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movies/tv Why is Adventure Time so popular? (Warning contains alot of bashing and ranting)

Sazama Ichida

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I thought I saw others but one of the troll posts I was referring to was this:


1. I'm guessing you haven't watched very many cartoons if you call that development and a storyline...


2. Wow seriously? Again I guess you haven't seen very many cartoons...


3. Oh I see.


4. You have GOT to be kidding me...


But again, Upon watching more of the show it IS starting to grow on me. I admit that. In fact I already admitted it. I think I'm beginning to understand now why people like the show.


Oh THAT was what you meant.



1. I guarantee you kid, I have seen more then you have. I am a 80's kid and Cartoons were my entire life and still are. 

None of the cartoons you mentioned has any kind of character development. And..YES I DO call that development. When we have about 20 episodes of Finn having a massive crush on Princess Bubblegum and desperately trying harder to impress her and get her to date him. Then having it all fall apart as he realizes its never gonna happen, then having an entire episode devoted to this and having Jake go out and help him find a new girl his own age that ends up being flame princess and finn finally gets over bubblegum, just to see several other episodes involving flame princess and finn dating and going through stuff with each other.  Meanwhile Bubblegum is trying to put a stop to it because her emotions make her body unstable which would result in her feeling intense love making her burn so hot, she would burn through the earths core, toss and turn until she burnt the world from the inside out. Which is why flame princess was originally imprisoned by her father as a child when the scientist princess bubblegum first encountered her. This was shown in another episode where flame king became so scared she would become more powerful then him and tossed her out. Finally leading up to the episode where Finn messes everything up and Flame Princess and Finn break up.


Don't even get me STARTED on the complex history of the Ice King A.K.A Simon Petrecov and his involvement in the Mushroom War before everyone became mutated food people and humanity ceased to exist 1000 years ago before Finn was born which rises questions of how humanity could had been wiped out and yet Finn the Human is still around. A Question that has yet to be answered. 


Obviously you do not know what the word PROGRESSION OF STORY actually means. Just because the episodes go day by day does not mean its random and does not have a story. Its not an anime with 12 episodes and a single story arc. 


Finn gets stronger as time goes on, Weapons he gets after hard trials stay with him, like the episode where he gets his fathers sword. AGAIN, JAKE THE DOG HAS CHILDREN....and still does. Its not family guy. They are relevant to the total story line. 


In order to actually understand Adventure time, You have to actually see a lot of the show. So far, I just noticed a show you mentioned. The only one that has real character Development is Samurai Jack. PPG...a little but not a whole lot. 


2. No, I am not kidding you. I never Kid. Kid is for Children. 


Just give it a chance. A lot of it is watching the right episodes to see how they all stack together and string the show along together with itself. Namely the two important arcs, the ones involving Finn's life with bubblegum and flame P and the ones with Ice Kings Past and the mushroom war 1000 years ago.

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I'm currently halfway through season 2 and feel like it's a chore to watch each episode. Season 2 is AWFUL. Okay, not like Nickelodeon awful, but I'd give it 5/10 (painfully unexceptional I'll call it). Really boring too at times. The first season had some episodes I really liked and I enjoyed it, but then I got into MLP and looking back on season 1 I give it 6 maybe 7/10. I really don't get why some people love this show.


What's crazy is I've heard multiple reviewers I watch rave about it (I guess it gets better). But I keep hearing how "epic" it gets, but I just don't see it so far. I guess I'll force myself to at least watch part of season 3 before I give up.

Edited by LZRD WZRD

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I'm currently halfway through season 2 and feel like it's a chore to watch each episode. Season 2 is AWFUL. Okay, not like Nickelodeon awful, but I'd give it 5/10 (painfully unexceptional I'll call it). Really boring too at times. The first season had some episodes I really liked and I enjoyed it, but then I got into MLP and looking back on season 1 I give it 6 maybe 7/10. I really don't get why some people love this show.


