniscience to the physical plane, this would definitely qualify as a kind of transcendent locale.

  • Brohoof 1
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:lol: plane or plane..

Depends if you think EG counts as cannon. If the possibility of alternate worlds exists... I guess its possible



Not sure if that was meant as a joke, but the OP meant Planes as in other dimensions of reality.

I think there's actually a lot of this in the show.


-The Breezies kind of touched on this subject, depending on how separate their world is physically from the rest of Equestria.


-If Luna's dreamscapes are not just projected realities of the subject and are a continuous realm independent of any actual dreamers, than the dream realm definitely qualifies as a kind of Limbo like spirit world.


-Strongest of all was the ethereal realm that Celestia greeted Twilight when she ascended to godhood. Given the divine nature of it's host, cosmic backdrop, and seeming omniscience to the physical plane, this would definitely qualify as a kind of transcendent locale.

well said, I guess i wasn't thinking very hard :P

I agree!

Edited by IceeBrony
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I really don't think he was talking about air planes guys. As for the question their are most defiantly other races out there besides just what we have see in the show, such as tartarus for instance, and that is actually cannon.Who knows what all kinds of creatures exist there!

  • Brohoof 1


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I think there are dimensions, but not contained within each other. They are all separet, and can only be crossed with portals like the Magic Mirror in Equestria Girls. Whenever a decision is made, a dimension or several are created. Timelines and stuff.  :muffins:

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Lol, still on about air planes! :blush:


you guys crack me up! :lol:

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't know if the planes vs planes thing is a joke now or not. :maud:



To the OP, yes. I actually subscribe to the idea that Discord may naturally call one plane of reality his home, and perhaps the Breezies come from another. In the show we see Twilight in "You Tube Land" during her transformation which is to me is firm confirmation of some form as astral plane.



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Well, we have had two separate mirror alternate universes in both Equestria Girls and issues #17 to #20 of the IDW comic series, so I don't see how it is impossible; if you will.

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Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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I believe that the show is actually samplings from different planes of existence, here's why.


The Gala clearly felt relationship-wise an earlier episode, yet Twily was really good at transmogrifying the apple and mice.  


Too many Pinkie Pies seemed to be relationship-wise, a later episode, yet she was practicing the seemingly easy transmogrification of an apple to orange.


In the tmpp universe, Twily didn't practice Transmogrification until later and they took the train to Canterlot.


In the Gala universe Twily was practicing something less dramatic and no flying or hopping oranges existed.


Thus timelines are non-linear. 


This also explains why it was boring in the crystal empire when Cadence visited.  That plane had no Sombra (or Twily found the heart early on)


The Word-Of-god also supports this, as the writers claimed that the first 3 seasons happened in one year.  And plane sampling could explain how so much could happen in a year.

  • Brohoof 1
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Not sure if that was meant as a joke, but the OP meant Planes as in other dimensions of reality.




Well, that's what I get for not reading the OP.

  • Brohoof 1


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Well, yeah, I do, I mean Tartarus could be a different plane. And Celestia gave Twilight wings in the ethereal plane. I think Discord came from a different plane of existence.

On another note, maybe you should have said "dimension" instead of "plane", because aren't they the same thing?

  • Brohoof 1
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