What's crazy is I've heard multiple reviewers I watch rave about it (I guess it gets better). But I keep hearing how "epic" it gets, but I just don't see it so far. I guess I'll force myself to at least watch part of season 3 before I give up.


Hmm, I guess it's just a matter of personal taste/opinion. Like I said, I watched and loved the first three seasons of MLP (though I haven't watched the show recently). Despite that, I've only seen almost all of the first season of Adventure Time, but already I find it to be the better show. I can't wait to watch the next several seasons. 


I guess it just fits my taste more. Though I don't have much interest in any of the other cartoons on Cartoon Network (Gumball is purely meh from what I've seen, Regular Show is a bit hit or miss, and Teen Titans Go! looks insufferable). 

Edited by MasterCombine
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The same can be said about My Little Pony, But thats none of my business.


[insert Kermit the Frog drinking Lipton tea here]


Yes, very true. Though the same could honestly be said of any show that's popular or has a passionate following. 


Also, bonus points because Gravelord Neat-o.

Edited by MasterCombine
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Hmm, I guess it's just a matter of personal taste/opinion. Like I said, I watched and loved the first three seasons of MLP (though I haven't watched the show recently). Despite that, I've only seen almost all of the first season of Adventure Time, but already I find it to be the better show. I can't wait to watch the next several seasons.


I guess it just fits my taste more. Though I don't have much interest in any of the other cartoons on Cartoon Network (Gumball is purely meh from what I've seen, Regular Show is a bit hit or miss, and Teen Titans Go! looks insufferable).

I think for me I have trouble feeling interested in a lot of the episodes. Now I will say season one was significantly better than season two is so far (so I either underrated it of overrated season two). Dungeon was probably my favorite episode. However, the randomness and originality, while at first was interesting and entertaining, has completely lost its novelty for me.


Like I said, I took a break between season one and two to watch all of MLP (and some anime shows). Coming back, even watching season one episodes, most of it feels bland at best. Like the episode with the snail and they were trying to find it a mate. I think I laughed at something Jake did, but the other 9+ minutes were painful to get through. A lot of very simple storylines, which are often hidden by how weird or "original" they are.


I need to finish season two and look back at the others. If there's one thing I should emphasize, it's that I find it to do nothing exceptionally well. That's probably why it feels so bland for me.

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Yes, very true. Though the same could honestly be said of any show that's popular or has a passionate following. 


Also, bonus points because Gravelord Neat-o.

thanks brah, fist bump me brah.

*fist bumps me and you* there, you dont have to comment a fist bump back brah.

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Hmm, I guess it's just a matter of personal taste/opinion. Like I said, I watched and loved the first three seasons of MLP (though I haven't watched the show recently). Despite that, I've only seen almost all of the first season of Adventure Time, but already I find it to be the better show. I can't wait to watch the next several seasons. 


I guess it just fits my taste more. Though I don't have much interest in any of the other cartoons on Cartoon Network (Gumball is purely meh from what I've seen, Regular Show is a bit hit or miss, and Teen Titans Go! looks insufferable). 


Oh, trust me: Teen Titans Go is a is a massive slap in the face, not only to those who loved the original (myself, included,) but to those who love watching cartoons in general. I saw three episodes, Staring at the Future, Waffles and the one with Beast Boy getting a scar.


Staring At the Future? It's Go's version of the classic episode How Long is Forever. ...no, I'd be giving it too much credit- It takes that episode and beats it into an in-recognizable pulp due to its deplorable ways. Cyborg and Beast Boy are NOT the characters we loved in the originals, as these idiots (I'm complementing them with that remark!) are the CAUSE of all the problems.


Waffles? ...eleven minutes of characters, namely Cy and BB, repeating the word "waffles" infinitely. Robin even tells them doing so isn't funny, it's just annoying...which means the writers knew it wasn't funny, yet they went along with it anyways. There's a reason why I made a rant video about all this...

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Personally, it's all a matter of opinion.

I love the way the show is animated, It is NOT poorly animated. Remember, there's a total difference between disliking an animation STYLE, and it being poor.

The randomness is entertaining, It keeps you on your toes, keeps things interesting, and doesn't follow generic storylines and such. No, it's not in depth, no, it's not trying to speak some huge message, but it's embracing something we often like to forget about in our stress-filled world - fun. It's embracing imagination, adventure, and most of all, creativity. The world is actually extremely intricate when you get down to it, each character affects the others, the characters all have their own personal flaws and fears, and the characters all develop over time.

This is all wrapped up in a package that is easy to understand and is good for a quick laugh, especially when one is down.

It's not meant for you to try to get a ton out of it, it's meant for you to enjoy the FUN. 

That's honestly why I love it, because it brings something interesting and simply fun.

  • Brohoof 4


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I think it's secretly a lot deeper than it looks, and it has some kind of hidden meaning.

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I think it's secretly a lot deeper than it looks, and it has some kind of hidden meaning.

I've always kind of felt the whole show is just leading up to something. It's not the main focus, but the world does take place post apocalyptic with Finn being the last known human.


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Because it's amazing? The amount of random and crazy ideas make it unique. The real question is why is Regular Show so popular, I seriously watched that and never laughed once. Adventure Time, however, is written by Pendleton Ward, who is a bit insane.

Don't get me started on that Gumball show. Oh, and Bravest Warriors might be helping it stay alive too...

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This is all a matter of one's own personal opinion.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


I personally enjoy Adventure Time mainly because of its random humor and characters.


Is it the best show that Cartoon Network has to offer? No, but it's a lot better than some of the stuff they've been airing recently (not going to mention names because I don't feel like pissing people off today :|)


RavenholmZombie - Brony since 2011

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Because it's amazing? The amount of random and crazy ideas make it unique. The real question is why is Regular Show so popular, I seriously watched that and never laughed once. Adventure Time, however, is written by Pendleton Ward, who is a bit insane.


Don't get me started on that Gumball show. Oh, and Bravest Warriors might be helping it stay alive too...

Heh, I actually love Regular Show. It's a little hard to explain why I love it, but I will attempt to do so:


I think a lot of the humor comes from the juxtaposition of seeming mundane events with the weirdly epic way that they spiral out of control. One example: the two main characters are warned at the beginning of the episode not to "abuse the power of the solid." Hijinks ensue as they make each other do dumb solids. At the end, Mordecai refuses to do Rigby a solid that would embarrasses him in front of the girl he has a crush on. The very foundations of the world begin to crumble and the ground starts to split apart in a seemly cataclysmic event. It doesn't end until Mordecai does Rigby a solid. It's pretty weird but I feel like it's catered specifically to my sense of humor. Like Adventure Time, it probably won't appeal to everyone.


It also helps that I see a lot of myself and my friends in the characters of the show.


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I've never seen Adventure Time, but a good friend of mine highly recommended it, and I always trust his recommendations.  He has the best taste of anyone I know when it comes to any form of entertainment.  If he says a song/book/show/movie/game is good, you better believe it's amazing.  But, y'know, I guess I'll have to check it out for myself some time.


Incidentally, all of the Cartoon Cartoons that the OP mentioned are great.  I love those shows.  Too bad they're never on anymore.


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What happened to all the good cartoons like Dexter's Laboratory, Ed Edd n Eddy, Samurai Jack, Johnny Bravo, Courage The Cowardly Dog, and The Powerpuff Girls etc? And well other shows in general that seem to have a solid plot and motivating story? Is it just because I was born in 1989 that I don't like this show?


Dexeter Ladoratory, Ed Edd n Eddy... OK... I'm going to repect your opinion and say I never liked most of the older shows (well except for power puffgirls). I don't like most of the new ones like The regular show, but with Adventure Time Its different. I like the animation becuase the colors are so dright and vibrent...most of time. Shure its previrted and silly, but for me its just a quik little skit that I would see my drama class puting on. I never had the CN channel on TV growing up and now I can whatch it on Netflex. Adventure time just popped out as a cute littel show to watch when I was felling down. It just makes me smile. I try watching other CN shows and some are far more wores than Adventure time. Then again maby It is you being born in 1989. Adventure time is a 2008 TV show.

  • Brohoof 1


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Not to mention the added depth of the tragic story of Marcy and Simon which totals 3 episodes so far. 


Wait, three?  I only remember two: I Remember You and Simon and Marcy.  Did I miss a third episode with my favorite character pairing ever?

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Wait, three?  I only remember two: I Remember You and Simon and Marcy.  Did I miss a third episode with my favorite character pairing ever?

There is simon and marcy, then a holiday episode that only had just the ice king and his past. I wasn't just talking about the pairing, I was mentioning the story of that whole time line itself. 

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I don't actually follow the show, but I'll say this. It is really entertaining. There's actually some decent episodes and story lines going on, and the posts I've seen saying that it doesn't have a plot or anything, that's surely wrong. 

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Someone asked what happened to good cartoons. Well, we all know where Lauren Faust went on to(horray!) Not sure about the Dexter's Lab, or any of the other people who made the others mentioned.  The only god cartoons I've seen recently, and I'm going to call Avatar and Korra anime because it is, Avatar and Korra, Spongebob(I have my reasons) and MLP. 


Everything on Nick is punch the tv worthy! Breadwinners, I mean seriously...the animation(can it be called that?!) in that show looks like a 2nd grade art sketch!


Oh, and while it's not a bad one, don't forgot the short lived but awesome show about that robot named Jenny. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Life_as_a_Teenage_Robot


I'm also still convinced that show Chalk Zone was about a child who was sniffing too much chalk dust and getting high.

Also, I'm wondering what Lauren thought of that special where they tried to make Powerpuff girls modern. I don't want to post a video of it because we all know it's just...plain...terrible...

A picture will do if anyone never saw it. My eyes regret seeing it: Powerpuff-Girls-Dance-Pantsed1.png

As Futurama said: You've watched it. You can't un-watch it!

Edited by Pixel Media
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AdmiralCrunch222 PS4.
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There is simon and marcy, then a holiday episode that only had just the ice king and his past. I wasn't just talking about the pairing, I was mentioning the story of that whole time line itself. 

I guess you could also count Betty in there too, but they don't really do much together that episode.

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Ok, Before we let this thread die I just wanna say one more thing. Let me clarify something. I really should've said this sooner but wasn't thinking straight at the time. I want everyone to know that I did NOT intentionally mean to insult any fans of Adventure Time. It may have seemed like I did but I honestly did not. I only meant to insult the show.

EDIT: *Sigh* This is just my luck...I bet nobody is even gonna see this...

Edited by Asbel Lhant

The White Shinigami

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I seriously don't get it. Why do so many people like Adventure Time? The show doesn't have a storyline, everything happens at random, it's poorly animated, badly written, farfetched, and just completely retarded in every sense of the word...So why does everybody like the show?


Heck I even heard that the creator of the show said that it was meant to be stupid...(Which it is. It is very stupid.) So why is it so popular?


Honestly this show is just stupid and nothing but stupid...It literally feels like it was made completely and only for idiots...(No offense to any Adventure Time fans) But seriously I think that this show is just retarded...


What happened to all the good cartoons like Dexter's Laboratory, Ed Edd n Eddy, Samurai Jack, Johnny Bravo, Courage The Cowardly Dog, and The Powerpuff Girls etc? And well other shows in general that seem to have a solid plot and motivating story? Is it just because I was born in 1989 that I don't like this show?


Probably much similar worlds that are in Super Mario World  a magical place in your heart and the reason why Adventure Time is popular is maybe the fact of the same Comedian Parody actor who voiced Cheese Sandwich will give  you clue why it's so Popular everypony just like a muffin loving pony is still awesome or course I'm talking about DDDDerpy Hoooves!

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